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S J C O G, Inc. <br />555 East Weber Avenue • Stockmn. CA 95202 • (209) 235-0600 • FAX (209) 235 -KM <br />San Joaquin County Multi -Species Habitat Conservation & Open Space Plan (SJMSCP) <br />SJMSCP RESPONSE TO LOCAL JURISDICTION (RTLJ) <br />ADVISORY AGENCY NOTICE TO SJCOG, Inc. <br />To: Aliso Goulart San Jo County, Community Development Department <br />From: Laurel Boyd, SJCOG, Inc. <br />Date: October 21, 2016 <br />Local Jurisdiction Project Title: PA-1600240(SA� <br />Assessor Parcel Number(s): 212-160-10 <br />Local Jurisdiction Project Number: PA -1600240 (SA) <br />Total Acres to be converted from Open Space Use: Unknown <br />Habitat Types to be Disturbed: Natural and Urban Habitat Land <br />Species Impact Findings: Findings to be determined by SJMSCP biologist. <br />Dear Ms. Goulart: <br />SJCOG, Inc. has reviewed the application referral for PA -1600240 (SA). This project consists of a Site Approval pre - <br />application for an agricultural waste processing facility for resale. The process includes screening, shredding, storing, <br />stockpiling, composting, and selling of by products from plant crops and organic materials and includes the construction of <br />a 160 square foot office. The project site is located on the northeast comer of Arbor Road and Holly Road, Tracy <br />(APN/Address: 212-160-10; 20500 S. Holly Road, Tracy). <br />San Joaquin County is a signatory to San Joaquin County Multi -Species Habitat Conservation and Open Space Plan <br />(SJMSCP). Participation in the SJMSCP satisfies requirements of both the state and federal endangered species acts, <br />and ensures that the impacts are mitigated below a level of significance in compliance with the California Environmental <br />Quality Act (CEQA). The LOCAL JURISDICTION retains responsibility for ensuring that the appropriate Incidental Take <br />Minimization Measure are properly implemented and monitored and that appropriate fees are paid in compliance with the <br />SJMSCP. Although participation in the SJMSCP is voluntary, Local Jurisdiction/Lead Agencies should be aware that if <br />project applicants choose against participating in the SJMSCP, they will be required to provide alternative mitigation in an <br />amount and kind equal to that provided in the SJMSCP. <br />This project is subject to the SJMSCP and is located within the unmapped land use area. Per requirements of the <br />SJMSCP, unmapped projects are subject to case-by-case review. This can be a 90 day process and it is recommended <br />that the project applicant contact SJMSCP staff as early as possible. It is also recommended that the project applicant <br />obtain an information package. <br />After this project is approved by the Habitat Technical Advisory Committee and the SJCOG Inc. Board, the following <br />process must occur to participate in the SJMSCP: <br />• Schedule a SJMSCP Biologist to perform a pre -construction survey prior to any ground disturbance <br />• SJMSCP Incidental take Minimization Measures and mitigation requirement: <br />1. Incidental Take Minimization Measures (rfM &) will be issued to the project and must be signed by the project applicant prior to any <br />ground disturbance but no later than six (6) months from receipt of the rfNIMs. if MvM we not signed within six months, the applicant <br />_ - must reapply for SJMSCP coverage. Upon receipt of signed rrNM from project applicant, SJCOG, Inc. staff will sign the I1MMs. This <br />is the effective date of die ITMMs. <br />2. Under no circumstance shall ground disturbance occur without compliance and satisfaction of the rrNm. <br />3. Upon issuance of fully executed rrMMs and prior to any ground disturbance, the project applicant must <br />a Post a bond for payment of the applicable SJMSCP fee covering the entirety of the project acreage being covered (the bond <br />should be valid for no longer than a 6 month period); or <br />b. Pay the appropriate SJMSCP fee for the entirety of the project acreage being covered; or <br />C. Dedicate land in -lieu of fees, either as conservation easements or fee title; or <br />d. Purchase approved mitigation bank credits. <br />4. Within 6 months from the effective data of the rrX Ms or issuance of a building permit, whichever occurs first, the project applicant must <br />a Pay the appropriate SJMSCP for the entirety of the project acreage being covered; or <br />