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0 0 <br />San Joaquin County <br />Environmental Health Department <br />From: Jennifer R. Botelho]<mailto:fmailto:irodgers@engeo.coml> <br />Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2014 11:53 AM <br />To: John Yoakum [EH] <br />Subject: Mountain House Well Destruction <br />Hi Johnny, <br />I have attached the requested documentation for the Well destruction permit. Please let me know if you have any <br />questions or need additional information. We are tentatively scheduled to drill Wednesday April 16 8AM. <br />Thank You, <br />Jennifer R. Botelho, CEG <br />Project Geologist <br />[Description: cid:image001.gif@010E1595.3BOAFF901 <br />580 N. Wilma, Suite A <br />Ripon, California 94583 <br />(209)835-0610 Phone <br />(925) 395-2576 Direct <br />(888)279-2698 Fax <br /><> <br />****+s**•r*x�**w****+«a*****t***ww***+*****ss******r*sea********♦s*s**r*****r**+**ax+************* <br />Due to the potential that information exchanged by electronic media can deteriorate, be damaged, lost or modified <br />unintentionally or otherwise, use of this electronic data by anyone other than ENGEO Incorporated shall be at the sole <br />risk of such user and without liability or legal exposure to ENGEO Incorporated. The recipient is responsible for verifying <br />the accuracy of data against governing hard copy documentation. Recipient assumes all risks in the changing or <br />modification of data and revisions or updating of hard copy documents. <br /><image001.gif> <br /><174 Aldrich Place.pdf> <br />