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�. �,E•t .o SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY <br />ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT <br />600 East Main Street, Stockton, CA 95202-3029 <br />Telephone: (209) 468-3420 Fax: (209) 468-3433 Web: <br />.,.4C i F p•`ii�. ,. <br />OFFICIAL INSPECTION REPORT <br />FACILITY NAME/TYPE' San Joaquin Delta College <br />DATE: Jan 11, 2011 <br />ADDRESS: 5151 Pacific Ave <br />CITY: Stockton <br />ZIP CODE: 95207 <br />OWNER/OPERATOR: Stacy Pinola <br />TELEPHONE #: 9554-5835 <br />TYPE OF INSPECTION: ❑ COMPLAINT ❑ CONSULTATION Q OTHER <br />PROGRAM 2831 <br />ELEMENT: <br />RECORD PR0516609 <br />ID#: <br />NATURE OF COMPLAINT/CONSULTATION: <br />Routine Aboveground Petroleum Storage Act (APSA) inspection. <br />OBSERVATIONS/COMMENTS: <br />Facility has the following above ground petroleum storage: 1000, 500, 500, 500 gallon diesel tanks, <br />1000 gallon gasoline tank, five 55 -gallon containers of oil and five 55 -gallon containers of used oil. <br />The facility has a SPCC plan certified by a PE on December 6, 2001, more than five years ago. <br />CORRECTIVE ACTIONS: <br />Pursuant to Code of Federal Regulations section 112.5(b), review and evaluate the SPCC plan at <br />least once every five years. Update the plan to include all changes. <br />Complete and submit a copy of the Return to Compliance Certification form with a statement of how <br />the above violation was corrected, including supporting documentation, by February 20, 2011. <br />CORRECT BY: Sunday, February 20, 2011 <br />INSPECTED BY: <br />RECEIVED R : _ <br />DATE: <br />EHD 48-05 Rev. 08/10/10 INSPECTION REPORT <br />