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COUNTY OF SAN JOAQUIN <br />OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES <br />2101 E. EARHART AVE., SUITE 300 <br />STOCKTON, CALIFORNIA 95206 <br />TELEPHONE (209) 953-6200 <br />FAX (209) 953-6268 <br />September 29, 2008 <br />ATTN: EH&S -JESSICA NIELSEN <br />AT&T -WEST 11TH ST <br />3851 N FREEWAY BLVD <br />SACRAMENTO, CA 95834 <br />Account #: 13803 <br />SUBJECT: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS PROGRAM COMPLIANCE INSTRUCTIONS <br />FOR 955 CROSSROADS DR TRACY <br />This letter contains instructions for complying with the Hazardous Materials Management Plan (HMMP) <br />requirements of the San Joaquin County Hazardous Materials Program. This program is mandated by <br />Chapter 6.95, Division 20, Section 25500 et seq. of the California Health and Safety Code. Compliance <br />with this program also meets the requirements of Title III, Sections 311 and 312, of the Federal <br />Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA). <br />The best method for complying is through our HMMP Compliance website at " " <br />This website contains program instructions and allows you to complete all required forms on-line except <br />for the facility map. The website does contain map forms and a sample map that can be downloaded. <br />You can also obtain copies of all completed forms through the website. The website username and <br />password for the facility shown above are as follows and should be kept confidential: <br /> <br />The website will also require you to enter an email address. If you are unable to access the Internet, <br />please contact our office for hard copy packets of the instructions and required forms. <br />You are required to retain a current and accurate copy of your Hazardous Materials Management Plan at <br />your facility. These documents must be readily available and accessible to employees. Authorities may <br />request to see your copies during inspections. <br />If you have any questions concerning these requirements or problems with the website, please contact <br />our office at (209) 953-6200. Your HMMP is due October 29, 2008 Your response is required by <br />law. Failure to respond may result in penalties. <br />SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES <br />8/08 <br />