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RECEEIVED <br />JUL U ? 2616 <br />ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH <br />PERMIT/SERVICES <br />COUNTY OF SAN JOAQUIN <br />Environmental Health Department <br />1868 E Hazelton Avenue <br />Stockton, California 95205 <br />Telephone (209) 468-3420 <br />FAX (209) 468-3433 <br />Website: <br />HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE SURVEY <br />Please read the information on the reverse side before completing this survey form. A separate survey for each business name <br />and/or address in San Joaquin County is required. <br />Business Name: Pantoja Auto Repair Shop <br />Business Owner(s) Name: Jose Pantoja <br />Business Address: 3011 S. EI Dorado St. <br />Mailing Address (if different from above): <br />Nature of Business: Automobile <br />Telephone: 209-351-2228 <br />Fire District: <br />Q1. ❑Yes 0 No Does your business handle a hazardous material in any quantity at any one time in the year. See the <br />definition of hazardous material on the back of this form. If your answer is "No," go to Question 4. <br />Q2. DYes 0 No Does your business handle a hazardous material, or a mixture containing a hazardous material in a quantity <br />equal to or greater than 55 gallons, 500 pounds, or 200c any one time in the year? <br />If "Yes," how long have you handled these materials at your business?. <br />If "Yes," check any of the following conditions that apply to your business. <br />DA. The hazardous materials handled by this business is contained solely in a consumer product, packaged for <br />direct distribution to, and use by, the general public. <br />❑B. This business is a health care facility (doctor, dentist, veterinary, etc.) and uses only medical gases. <br />❑C. This business operates a farm for purposes of cultivating the soil, raising, or harvesting an agricultural or <br />horticultural commodity. <br />Q3. OYes IJNo Does your business handle an acutely hazardous material? See definition on reverse side of this form. <br />Q4. ®Yes ❑No Is your business within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school (grades K-12)? <br />I have read the information on this form and understand my requirements under Chapter 6.95 of the California Health and Safety <br />Code. I understand that if I own a facility or property that is used by tenants, that it is my responsibility to notify the tenants of the <br />requirements which must be met prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or beginning of operations. I declare under the <br />penalty of perjury that the information provided on this disclosure survey is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. <br />Owner or Authorized Agent: <br />X Gerardo Espinosa <br />Print Name <br />Signature <br />4-26-16 <br />Project Manager <br />F:\Application Forms & HandoulsOuilding Application Checklists\Check List Commercial Building Permil.doc (Revised 01/08/2016) 3 of 4 <br />