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SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY <br /> ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT <br /> 600 East Main Street, Stockton, California 95202-3029 <br /> Telephone:(209)468-3420 Fax:(209)468-3433 <br /> HAZARDOUS WASTE PROGRAM INSPECTION REPORT <br /> Fac lily Facility y Inspectlon 'l <br /> Name: Address: IV F_ "�!(Ll IP 67.JT C!T Date: v <br /> Feolltty Title- Phone: <br /> Contect. ►'�' C!%11 C' l rawc to da hoz, X— <br /> EPA �{/�(� )'Active U Inactive Inspection Type:,XRoutine ❑Follow up U Complalnt-1130: <br /> iD#: <br /> (Authority HSC 23183) ( pegto !n <br /> Consent for. Inspection r8ampling Ye Photos Granted b : <br /> # VCode SectionVIOLATIONS <br /> HSC-CA Re—eft—h&Safety Code;CCR Code of Regulations;V-Violation:RV=Re5iet a tion <br /> 1 HSC 2t)189.8(s) Disposed or caused disposal of HW at an unauthorized point(Class I Violation) <br /> 2 HSC 25189,5(d)126201(a) Illegally treated a hazardous waste <br /> 3 HSC 26189.5(c) Transported or caused transportation of HW to an unauthorized point[CCR 66263.23(b)] <br /> 4 HSC 25189.6 Illegal storage,disposal,treatment,transportation or handlin®of hazardous waste which causes <br /> unreasonable risk of fire,a Ioston sodaus in u ,or death Class•I Violation <br /> >= 5 HSC 25169.7(a) Burned or Incinerated hazardous waste at an unauthorized facility(Claes 1 Violation) <br /> 6 HSC 26201(a) Illegally stored offsite hazardous waste(Class 1 Vlolation) <br /> 7 CCR 68262.11 Failed to determine H a waste Is a hazardous waste <br /> 8 CCR 56282.12(a) Managed a hazardous waste without an EPA number(unless exempted HSC 26143.13) <br /> 9 HSC 26217.1 Liquid latex paint was disposed of,or attempted to be disposed of,to land or water, <br /> 10 HSC 26250.7(8) Contaminated used oil with other hazardous waste <br /> 11 CCR W255.31 Facility not maintained to minimize the release of a hazardous waste <br /> 12 12 CCR 65265,32(a) Internal communication or alarm system not provided <br /> 13 CCR 66265.32(b) A device capable of calling outside emergency help not provided <br /> 14 CCR 66265.32(c) Spill control equipment,and/or decontamination equipment not provided <br /> 15 ✓ CCR 66285.33 Failed to maintain all communication or alarm systems,spill control,or decon equipment <br /> 18 CCR 66265.34 No immediate access to emergency communication or alarm system during HW handling <br /> 17 CCR 66265.35 Failed to maintain adequate aisle spsoe <br /> 18 NSC 25201(a) Stored hazardous waste on site longer than 90 days without a permit or authorization <br /> Satellite accumulation:(1)(B)Stored HW on site longer than one year,(1)(C)failed to mark Initial date of <br /> 19 CCR 66262,34(e) accumulation;(2)exceeded container limit per waste stream;(3)failed to mark date container was full <br /> within 3 des of reachln thea Ilcable quantity!Imitation <br /> 20 CCR 88262.34(f) Failed to completely label containers or tanks of hazardous waste <br /> 21 HSC 25250,22(b)(1) Failed to label oil filters containing gas/diesel-commingled filters"used oil and gasoline otters° <br /> y <br /> 22 CCR 88266.81(b) Damaged lead said batteries not properly managed and labeled <br /> 23 CCR 86286.130(c) Fee to:(1)Drain of free-flow ng oli,(2)Reclalm metal,(3 lose container wRnitlal data o aocumu at on,Label <br /> "drained used oil filters 4 Store<1 ton/ei year, a Retain blll of lading for flit"for 3 yosra <br /> 24 CCR 86265.17 Felled to manage incompatible waste in containers properly <br /> 25 CCR 66265,171 Failed to remove waste stored In a damaged or leaking container. <br /> 129 <br /> CCR86285.172 Failed to store HW In a container oompatibie with the waste. <br /> CCR 86265.173(a) Failed to keep containers of HW closed except when adding or removing HW <br /> CCR 66265,174 Failed to Inspect HW containers at least weekly <br /> Failed to store Ignitable or reactive waste containers at least 5o feet from the property line <br /> CCR 65261.7(f) An empty HW or Haz Mat contslner(larger than B gallons)was not marked with the date it was emptied <br /> and/or not managed within one year of being emptied <br /> 31 CCR 66285,191 t=ailed to comply with existing HW tank system assessment requirements <br /> W 32 CCR 68265.192 Failed to comply with new IN tank system assessment requirements <br /> 33CCR 66266.193 Failed to provide secondary containment for HW tank <br /> 34 CCR 66265.194 Failed to prevent(a)storage of HW that Is Incompatible with the tank;(b)overfilling HW tank <br /> in� 35 CCR 66266.195(a) Failed to conduct dally Inspections of HW tank <br /> 38 CCR 66265.195(b) Palled to inspect HW tank r�thodio protection system <br /> 37 CCR 66265.196 Failed to Immediate!y remove tank/aecondery containment system that had leaked or spilled <br /> 38 CCR 68285.197 Tank closure,failed to remove/decon all waste and manage them as HW <br /> 3g CCR 68266.198 Failed to menage Ignitable or reactive waste properly <br /> 40 CCR 66265.199 Failed to manage Incompatible wastes In tanks properly <br /> 41 CCR 88288.7(a)(1) Felled to make determination for land disposal <br /> GC 42 CCR 56288,7(x) Fall ed to provide notlflcatlon for LDR waste that:(2)falls treatment standards;(3)meets treatment standards <br /> 9 CCR 86266.7(a)(8) Falled to retaln notificati s,certifications,w ate alysis data,and other roto s required In thls section <br /> 43 on site fors years Title: <br /> IMpra�or. Phone R Iva 1 <br /> rHo 22-0 o4�Re+o�re��a aGe 1 NW INSPECTION REPORT <br /> 8£80£9b50Z d� uoj�:)ojS dlnb3 ajejsunS Wb' £0 6L OI0Z-jdd-l0 <br />