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INFORMATION SHEET <br />WEST LANE MOBILE HOME PARK <br />AND JOE PASSALACQUA <br />SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY <br />West Lane Mobile Home Park discharges an average of 16,000 gallons per day (gpd) <br />of domestic wastewater from 80 mobile home spaces to a 18,000 gpd sewage <br />treatment system. The treatment system consists of a package extended aeration <br />treatment plant, two 2 -foot polishing ponds (divided into three sections each), <br />and twelve 25 -foot deep seepage pits. Effluent is discharge to a set of four <br />seepage pits for thirty days, then effluent is discharge to the other two sets <br />of seepage pits for thirty days each. There are fifteen other seepage pits, <br />adjacent to the treatment plant, that could be used in an emergency after the <br />pits are dried and repaired. <br />The Report of Waste Discharge, dated 25 May 1989, states that the twelve 36 <br />inches diameter x 25 -feet deep seepage pits are at least 12 feet apart and the <br />depth to water is 52 feet. Percolation test results given in the Report indicate <br />that these 12 seepage pits have the capacity to dispose of the Discharger's <br />wastewater and the seepage pits are in compliance with San Joaquin County Sewage <br />Disposal Regulations. <br />For the past ten years, depth to ground water has been 50 feet or greater, except <br />in 1987, when it was a minimum of 43 feet. This is based on readings from an <br />abandoned 240 -foot well belonging to San Joaquin County 127 feet west of Ham Lane <br />near West lane. <br />West Lane receives its water supply from a onsite well 600 feet to the northwest <br />of the seepage pits. The closest offsite water supply is over 600 feet to the <br />southwest of the seepage pits. Both of the wells are over 200 feet deep and are <br />sampled monthly to insure the well water meets Drinking Water Standards. <br />These requirements are required because Order No. 75-20 (NPDES No. CAO080101) <br />has expired and is no longer applicable to West Lane's discharge to land. A <br />major concern is insuring that there is a minimum ten foot separation between <br />the bottom of the seepage pits and first ground water. Therefore, West Lane will <br />be required to report the water table elevation in their water supply well every <br />quarter as part of their water supply monitoring program. <br />RAE <br />