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Environmental Health Department <br />Aboveground Petroleum Storage Act Inspection Report <br />Date: <br />October 09, 2018 <br /> Facility Address: <br /> 1444 EL PINAL DR, STOCKTON <br /> Facility Name: <br /> COVEY AUTO EXPRESS <br />Qualified Facility - Tier II <br /> 501 □ V □ R □ COSTier II Qualified Facility Plan not certified by the owner or a PE, as requiredCFR 112.6(a)(1), <br />112.6(b) <br /> 502 □ V □ R □ COSTier II Qualified Facility Plan technical amendment not certified by the owner or a PECFR 112.6(b)(2) <br /> 503 □ V □ R □ COSFailure to have a PE certify in writing alternative measures for a Tier II Qualified FacilityCFR 112.6(b)(3), <br />112.6(b)(4) <br /> 504 □ V □ R □ COSFailure of owner to assure that a PE makes all required attestations in a Tier II PlanCFR 112.6(b)(4)(i) <br />General Requirements for SPCC Plans <br /> 601 □ V □ R □ COSFailure of Plan to fulfill basic requirements including a cross-referencing sectionCFR 112.7 <br /> 602 □ V □ R □ COSPlan failed to discuss equivalent environmental protection, if applicableCFR 112.7(a)(2) <br /> 603 ■ V □ R □ COSFailed to adequately describe the physical layout of the facility in the PlanCFR 112.7(a)(3) <br /> 604 □ V □ R □ COSPlan failed to include oil type and storage capacity for each containerCFR 112.7(a)(3)(i) <br /> 605 □ V □ R □ COSPlan failed to adequately discuss discharge prevention measures, including routine handlingCFR 112.7(a)(3)(ii) <br /> 606 □ V □ R □ COSPlan failed to adequately discuss facility drainage or drainage controlsCFR 112.7(a)(3)(iii) <br /> 607 □ V □ R □ COSPlan failed to include countermeasures for discharge discovery, response and cleanupCFR 112.7(a)(3)(iv) <br /> 608 □ V □ R □ COSPlan failed to address disposal methods for recovered materialsCFR 112.7(a)(3)(v) <br /> 609 □ V □ R □ COSPlan failed to adequately contain procedures for reporting a dischargeCFR 112.7(a)(3vi), <br />112.7(a4) <br /> 610 □ V □ R □ COSDischarge procedures are not adequately addressed if the facility has no response planCFR 112.7(a)(5) <br /> 611 □ V □ R □ COSPlan failed to include a description of potential equipment failure or provide equivalenceCFR 112.7(b) <br /> 612 □ V □ R □ COSPlan failed to include secondary containment, diversionary structures, or equip to prevent dischargeCFR 112.7(c) <br /> 613 □ V □ R □ COSFailure to provide appropriate secondary containment, diversionary structures or equipmentCFR 112.7(c) <br /> 614 □ V □ R □ COSPE certified Plan failed to explain impracticability of containment/diversionary structuresCFR 112.7(d) <br /> 615 □ V □ R □ COSFailure to perform integrity and leak testing when claiming secondary containment impracticabilityCFR 112.7(d) <br /> 616 □ V □ R □ COSFailure to prepare an oil spill contingency plan when claiming impracticability of structuresCFR 112.7(d)(1) <br /> 617 □ V □ R □ COSNo written commitment of manpower, equipment, and materials to control and remove oil dischargeCFR 112.7(d)(2) <br /> 618 □ V □ R □ COSFailed to keep records of procedures, inspections, or integrity tests for three yearsCFR 112.7(e), 112.8(c) <br />(6) <br /> 619 □ V □ R □ COSFailed to train personnel on all discharge prevention details listed in this sectionCFR 112.7(f)(1) <br /> 620 □ V □ R □ COSFailed to designate a person accountable for discharge preventionCFR 112.7(f)(2) <br /> 621 □ V □ R □ COSFailure to include in the SPCC Plan an adequate description of employee trainingCFR 112.7(f)(1) <br /> 622 □ V □ R □ COSFailure to conduct complete annual discharge prevention briefings for oil-handling personnelCFR 112.7(f)(3) <br /> 623 □ V □ R □ COSPlan failed to address security of site and valves, lock out/tag out, and lightingCFR 112.7(g) <br /> 624 □ V □ R □ COSFacility failed to implement security of site and valves, lock out/tag out, and lightingCFR 112.7(g) <br /> 625 □ V □ R □ COSPlan failed to adequately discuss facility tank car and tank truck loading/unloading rackCFR 112.7(h) <br /> 626 □ V □ R □ COSLoading/unloading rack containment system not adequate to contain spillCFR 112.7(h)(1) <br /> 627 □ V □ R □ COSFailed to provide vehicular departure system for loading and unloading racksCFR 112.7(h)(2) <br />Page 2 of 5 <br />FA0016178 PR0535126 SC001 10/09/2018 <br />EHD 28-01 Rev. 09/27/2018 Aboveground Petroleum Storage Act OIR <br />1868 E. Hazelton Avenue | Stockton, California 95205 | T 209 468-3420 | F 209 464-0138 |