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ABOVEGROUND PETROLEUM STORAGE TANK PROGRAM <br /> STORAGE TANKS AND FACILITIES EXEMPT FROM THE STATE SPCC REQUIREMENT <br /> The Aboveground Petroleum Storage Act (APSA), Health and Safety Code (H&SC), Section 25270.2(k), defines <br /> "storage tank" as any aboveground tank or container used for the storage of petroleum. "Storage tank" does not <br /> include any of the following: <br /> ❑ (1) A pressure vessel or boiler which is subject to Part 6 of Division 5 of the Labor Code. <br /> ❑ (2) A storage tank containing hazardous waste, as defined in subdivision (g) of Section 25316, if the person <br /> owning or operating the storage tank has been issued a hazardous waste facilities permit for the storage <br /> tank by the Department of Toxic Substances Control. <br /> ❑ (3) An aboveground oil production tank which is subject to Section 3106 of the Public Resources Code <br /> (Division of Oil and Gas). <br /> ❑ (4) Oil-filled electrical equipment, including, but not limited to, transformers, circuit breakers, or capacitors, if <br /> the oil-filled electrical equipment meets either of the following conditions: <br /> (A) The equipment contains less than 10,000 gallons of dielectric fluid, or <br /> (B) The equipment contains 10,000 gallons or more of dielectric fluid with PCB levels less than 50 ppm. <br /> The appropriate containment or diversionary structures or equipment are employed to prevent <br /> discharged oil from reaching a navigable water course, and the electrical equipment is visually <br /> inspected in accordance with the usual routine maintenance procedures of the owner or operator. <br /> if you checked any one of the four boxes above, then the facility is not subject to the state APSA <br /> registration, fee or SPCC plan requirements. <br /> Additionally, H&SC Section 25270.5(d)specifically does not require an SPCC plan for the following facilities: <br /> ❑ Farms, nurseries, and logging or construction sites, which do not have a single tank exceeding 20,000 gallons <br /> and which have a cumulative storage capacity no greater than 100,000 gallons. <br /> However, these facilities are still required to pay a fee and register their tank(s)with the <br /> State Water Resources Control Board. <br /> Comment: <br /> r <br /> t <br /> res <br />