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San Joaquin County <br />Environmental Health Department <br />1868 East Hazelton Avenue , Stockton , California 95205-6232 <br />Telephone: (209) 468-3420 Fax: (209) 468-3433 Web: <br />Hazardous Materials Program Inspection Report <br />Facility Name: I Facility Address: I Date: <br />Wilmar Oils & Fats (Stockton) LLC 2008 P ORT ROAD , St ockton December 20, 2016 <br />SUMMARY OF VIOLATIONS <br />(CLASS I, CLASS II , or MINOR· Notice to Comply) <br />Item# Remarks <br />5 HSC 25506(a) Failed to complete and/or submit hazardous materials inventory for all reportable materials on site. <br />Reportable amounts of hydrogen , diesel, gasoline, Ultron 8186, Quick Klean , Nalco 8338 , compressed oxygen, <br />acetylene , lab waste, waste oil and citric acid were found on site that have not been reported . Any material that <br />meets or exceeds the reportable quantity shall be reported in the facility's business plan. Immediately log into the <br />California Environmental Reporting System (CERS) at http://ce rs .calepa .ca .gov/, add the materials to the hazardous <br />material inventory, and submit to the EHD for approval. <br />This is a Class II violation. <br />6 HSC 25505(a)(2) Failed to complete and/or submit a site map with all required content. <br />The site maps do not show the evacuation assembly area(s) and all of the reportable hazardous materials <br />storage/handling areas. A site map shall contain a north orientation , loading a reas , internal roads , adjacent streets, <br />storm and sew er drains, access and exit points , emergency shutoffs, evacuation staging areas, hazardous material <br />handling and storage areas , and emergency response equipment. Immediately log into the California <br />Environmental Reporting System (CERS) at http://cers.calepa .ca .gov/, upload the correct or updated information, <br />and submit to the EHD for approval. <br />This is a Class II violation. <br />7 HSC 25505(a)(3) Failed to establish and/or submit emergency response procedures fo r a release or threatened <br />release . <br />The emergency response procedures have not been s ubmitted for 2016. A business plan shall include the following <br />emergency response procedures for a release or threatened release of haza rdous materials, including , but not <br />limited to , the follow ing: <br />-immediate notification of local emergency personnel and the Envi ronmental Health Department (EHD) <br />-procedures for the mitigation of a release or threatened release to minimize any potential harm or damage to <br />persons , property, or the environment <br />-evacuation plans and procedures, including immediate notice, for the site <br />Immediately log into the California Environmental Reporting System (CERS) at http ://cers.calepa .ca .gov/, upload the <br />correct or updated information , and submit to the EHD for approval. <br />Thi s is a Class II violation. <br />11 HSC 25505(a)(4) Failed to provide or document initial and/or refresher training to appropriate personnel. <br />Employee training records were not available at the time of inspection. The business plan shall include provisions <br />for ensuring that appropriate personnel receive initial and annual refresher training . This training shall be <br />documented electronically or by hard copy and shall be made available for a minimum o f three years . Immediately <br />provide employee training for appropriate personnel and submit a copy of the training records to the EHD. <br />This is a Class II violation. <br />Overall Inspecti on Comments: <br />Complete and submit a copy of the Return to Compliance Certification form to the EHD with a statement <br />documenting the corrective actions that have been or will be taken for each violation, and any supporting <br />paperwork, within 30 days of receiving the completed inspection report. <br />FA 002 18 1 3 PR0537817 SC001 12 /20 /2016 <br />EHD 19-01 Rev. 09/22/16 Page 2 of3 Hazardou s M ate rials Program OIR