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APPLICATION FOR SANITATION PERMIT l <br /> 0 ( Duplicate) <br /> Application is hereby made to the San Joaquin Local Health District fora ermit to construct and install the work herein described. <br /> This application is compliance with County Ordinance No. 549. <br /> JOB ADDRESS AND LOTION--•--�- rr,------ - --- ----------- ----------------------------------•---•------------------- <br /> Owner's Name------ -- - ----- --- ---- -- ---------- --- -------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Phone------------------------------------ <br /> Address_....__..... { <br /> d-- ___ -- -- ----- -- - -----------------------------------------------•,----------•--------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> Contractor's Name-------_----_- ------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Phone----------------------------------- <br /> I Installation will serve: Resi ce Apartment House ❑ Commercial ❑• Trailer Court ❑ Mote[ ❑ Other [-I <br /> Number of living units: Number of bedrooms a Number of baths Lot size-----_!�0d------ <br /> ................ <br /> Water Supply: Public system Community system ❑ Private [] <br /> Character of soil to a depth of 3 feet: Sand ❑ Grave[ L]- Sandy Loam ❑ ,Clay Loam E]'-.':Clay ❑ Adob Hardpan ❑ v <br /> TYPE OF INSTALLATION AND SPECIFICATIONS: NJ <br /> (No septic tank or cesspool permitted if public sewer is available within 200 feet.) <br /> Septic T nk: Distance from nearest well-----------------.Distance from foundation--------------------Material------------------------------------------------- <br /> No. of compartments-----------------------------Capacity-----------------------Size----------------------_-----..Liquid depth------------------------- <br />' Cesspool: Distance from nearest well-----------------Distance from foundation--------------------Lining material_________-_-_________________________ <br /> ❑ Size: Diameter--------------------------------------Depth----•--------------------------------------------- <br /> Privy: Distance from nearest well-------------------------------------------------Distance from nearest building--____-_----__--__-------_-_.---__--____-. <br /> ❑ Distance to nearest lot line________________________________________________ <br /> Seepage Pit: Distance to nearest well----------------------Distance from foundation--------------------Distance to nearest lot line__.._____________ <br /> ❑ Number of pits-----_----------------Lining material----------------_------Size: Diameter-----------------------.Depth---------__.-----------_.J--- <br /> i <br /> Dispos Field: Distance from nearest well__ ___ _______Distance from foundation _ --------Distance to nearest lot line_. _ <br /> a <br /> Number of lines____________ ____ -_ Length of each line___.. __ Width of trench___. <br /> Type,of filter material__ _. f Depth of filter mater:a� I___ �� } <br /> �i-- <br /> Remod' ing and/or repairing {des ribe):____--___ ________________ „r� r_ <br /> - - ---------------- - ---------------------- <br /> --------- ------ - -- -- ------------------ --------- - <br /> ------------------------=-`-------- ---------- --------------- <br /> -------------•----- -----------•---------------------------------------------•------------------------------ <br /> I hereby certify tha have prepared this application and that the work will be done in accordance with San Joaquin County <br /> ordinances, Stat ws, an rul and regulations of the San Joa uin Local Health District. <br /> I <br /> (Signed)------- --- - -- - -- {- -------------------- ---- --------- ------------------------------------------(Owner and/or Contractor) <br /> BY: = ------- --------- (Title) ---------------- <br /> (Plot plans, showing si lot, loc ion o s stem in relation to wel s, buildings, etc., must be filed with this application). <br /> FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY <br /> APPLICATION ACCEPTED BY------------ E <br /> --------------------------------------------------- DAT ---- �- - <br /> REVIEWED BY------------------------------------------------------------- DATE <br /> ---------------------------------- <br /> BUILDINGPERMIT ISSUED-----------------------------------------------'--------------------------------------------------- DATE------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> Alterationsand/or recommendations----------------------------------------------------------------=--------------------------------•-----------------•------------------------------------- <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <br /> s <br /> --------------------------------------------------------- _ --------------- <br /> .-..____--__________________________________._.___________________ A__,R_---------------------------- <br /> PERMIT No ---- ---7 <br /> ------- ISSUED-----__-- ------_----- ----.5 Date FINAL INSPECTION BY:------------------------ __---------------------------------- <br /> Date----------------- <br /> � .r <br /> SAN JOAQUIN LOCAL HEALTH DISTRICT <br /> s! 130 South American Street <br /> Stockton, California <br /> ES-9-21A 9-50 W-1639 <br />