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Aug 10 17, 10:17a katicich ranch <br />2099316410 p.2 <br />State cf California — California Environmental Protection Agency <br />Department of Toxic Substances Control <br />Hazardous waste Management Program, P.D. Box 806 <br />Sacramento CA 95812-0806 <br />✓em 6: Enter the legal name of the site/facility/business. Also include a DBA (Doing Business As) <br />or fictitious business name, if you have one. <br />Hem 7: Enter the siteibusiness location address, including county name. The address must be a <br />physical address; street number and street name. If there is no street number and street name, <br />latitude and longitude or Assessors Parcel Number (APN) may be used. Post Office boxes or <br />descriptive addresses are not acceptable as a site location. Please do not abbreviate. <br />Item 8: (a) Provide the business's Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) (required). An <br />FEIN, also known as a Federal Tax Identification Number, is used to identify a business entity. Go <br />tohh»tto://www ir$.dov/businessesfsmall/article/0 id=98350 00 htmi for additional information or call <br />(800) 829-4933. An FEIN is usually written 00-00000000. <br />(b) If the business has a Board of Equalization (BOE) fee account number, also known as a <br />hazardous waste generator fee account number, please provide it. If the business does not have a <br />fee account number leave this space blank. A BOE hazardous waste generator fee account <br />number is only required if the business generates or produces five or more tons of hazardous <br />waste per calendar year, regardless of the final disposition of the waste. If you meet these criteria <br />and do not have a number, please go to eReg which Is available on BOE's website at <br />http://vrww.bos ca g�Lv/eIecsrv/esrvcont.htm. <br />Item 9: Provide the sitelbusiness mailing address. The mailing address may be different from the <br />e/ location address. <br />Item 10: Enter the site contact person's name, address, phone & fax numbers and email address. <br />Item 11: Enter the legal business owner's information. Use a company name If the business is a <br />prporation or provide the owner's name if the business is a sole proprietorship. Do not list the <br />/property owner or a management company, if they are not the entity generating the hazardous <br />waste. Please provide the owner's address, and phone and fax numbers. <br />Item 12: Enter the 4 -digit Standard Industrial Classification Code (SIC). The SIC Code is a four - <br />digit number that best describes your company's primary business activity. If you do not know your <br />company's SIC Code, go to the Internet at nttl2://wvAv osha cicv/oslistats/sicser html to search for <br />the Code. <br />Item 13: Signature of owner, officer or employee of business shown on line 6 of the application <br />certifying that the information is accurate and complete. Fill in the date, name, title and phone <br />number. <br />Common SIC Codes <br />3599 - Machine Shop 5541 - Gas 5tation <br />5511 - Car Dealer 7532 -Auto Body Shop <br />7538 - Auto Repair (general) 7623 - Refrger. & Air Conditioning Repair <br />8021 - Dental Office 7212 - Dry Cleaner <br />Additional Information about the Application Process <br />It will take up to 15 business days to process your application depending on volume of applications <br />received by DTSC per month. There is no fee to obtain a State ID Number. Please keep a copy of <br />your application for your records. DTSC will not provide a copy of your completeo application. The <br />processing time is the same for all submittals. If we have questions about your application, we will <br />Instructions for DTSC Forth 1358 (1/17) Page 3 of 4 <br />AUG 10 'LOt/ <br />ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH <br />DEPARTMENT <br />