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identified will consist of placing hand -drawn labels on each container or set of containers. <br />These labels do not conform, nor are they intended to conform, with regulations regarding <br />the labeling of chemical containers. <br />Haz Cat field screening results and material safety data sheets (MSDS) found at the <br />site will be used to prepare waste profile descriptions of the chemicals and contaminants <br />present at the site. These profiles will be submitted to the selected recycling or disposal <br />facilities to obtain their acceptance for handling the wastes. <br />Task 3.0 - Removal and Disposal of Chemicals and Contaminants <br />Approximately 40 cubic yards of hazardous solids and debris and approximately 200 <br />gallons of hazardous liquids are currently stored at the site and will require removal and <br />disposal. <br />Liquid chemicals contained in containers which are not labeled will be characterized <br />using the Haz Cat field screening method and laboratory analysis. Information obtained from <br />the Haz Cat field screening and laboratory analysis will be used to determine compatibility of <br />the liquid chemicals present for transportation and disposal. <br />Liquid chemicals that are determined to be compatible will be pumped from containers <br />using a vacuum truck and transported under a Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest for <br />disposal at a proper disposal or recycling facility.. <br />Once the liquid chemicals have been removed from the containers, the containers will <br />be cut up and placed into hazardous waste stickered roll -off bins and transported under <br />Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifests for disposal at a Class I disposal facility. <br />Contaminated solid waste and debris currently stored at the facility will be placed into <br />hazardous waste stickered roll -off bins and transported under a Uniform Hazardous Waste <br />Manifest for disposal at a Class I disposal facility. <br />Task 4.0 - Removal and Disposal and Non -Hazardous Debris <br />Non -hazardous material and debris such as paper, garbage, wood, etc. located <br />throughout the site and not impacted by chemicals or contaminants will be placed into 40 - <br />cubic yard bins for disposal at a Class III disposal facility. <br />Va <br />