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WORKPLAN FOR WELL ABANDONMENT ACTIVITIES AT PG&E'S <br />MCMULLIN DEHYDRATOR STATION <br />MONITORING WELL AND PIEZOMETER ABANDONMENT PROCEDURES <br />The abandonment procedure for both monitoring wells and piezometers is as follows: <br />1) destroy the well box or monument and concrete base or other surface well finish using <br />appropriate hand tools and/or powered equipment <br />2) overdrill the borehole, to the maximum depth, with a hollow -stem auger drilling rig, <br />using augers of similar diameter to that which were used to install the well <br />3) tremie grout the overdrilled borehole from the bottom of the well up to six -feet below <br />ground sufrace <br />4) backfill the top six -feet with native soil <br />WASTE DISPOSAL PLAN <br />The material brought to the surface during the overdrilling will essentially comprise gravel <br />filter pack, PVC and/or concrete debris, and some native soil. All of this material is non- <br />hazardous demolition waste and will be stored onsite on plastic sheeting until collection <br />for disposal to an appropriate landfill facility. <br />PERSONNEL AND PROCEDURES <br />Environmental work described in the workplan will be performed under the direction of a <br />California Registered Geologist, Certified Engineering Geologist or Hydrogeologist, or <br />Professional Engineer (herein referred to as Licensed Professional). <br />HEALTH AND SAFETY PLANS (HSP) <br />A Health and Safety Plan will be required and followed for all personnel working on site. <br />CH2M HILL has developed a site-specific HSP for PG&E's McMullin facility, which is <br />available for review upon request. The necessary personal protective equipment (PPE) and <br />environmental monitoring equipment will be used as specified in the HSP. <br />