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CERS Consolidated Emergency Response / Contingency Plan — Page 4 of 4 <br />Rev. 06/27/11 <br />H. EARTHQUAKE VULNERABILITY <br />Identify areas of the facility that are vulnerable to hazardous materials releases / spills due to earthquake -related motion. These areas require immediate isolation and <br />inspection. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Identify mechanicals stems vulnerable to releases / spills due to earthquake -related motion. Theses stems require immediate isolation and inspection. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />I. EMPLOYEE TRAINING <br />Explanation of Requirement: Employee training is required for all employees handling hazardous materials and hazardous wastes in day-to-day or clean-up operations <br />including volunteers and/or contractors. Training must be: <br />• Provided within 6 months for new hires; <br />• Amended as necessary prior to change in process or work assignment; <br />• Given upon modification to the Emergency Response / Contingency Plan, and updated/refreshed annually for all employees. <br />Required content includes all of the following: <br />• Material Safety Data Sheets; • Communication and alarm systems; <br />• Hazard communication related to health and safely; • Personal protective equipment; <br />• Methods for safe handling of hazardous substances; • Use of emergency response equipment (e.g. Fire extinguishers, respirators, <br />• Fire hazards of materials/processes; etc.); <br />• Conditions likely to worsen emergencies; • Decontamination procedures; <br />• Coordination of emergency response; • Evacuation procedures; <br />• Notification procedures; • Control and containment procedures; <br />• Applicable laws and regulations; • UST monitoring system equipment and procedures (if applicable). <br />INDICATE HOW EMPLOYEE TRAINING PROGRAM IS ADMINISTERED (Check all that apply) II� <br />❑ I. FORMAL CLASSROOM; ❑ 2. VIDEOS; ❑ 3. SAFETY/ TAILGATE MEETINGS; <br />❑ 4. STUDY GUIDES / MANUALS (Specify): r. <br />❑X 5. OTHER (Specify): Environmental Works provides annual Hazardous Waste Training ir' <br />❑ 6. NOT APPLICABLE BECAUSE FACILITY HAS NO EMPLOYEES <br />Large Quantity Generator (LQG) Training Records: Large quantity hazardous waste generators (i.e, who generate more than 270 gallons/1,000 kilograms of <br />hazardous waste per month) must retain written documentation of employee hazardous waste management training sessions which includes: <br />• A written outline/agenda of the type and amount of both introductory and continuing training that will be given to persons filling each job position having <br />responsibility for the management of hazardous waste (e.g., labeling, manifesting, compliance with accumulation time limits, etc.). <br />• The name,job title, and date of training for each hazardous waste management training session given to an employee filling such ajob position; and <br />• A written job description for each of the above job positions that describes job duties and the skills, education, or other qualifications required of personnel assigned <br />to the position. <br />• Current employee training records must be retained until closure of the facility. <br />• Former employee training records must be retained at least three years after termination of employment. <br />J. LIST OF ATTACHMENTS <br />(Check one of the following) it <br />❑ 1. NO ATTACHMENTS ARE REQUIRED; or <br />Z 2. THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS ARE ATTACHED: u. <br />See facility site map. <br />K. SIGNATURE/ CERTIFICATION <br />Certification: Based on my inquiry of those individuals responsible for obtaining the information, I certify under penalty of law that 1 have personally examined and <br />am familiar with the information submitted and belier the information is true, accurate, and complete, and that a copy is available on site. <br />SiG1�tA('URE OF OWN OPE TOR <br />DATE SIGNED Kt <br />8/15/2018 <br />NAME OF SIGNER (print) Kz <br />TITLE OF SIGNER K3� <br />Dan Hoy <br />Director of Facilities <br />