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I <br /> ____ --------- ____ ,-------------------------___ ----------______ ___-__--------------- --------------------- ,----- ---,---______ ----------- ---------------__ -------------------------------- - -------__------------- -_____ --------------- ____ _________ _____----------------- -1-1-------__­--1­�-_­_­­_­__­­­­­------1-11-1-1-1-1-1-1---­­__­­_­----­_1_____1_1 �--------------�-,�---,-----�--,-- ____........�-___________.__---------______________---------------_____________-----,�...�......__------.......................�,���-�-��--��--,-."",�'ll,�-11,�,�.,��.������-�--1-1-111,11-1--ll-ll-",�ll,",.------11,11,11111-11�1.1-��,�,���,,��-------�'ll,�'ll-Ill-�----I---_______-----_,_______..________ �.......__....�...._----".----------�----.,-�..---------,...--,--""I-----------------,---,---,----"�.-----------,,-------,----�------.-�----�-.--____________________ <br /> I S E-C I'l 0 N 1 ,5 7 0 0 --- FUEL, SYSIEM 2. All pipe runs and pipe sizes to be in accordance with plans, 3. For 1,5 inch ID Direct Connection fittings, Iii band clamp torque set iF,12 H, INSTALLATION WITH ALTERNATE MATERIALS: All alternate rinalterials rnust be 4�03 INSTALLATION PROCEDURE: 11 <br /> foot pounds ('144 inch pounds). For 2.0 inch ID it 'L�Q foot pounds. (240 inch compacted to 90 % relative density (ASIM D-- 1 557- 84), Contractor is to furnish <br /> DART I -- GENERAL 3� Steel pipe and fittings are to be used only to fabricate swing joints for product pounds) ­­­ owner's representative witin certification of cornpaction frorn a registered soil A. Prepare the tank hole to receive (he hold--clown "logs". install shoring (or side <br /> piping at the tank connecition, Steel pipe is to be used for riser to ernergency I sloping) :!r) accordance with Section 13700 Part 1. <br /> ' <br /> ' <br /> 1 ,'I UNDERGROUND TANKS ' " engineer. Clean Washed Sand is approved as an alternative backfill material for <br /> ' <br /> shult -off valve or pump connection at purnin block. Above ground vent riser is to be J, SETTING & BEDDING PIPE: Composite Tanks. Backfill in even 12 Inch lift to top of tailks. Flood sand In tank <br /> A� RESPONSIBIL.ITY: file Contractor accepts full responsibility for proper handling steel pipe. hole Continuously to Obtain a mimmurn 30compaction, B, Pump the water out of the tank hole, Keep ,water out of tile flank hole until Lanks have <br /> arid installation of the underground tanks, flexible piping arid FRP piping, and shall 4, Black Iran pill or fitting shall be used witin diesel pipe, Do not use 1. A 6" minimum bed of hockfill materials Is to be placed in all piping trenches. beef-) set, tied down, ballosted arid backfilled, <br /> ensure that good workmanship practices and construction procedures are followed galvanized pipe or fi(tings with diesel fuel. Srnool:h, compact and slope bedding material to ollow a slope or 1/8" per foot 3.03 TESTING OF 'TANKS: C. Insert each cable thrOUgh Its, own anchor ',cap In the "log" reserving sufficient cable . __ <br /> during [Ile handling and installation of the fIcinks arid piping. The Contractor is toward the tanks. <br /> responsible for inspecting the tanks for carnage upon receipt at tile job site, Any B. Pill I N C, A� PRE--INSTALLATION ]FEST SET UP: Prior to the pre -installation test, all shipping so that both ends of the cable will be kept at tile top of the tank hole after tine "logs" <br /> i ible damage is to be noted on the delivery receipt. -The presence of the owner's 2, SEE DIVISION 13, SECTION 1,2 FOR BACKFILL MATERIALS. pads must be removed from [he tank end (he vacuum or) the annular space must be ore set. Lower and position the "logs" in the tank hole keeping both ends of the cables SAFEWAY <br /> vial 1, Fiberglass pipe: Pipe and fittings to be UL approved, non-Innetcli1c, for (it (Ile top of tile ll Install the 12" rnin. thick bedding material in tank hole, Snloolh <br /> representative on--site does riot relieve the Coniractor of the responsibility for underground piping of peltroleurn products. The pipe is to have bell arid spigot 3. Piping shall be placed on prepared bed in such a [nanner (is to minirnize points at released. A vacuum on the annular space Is not 0 SUlbstitute for the pre---Installofion -1-11--l- <br /> proper tank handling, dristailation arid safety measures. I test, All Installation tests must be perl'on-ned ,arid recorded, and slope per the tank bedding instructiolls, <br /> , <br /> J o I n t s', which one pipe rnoy cross over another pipe. At points where piping must crossover, � /Z........ -11,�,,,­�,��"I'' '1,1 � /I V <br /> / 1',-� ... I <br /> 'n'm u I B� NOTIFICATION: 11he owner's representative MUST observe all tests. Notify at least 24 I'�,, I ­", ��', <br /> a mi I ln of 4 inches must separate the pipes. le"e� I \1 ,��,�.. .....0, <br /> , I �,,�,,, ", 11111� <br /> I I .�?` �- �' ), �,,I <br /> � <br /> Ing W�,,, ,"�, `M11 <br /> Approved Fiberglass Pipe: Ameron Ducloy--jOOO Pipe. ,".')ystern A.0, , <, , <br /> hours in advance of any tests. down �'���,'�,,� �__, ",,�,,�,,,� , <br /> i r i S, No I n a �"Q110/ "I I%�,t , ,1 N,I <br /> 13� SAFETY: Contractor shall perform the work in accordance with sale practices, (aki D. Proceed 'with setting tile tanks by adding ballast as necessary to sink arid keep ( A, I ,�'', ", , , """"', <br /> -ecoutions to protect the Facility silo ad'acent foal 'itle , r<me no ," "�, , ,,,,5; <br /> "" <br /> 4� When piping is placed on the bed, proceed to "First Test" (below) prior to the tanks, Use only enough ballast to hold tile tanks down unt'l the backfill is even with - 11� . �I �,�,,��w` �, , <br /> , <br /> -nilth Inland Inc, � , _,� <br /> all reasonable ki Si - <br /> " <br /> I y C� SCOIDE OF WORK: The .�, 7 , <br /> the public find providirig, where reasonably necessary, barriers, guards, temporal manufactured by the supplier of the pipe backfilling trenches. , Contractor is responsible foi- all labor, nricterial (Ind the top of the tanks, (Refer to Section 13700, Part 3, for to�llk setting requirernents, #I C, "� ,,,, I <br /> Non-metallic fittings are to be those I I I ��, I �......... I <br /> hall be equipment necessary 'to conduct -the following tests: ) 'to ­�'� <br /> bridges, lights and wctchmen, While on the promises of owner safety rules s I (71A , 4, ,�_?I , -0 1� *, <br /> ,vel In tonk hole ,�, <br /> , I 01 ,,, I I - <br /> being used. Instoll pipe all(] fittings in nccordonce ,with the manufacturer's Ccut'om Ballast level in tank ni never exceed water (or, backfill) Ir , <br /> strictly observed; in particular, smoking sholl be irnited to SUCh OcCtiOli arid . 1. Pre--installation Pressure Test, Air- � (��, <br /> V 1�1 -7 - 11 <br /> li <br /> ", <br /> Instructions, K� CLEANING SOLVENTS: Remove any accurm.,dation or accidenlal spill of pipe cleaning during installation, , ! "I I <br /> �,'11\ """" � , <br /> ,��', "", V fl, , <br /> occasions as (ire specifically authorized, Contractor sholl not perforrn or permit any act 1`�, � 11 ,,,�� <br /> -nmediately with a clean cloth, After the piping is Corn I t d, i is �,i,',I x�, ,\ ,,,, - 1'1�� I / <br /> solvents on the torilk if, p a a r pact 2. Post--InsItallation Pressure rest, Air or Hydrostatic ,, I A <br /> - explosion hazard, including welding, 2� Stee �� " 11 "� <br /> ��" ' <br /> I I I ��"" ,,,REN,'�,`,P� /,, ,,,",III'.I <br /> on the. premises of Owner which irivolves a fire or I pipe: (Galvanized or Black Iron) E, Install the cable guards, guides, etc., furnished by [he tank r-nanufacturer oil the ,,��,,, <br /> I- by burning, wiLhout prior written consent of Owner. Schedule 40 (ASTM A-120) the containrinent sump and other collection points for piping cleaning solvents. Contractor �",,,- 1,I, ,� �'- <br /> torch cuti:Ing arid disposal of debris D. PRESSURE APPLICATION SYSTEM: The pressure application systern is to have one designated location of the tank. ,111,,�� "" ,�1�,,,, <br /> I � 1, I <br /> I n g s will be responsible for any Carriage to tank resulting Iroril oil accumulation of pipe : �,:�"I","",", � V �, <br /> ",, <br /> �,�-_i I �', ", <br /> Steel Pipe Railroad ,Jnions McIleable ron Fitti pressr,ire gauge (range 0 to 10 psi with 5 PSI pressure rellef(s) 'In tile systern, in good ! - "I'll" <br /> -n I I cleaning solvent. condition and having been tested and calibrated within a three--n-ionth period prior to tile F, Pass each set of cables (a set of (,,ables (ire those Passing 1:1hrough the rnatching, or %O&Wwaval".......lg�M , <br /> i <br /> C� WARNING! Tests indicate thot prolonged or repeated exposure to petroleul Do riot use standard couplings normally furnished with the pipe. opposite, loops oil the "logs") through the guides and loops as Shown or] the drawing. .......J <br /> substcl-ces, in liquid or vapor form, i be hormful. Refer to Material Safety - <br /> Data Sheets for specific information oil various petroleum products. 3. Thermoplastic piping: Only coaxial piping that utilizes a testable interstil:ial L. REPAIR OF PIPING: Any clarnaged piping must be replaced, Repair of piping using field tank Lest (copy of the test and calibration dato to be furnished to the ovvner's REVISIONS <br /> I space nlay be installed. The coaxial pipe sholl carry a UL. listing for the prii-nory. cut half section of pipe Is not acceptable. If approved by owner's representative, repal representative upon request, 1, One eind of e,och cable is to be crossed over the top of the tank in tile retainer <br /> I ir <br /> Tile flexible piping system must be installed 'in a 4" nlinirnurn testable conduit which using manufacturer supplied pipe fittings and procedures is acceptable. Repaired pipe 1. CAUTION: Be sure to relieve the pressure prior to moving tile Lank or removing portion of the hold--down strap, Using three cable clarnips on each set of cables, adorns AL PLAN CHECK #SC1084--00 <br /> 1 �2 EXCAVATION AND BACKFIL.1.... facilitates the retractability a[ [he primary coaxial piping. This conduit will riot act requires complete testing using procedUres below, any fittings. If the tanks are ballasted, conduct a Petro Title Hydrostatic Test both cables together on top of the tank, Prior to tightening the clamps, tension the FEBRUARY 6, 2001 <br /> as the secondary conlainnnenI, Approved thermoplastic pipe: "Co-Flex 2000" with " I I A-2- REVISED PER SAFEWAY <br /> A� EXCAVATION: Excavate only to the delpffis required by file plors, If unexpected rockgaurd condult system, by Western fibeii (instead of on air lest) on the tank arid fittings, Never pressurize the secondary cables wifli "come--alongs" secured outside the tank hole, Use enough tension to tighten CORP. 4/30/01 <br /> ' M, FLEX CONNECTOR BOOTS- Encase all flex connectors in an 'Isolation boot. Move the (outer) Lank, the cables but not to lift the "logs" or crush the tank. Caution: All sets of cables on a REVISED DETAIL DRAWINGS <br /> water condition or rock is encountered, immediately Contact the owner s representative . ' fl"x tank rnust be tightened equally to avoid tank deformation. & ASSOC. -NOTES <br /> C, HANDLING OF PIPE & FITTINGS: All piping installations sholl conform to pipe sololion to inspect and test Kill primary piping arid �e connecItor. If flex connector is <br /> . <br /> [or instructions before proceeding with the excavation. I I I <br /> B, TANK HOLE SIZE 'IN STABLE SOIL: Size excavation perlirne�er to allow 24" rnininnum rinanufacturer's specificalfions and installation guidelines. riot encased in an isolation [)cot, it Must be cathodically protected, E. ACCEPTABI...E "SOAPS": "Sooping" the tank arid fittings during the test is 2. The cable rnust rest on the top of tile hold--down strop between [he guides provided. /i\ AS BUILT <br /> 1. Fiberglass pipe & Thermoplastic pipe: C(Greful handling 'is a must. Protect against to be done using a srinall garden--fyipe hcnd-pressurized spray unit, The test Repeat this process for each sot of tie--down cables, 7/17/01 <br /> between tanks arid 24" rninirnum between tank sides arid arid caps arid the wall of (ibrosion from sharp of- hard objects; impact donloge f ro m improper storage, 2,3 JESIING OF PIPING soap shall be (I high foaming "soap" that bubbles easily if in contact with oil <br /> tile tank hole, tronspoding, laying, kinks or backfilling. Inspect all pipe for dornage prior to using in air leak in the tonk but won't bubble due to dispensing frorn the pressure 3� After all tie--downs ore completed, cornmence tile backfill procedures to the top <br /> C� FANK HOLE SIZE IN UNSTABLE SOIL the piping systern. A. NOTIFICATION: The owner's represento��ve MUST observe all tests. Notify at least 24 applicator. Acceptable soaps cire� of the tanks, <br /> 2. Steel pipe and fittings: Protect against dornage to the protective hours in advance of any tests, 1. "Secrin Test Concrete" <br /> 1. Unstable soil is defined as having less than 750 i ft, cohesion, a s COG It ill g/w r a ppi n g. B, RESIPONSIBILIFTY� The Contractor is responsible for all labor, material, cnd equipment 2, "Arnway Loc High Soap" PART 5 - BACK FILL. <br /> calculated frorn on unconfined compression test, or soils with .oil ultir-nalte searing to conduct pressure tests (cir or hydrostatic) of all product, vent arid vapor recovery <br /> capacity of less than 3,500 lbs./sq,ft Loose sand, rauck, bog, peat, swarrip, or 2.2 INSFALLAFION REQUIREMENTS piping. 1 "#7006 Sou(Ilbend Leak Detector", or approved Equal, 5.01 APPROVED MATERIALS: <br /> landfill where soil 'is soft are generally considered unstable soils. A, LAYING OF PIPE: C� TESTS: F. PRE-INSTALILATION HOLIDAY TEST: A holiday test will be conducted on each tank A, APPROVED BACKFILL MATERIAL& Approved materials rnust be dry, free of ice arid k..............J <br /> 2. Size excavation perinleter to allow 24" rninimurn between tanks arid a rninimurn 1. FIRST TEST: (Prior To Back Filling Pipe Trenches): Do riot connect piping to tanks, when the tanks arrive at tile site, This test will be Conducted by the tank snow, arid meet ASIM C-33, Para. 7.1 for quality and soundness. -[Ile dry gravel density SUBMIFI-AL <br /> of half the tonk diameter between the tank sides/end caps arid the wall of the 1, Interior surface of all pipe and fittings must be free from dirt, scale, ri remote pumps of dispensers, The entire piping system, Le., product, vent and vapor manufacturer's representative arid must be witnessed by a owner's representative. rnusit be a minimum of 95 poLji-ids per cubic foot. DATES <br /> tank hole. fiberglass particles, plastic, etc,, before connecting. recovery (where applicable), shall be tested in accordance with the following three ------I-.,------------------------,----."-.-.�.�-��".--.-,--..--.I,- <br /> 3, Filter fabric will be used to line tank hole for tonks in unstable soil. 2� Product piping rinust be pitched upward continUOUSly from tanks to risers a rninirinurn step procedure: G. PRE---INSTAI-LATION PRESSURE TEST, AIR: Extreme core is to be used around arid 1� PEA GRAVEL: A clean, naturally rounded aggregate with a 1/8" rninimurn and a 3/4" OWNER:12-- '19 00 <br /> near the pressurized tank, Tank may rolled up [a 90' on a srnoolh clean surface - -_I----- - <br /> 4. Perrnonent shoring rricy be used to stabilize me walls of the tank hole, at the of 1/8" per foot, Traps or sags will nolt be perrini(ted. Group all piping and locate as a) Step one: Install pressure application system that includes two pressure ' maximurn dionleter, Up to Z of the port1cles may pass through a #8 sieve. / /- <br /> shown oil the plans. Lines are to be Iaiid straight, using filttlings for directional and during this test. Tile owner's representative is to witness and record tile results of ­____,_.._______-� ,�__._____,___,__ <br /> ' <br /> discretion of the Controctor and/or owner's representative. If permanent shoring gauges (15 JDsi max.) . Apply 10 ps' pressure to each piping systern. Soap all this test. REG, A�ENC " <br /> � elevation charges, joints using approved soap solution. carefully observe each joint for 2. STONE OR GRAVEL CRUSHINGS: Washed material, with particle size between 1/8" 112--' ­_ , <br /> is used, follow "Stable Soil" size critei,io. Refer to "Alternate Backfill Materials", I 'I. Primary (Inner) Tank -rest: Tighten all tcnk fittings. Locate a pressure gauge in - __/__00 <br /> ' <br /> below. 3. Do riot support piping with foreign objects, such as scraps of wood, pipe, etc. evidence if lecks. and 1/2", Up tor,.,of the particles may pass through a #8 sieve. ___------,----.------------..-.-,.,-��------.-----..----.�.--. <br /> the vent/mon'tor fitting In the secondary (outer) tank, Locate a second pressure O.T,B�: <br /> �. I I I I ion I ­­__/_ ____/---- -- <br /> D� DE Dri,d OF TANK HOLE, Zl� I-or bedding of piping runs and hockfill of pipe trenches, refer to D i\/is' b) Step two: Protect area cround piping systems to be tested to preveilit gage alt a fitting in the rnanway arid connect the air pressure hose to this some 3t Clean washed sand, <br /> 1. Contractor is responsible for establishing the Lank hole depth, Considering 13, Section 1.2 and to subsequent portions of this section, workmen, possers--by, etc., frorn entry. Instal pressure application systern that fitting, Pressurize thf-,, primlary (inner) :ank to a rriniMUrn 4 psi, maximurn 5 psi, Monitor ...OF <br /> includes two pressure gauges (150 psi rnox.). Apply 100 psi pressure to each B. TANK HOLE LINER,- Contractor is to provide a Filer Fabric tank [dole Liner when: <br /> the enghh of piping runs, to the Pump blocks and vent risers, pipe burial 5. Cold weather will affect the flexibility and fitting attachmenit. Leave pipe coils in , the pressure gauges for a rninimurn of half hour. There should be no pressure <br /> piping systern, hold for one minute, release pressure. repeat for five cycles. . �0 <br /> L'i <br /> depth, yard slope and the following criteria: (Measure at the Renrlove Purnp the sun prior to Installation. In extrerne cold weather, store piping indoors, at room Increase in the secondary (outer) tank, Soap oll tank fittings, Scalping of the bank 1. Tank hole is in unstable soil, or = C5(-) <br /> ' <br /> opening) tamp before nneasur I ng, cutting arid terminating, I It may be heated prior to installing c) Step three: Repect step one. exterior 'is riot required. ­__ 71�= _�5 <br /> D Z Ly- <br /> � <br /> the Direct Connection fittings, sump areas or pipe ends for terrilination. 2. Specified by owner's representative, The entire tank hole (size and bottorn) ,shall 0 Z 'A <br /> 2. A nlinimurn of 12" of bnckfiil material is required under tile tanks, d) Step fear: All test results must be recorded, Owner's H, POSF-iNSIALLATION PRESSURE TEST, AIR: Extrerne care is to be, used Ground and U-) �.s M <br /> - <br /> 6. When rneosuring pipe lengths, use a prestretched line or flat tape to calculate representative's approval is required. After obtaining such approval, near the pressurized took. [)a covered. Lay this fabric wilth 2 foot minimurn overlaps, Bedding material, [I,. __J <br /> 3, Composite: The rinin, depth of cover 'is 1'6" arid the maximurn is 5'0" ' tie--down "logs" and sample wells are to be placed oil the top of the filter fabric, LLJ X < <br /> distance between connection points. Make full allowances for pipe bend radius. Be the Contractor shall backfill trenches to subgrade, following tile _:) < 0 `_ <br /> ILL- Z <br /> 1. Primary (Inner) Tank fast: Perforrn this test with all tank risers arid fittings attached, Excess fabric at the top of the hole should be folded over the backfill material Z Z U-1 <br /> 4. Product lines shall be pliched, Minirnurn pitch is 1/8" per ft. to pump certain to account for all sweeps, additional pipe lengths and flex connectors requirements of section 1,3, above. �111' <br /> Ld C'� C',� (N __J :�E <br /> 1p)locks. required within containment sumps before cuttIng, Flexible piping should be installed Ilgh�en all tank fittings. Locate a pressure gauge in one of tile annular space r-nonitor alt. subgrade level. > ro cl�l 00 Z, <br /> 5, Vent and vapor return lines shall be pitched 1/8" per ft, 11 2� SECOND TIES]': (After connecting piping to tanks but prior to backfilling) Apply low fittings in the secondary (outer) tank. Locate a second pressure gauge with a 5 psi < C.:) (N r-- ("50 <br /> lazy" within the piping trench. It should not be stretched sl:raight or tight. Z Cr <br /> n co Q0 Cc ....- � <br /> -e - Cy Z <br /> pressui air (of- hydrostatic) test to systern, as described in item 8, Under "Testing of pressure relief, to one of the primary (Inner) Lank fittings and connect the oil- pressure C. APPROVED FILTER FABRIC MATERIAL: , O-) I I U-1 _�,_J <br /> o) pipe diameter separation at cross--overs, 3, CUTTING OF PIPE: Tanks", Section '13700 Part 3.03, hose to this some fitting. Pressurize the primofy (inner) tank to a minirinunri of 4 psi C-,I < -_ - Ld <br /> [" - 1-i U-) Z - <br /> 1. Reenlay Inc. -- Typor 3401 or lypor 3341 . C1_J cll� c-5 �-,, <br /> F', SAFETY MINIMUM REQUlREMENT: No person shall enter a tank hole excavation below 1, Fiberglass pipe: Cut with a fine--toothed hocksaw blade or (ill abras�ve wheel oil a 3, THIRD IEST: (After backfilling and patch paving) Applies to product Ines after (maximum 5 psi). Soap all tank fittings and monitor ille pressure gauge for a minirrium of f_7 1= <br /> circular power saw. Use a saw qu�de or "Wrap A(cund" to ens,ure a square cut end. 1/2 hour. -There should be no pressure Increase 1'n the secondary (Outer) tank, 2� Phillips Fibers Corp -- "Supac 4NP" Fabric Hoechst Celonese Corp, -- Trevira �2 - �,-�,'- ELI >-- <br /> __ I_c) U�) 1-1 <br /> �=i > <br /> tile 5 ft. deep level unless the wolls are shored of- side sloped as prescribed by backfill and patching of concrete islands, slabs, arid yard paving have been (N -2! (­� (N , Df <br /> Cut pipe end rnust be within 1/8" a[ square, S1120, or fabric opproved by the tank manufacturer, M Ld ,f �t :�_,. -D <br /> current OSHA regulations. No exceplions, The Contractor is responsible for any design, completed, 2. Modern welding Closteel il tanks are shipped with a vocuum on the annular space. If -1 'I<'- _-,­_., U V) <br /> materials, equipment, pernnits, etc., f'or shoring or side sloping a hole. 2� Steel piiipe: Cut with a hand or power--operated Pipe cutter, as ill normal D. TESTING EQUIPMENT: Test lines using Petro -lite Hydrostatic Line Testing a rninimurn of 5.3 inches hg of vacuum is maintained for one hour, both the inner tanks arid 0 'ON <br /> - ' <br /> fitting practice, equipment or approved equal. Ownlers reipresentot�ve to designate test fluid. Test fluld outer tank may be considered properly tested. Fluctuations in interstice vacuum are I /1 <br /> 64, <br /> F. FILL AND BACKIFILL: All fill material shall be of granular nature, free f ro ill 31 Cut flexible pipe to proper lengths. NOTE: SLIP TEST/CROSSOVER BOOTS, shall be an assigned product, diesel fuel, or water. Contractor -to comply fully with the caused by tenliperalure arid barometric pressure changes, NOTE: NFPA 30: 2--8,3:1 C.2 �� <br /> I Ing ,/ 0 <br /> 1 ") �- <br /> vegetation and extraneous material, Owner's representative shall arid ,approve tile UIT OR INSERTS IF REQUIRED, OVER PIPE ENDS PRIOR 10 procedure monrial for the operation of line tester.-Fest pressure shall be 40 psi for a Secondary containment tanks shall have tile interstitial (annulus) space tested us' .11 I. <br /> material before It is spread. Spread nlaterial in lifts riot to exceed '12 inches arid tonlin INSTAL.I.-A-TION OF PIPE `TERMINATIONS. Flexible piping may be cult wilth any Clean, remote purnip sysitern with (in allowable tolerance of 0.010 gal/hr. For a suction systern, vacuum at 5.3 in--hg. The vocuum shall be held for one. hour. care sholl be taken to I - 1. 0 <br /> I <br /> ... .--- Z <br /> thoroughly. When required by local code, Contractor shall provide a compaction test for shorp instrurnent, Be certain to i all cuts square arid even, Strip off final ouLer test pressure shad be '10 psi with a 0,025 gal/hr allowable tolerance, ensure that the interstitial space is riot subjected to excessIve vacuum. NFPA 30�2­8.4: T , ,,, W <br /> certification of fill. contcinment jacket and remove, Use the Cr) -Flex stripping tood and "Hoolk" (Vinyl) "Before tank is initially placed ill service, all leaks or deformations shall be corrected (7 <br /> knife blade. Strip off 4" of containillent acket for "direct Connection" type bond E. VENT LINES- (No phase 11 vcpor recovery) Unless required by local agency in an acceptable manner." CAUTION: Do not pressure Lest Interstitial (annular) space. 0 �� <br /> j no second lest required, A�l <br /> 1,3 BALLAST (-,,I a an p fittings, use the Co--Flex Hook Knife Blade to strip the jcickel: back. Be �0 - ISV <br /> ols where ballast 'is required, Only aoreful. riot to cut or clarnage primary pipe outer jacket, F, VENT LINES AND RECOVERY: (With phase 11 vapor recovery) Contractor is L POST-INS[ALLA TION PRESSURE TEST, HYDROSTATIC: If a hydrostatic test is required b" CONO <br /> A, Water is to be used as ballast under all condilt' responsible for vent and vapor recovery piping systems passing any locally 'Imposed by a local agency, tile contractor is to isolate the tank for testing arid reconnect when 0 <br /> the primary (Inner) tank shall be used when ballositing the tile Lank, Never till C. TAPERING & REAMING: test requirements. testing is complete. The hydrostahc test 'will be obLoined by the General Contractor, <br /> the secondary (outer) tank with a fluid. 1, Fiberglass Pipe: All cut ends must be tapered to 1: degrees using one of the <br /> 13� DRY HOLE CONDITION: Tanks, with backfill to top of tanks, rnust be ballasted If topering tools avallable frorn the pipe manufacturer, Protect pipe during tapering PART 3 - DOUBLE WALL COMPOSITE TANKS J. LEAKING TANKS: No tank [,flat ,shows any evidence of a leak ils to be installed or PROJECT NO. <br /> kept in tile system. Any damage incurred to tile tank during the insl�allaltlon will be the <br /> there is any chance that surface or subsurface water will enter the tonk hole to a [a prevent darnage to pipe. The fin�sh toper shall be smooffi, clean, and free frorn 3.01 DOUBLE WALL COMPOSlTE TANK INSTAU...ATION: Contrcctor's responsibility. __-------- 2----24-48-----300 <br /> depth of 23" or greater above the bottom of the tanks, CAUTION ­ DO NOT BALLAST surface defects. The length of taper fo,r 2" di�orneter pipe is 1 5/8" and for 3" <br /> TANKS UNTIL BACKFIL.l.... IS 10 TOP OF TANKS. dianneter pipe i's 1 3/4". For other siz,e pipe, consult pipe manufacturer's instructions. A. MATERIAL& K. SEALING PROCEDURE: SecI all unused tonk connections, tank handling hooks arid each <br /> C� WEI' HOLE CONDITION: At�ernpt to purnip water from the tank hole to rnnintain a "Dry 2, Steel Pipe: Ends are to be rearned. 1. Double--Wall Composite Steel storage tanks are to be installed by pipe connection at [he top of tile tank after the post--installation test but before ­_________.______S H K __________ <br /> I I Contractor in accordance with the plans and specifications. backfilli[rig. The tank rnanUfGCtUrer supplies a sealing kit with each tonk order. Read the CHECKED BY: <br /> Hole Condition". If unable to obtain a "Dry Hole Condition", owner's representative Is to be D. BONDING & ADHESIVE SYSTEMS (Fiberglass Pipe): I I I <br /> , <br /> notified arid will cleterriline the course of , action to be followed. Install filter fcbr;c, 1� All fiberglass pipe surfaces to be bonded shall be cleaned with solvenlL as 2. The Contractor will furnish all hardware, riot provided by Safeway, thct is required Material Safety Data Sheets supplied with each sealing kit, Follow the rr­cnrJfGCtUrer's S I,1 I< <br /> tie-down "logs" and bedding as specified elsewhere. Set tonk in hole, partially fill will,) for a complete job. instructions to seal all fittings, __________------------------,-----_____ <br /> water until it sinks firrilly on the bed. Use only enough water to ballast tank until backfill supplied by pipe rrionufachirer. If topere,d section is wet or moist, dry with propane L. BAI...LASTING: Only the primary (inner) tank shall be used when ballosting the tank, Never /2 CAD SAVED NAME: <br /> !s to top of torik. After backfilli to top of tonk, fill Lank with water until complel�lon of torch -- do not overheat or burn the piipe, If temperature is below 60' F (1 6' C) 3, Cut the sulernerged drop tube for product and nesting fuel tanks at a 45 angle fill the secondary (outer) Lank with a fluid. If the tanks ore ballasted, conduct a Hydrostatic � <br /> i _'VER EXCEED WATER OR BACKFILL I-EV E L. worm all tapered surfaces with propane torch --- do riot overheat or burn tile pipe or so the lowest point will be 3" min. 4" max. from the bottorn of the tank. The highest I L..--.--.------.i <br /> � <br /> Installation, CAUTION - BALI-AST LEVEL MUST NE fitting, Bell and spigot joints are to be made up with epoxy adhesive as Test (instead of the post-insto 11 ation air test) on the tank and fittings. YIN. BURIAL DEPTH: MR <br /> IN THE HOLE DURING INSTALLATION, Do riot remove ballast until tank slab has been point must be a mnxii-num of 6" from the bottom of the tank. The 6" illoximurn ' <br /> recommended by the pipe manufacturer. Adhesive snail be mixed thoroughly in dimension is critical due to air pollution rules. Orient the submerged crop, tube to The burial depth from the top of the tank to ground level shall be a minimum of 1 1/2 [eel. <br /> poured. Do riot set remote pump motor until ballast water has been renloved frorn tank. accordance with manufacturer's instructi(ons and shall be applied to both surfaces. direct incorning product toward the opposite arid of the tank. Refer to installation arid a max, of 5 feet, If a deeper burial depth is required, consult the tank nlanufacturer. ()� < ,--- <br /> ( � �5, �1�� <br /> _0 ,- __ 0 , <br /> Insert the spigot end ;nTo the bell using a slight turning motion (one half turn to (I full drawings for additional details. N. VENTING: Vent the annular space between the prii-nory arid secondary tank only if F� 'L <br /> ­,,, ,7� C-D - <br /> 'I A TANK HOLD--DOWNS (Ile-­Dowris) turn is necessary) and piush. Apply pressure until mechanical lock is achieved. Back required by local jurisdictions. Venting of the annular space is not required by the Lank 0 1_�d "I <br /> oxial pressure should be ril6ritained oni all previously assernbled joints to reduce the 3,02 HANDLING OF COMPOSITE -TANKS: rinanufaciturer, If required, manifold a 2 inch FRP pipe between the tanks and Connected N____ El� �,� <br /> Certain situations require the use of properly designed anchor straps to Overcome I L-D > <br /> existing buoyaril: forces, The straps are used in conjunction with a concrete holdclown chance of separation. A. RESPONSIBILITY: The Contractor i's responsible for off-loading -tile tanks frorn the to separate vent riser, Do riot use this primary (product) Lank vent to vent tile annuk-,Ir -_.4_,__ 0 0 (-.,,) :�> I'-, <br /> 0 f,r) ____J ,,� <br /> slab or deacirrion anchors, CAUTION� Use of steel cable or round bar is prohibited. A 2. Inspect all fittings for proper alignment and possible "back alit" (it the joints. delivery vehicle, A crone or backhoe of sufficient lifting capacity rnust be used. The ,weight space, LI.... (-_ N-) CO 111- <br /> pod of inert, insulating, dialectic material nnust be used to separate tile anchor strap of the double wall composite tank is approximately 15,700 Ilbs. L[...I ­­­I. I N M Li I 11 <br /> frorn the tonk. 1 �Follow pipe manufacturer's reconnnnenclotions on cure time before disturbing 0, INTERSTITIAL MONITOR: Install the interstitial mon�tor at the bottom of the tank. Lower Eh_,� -<-- Ol 0 :�D > - <br /> Joints or testing. If it is anticipated that the terniperalture will drop below 60E F. B. LIFTING & MOVING: When lifting or moving a composition tank, always use properly tile sensor on cable until It rests on bottorn of tank in a vertical position. Pull the Q0 0 _j < 1� <br /> 0 C',� U ,:�-, <br /> ' <br /> (16E C) at any time during the curing process, heat shall be applied to -the joints. sized equipment and lift by lifting lug(s). The preferred lifting cable included angle is 60 remaining cable into junction box and cut off excess length, Secure cable to prevent C-) 1111-1 < _� <br /> 'I,5 REMOTE TURBINE Only cherf-ftal or electrical devices recommended by pipe manufocturer ore and must never exceed 120. A spreader bar can be used to achieve this angle, Never slipping into tank onnulus. I------ I---- � >-- - J� <br /> U� - I 0 cr < " <br /> - <br /> Contractor to verify turbine head will be 4--6" above tank bottorn, Do not inslall accelpfable for this purpose. No open tilarne or sparking devices ore to be used. roll or rise cables or chains around a composite tank. Set Oil smooth ground, free of P. INSTALLING THE CONTAINMENT SUMP: The containnnenit surnip rnust be watertight to -7 _(� I I— [---- l�� <br /> rocks and foreign ob'ects. Exception: Tank call be foiled tip to 90* of-) a smooth clean 'I--,- (11� = :�;- <br /> turbine shaft length exceeds tank diarneter plus burial depth! Notify owner's j "f �c� <br /> � - - <br /> prevent liquid ingress or egress. Install a gasket between the Lank Collor and the I--- 0 z, -D 0 I— <br /> I <br /> representative, who will deltermine the course of m-Alon, if shelf, exceeds tank E. THREADED JOINTS: Threaded joints must be rearned and have clean cut, perfect surface or 4 x 4's when performing the holiday test. containment sump and make a tight seal with a petroleum resistant butyl caulking, ,,� , h�� (f,) 0 I_I__ <br /> .< >_ C") " <br /> dianneter plus burial depth, threads arid be made up wl,Ul non-hardeniing joint compound insoluble '[I-) petroleunn C� CHOCKING: Tanks are to be choked in accordance with manufacturer's recorinnnendation - 11 -------- ­­ LJJ ,-,� <br /> �_-,� (--,) <br /> products approved by owners representativie. until ready for installation. If windy conditions exist or are expected, anchor tanks using 0, INSTALLING THE SPILL CONTAINMENT FILLBOX: Ihe spill Containment fillbox must be ,:,�__ \_,��' (-) I-I- ", <br /> 1�6 FANK HOLE LINER ' - (-) - 0 ��,�, <br /> minirrium 1/2" nylon or hemp rope over each tank arid secure to stakes of adequate size liquid tight. Test oll fillboxes by filling with water for a minin-luril of a hour, There should - _11 <br /> 1. -Typical joinl: compound: LL C) -A-J <br /> A. Contractor is to provide a Filter Fabric Tank Hole Liner wherl- I D W� <br /> � ("I 1, <br /> a) Rectorseal to prevent movement of the tanks. be no drop in tile water level during this lest. Do riot drain water Into the tank, L-L. 0 0 - ,�t", <br /> , I- <br /> < I----- 0�� U) 1.1, <br /> 1. Tank hole 'is in unslb�ble soil, (is defined above or b) Glibarco Pipe Joint Corripound D. OPENING& All tanks are shipped with dust covers in each opening. Dust covers ore PART 4 -- TANK 1101-D DOWNS D.- ": <br /> c) Flermatex 5 to rernain in each opening until ready for the pre--instaration pressure test, All tanks U-) ��', <br /> 2, Specified by owner's representative. The enfire tank hole (sides arid bottorn) -7, or approved equal must hove either a dust cap In place or a 5 PSI pressure relief valve Ill place at all 4.01 TANK HOLD-DOWN IINSTALLATION� (J) i I <br /> shall be covered. Lay the fobric with 2 foot rnininium overlaps. �1_1___ <br /> F, FIBERGLASS TO STEEL PIPE CONNECTIONS: [Fiberglass threaded end adapters tirnes, A� GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: Underground storage Itcrilks must be anchored with concrete " <br /> lq� 1.'� <br /> B, Bedding material, tile--down "logs" arid scriliple wells are to be placed on the top of are to be threaded into tile steel pipe or �fitting before bonding onto the E� DAMAGE: hold--downs ("logs" or "cleodrilen") when specified by owner's representative in the Scope Nil C�-� <br /> the filter fabric. Excess fabric at the top of the hole should he folded over the fiberglass pipe� of Work. <br /> - <br /> backfill material at subgrade level. 1. Inspect all tanks carefully for signs of dornage upon receipt, 7S 1-1:EET FI T L 71 ��_11 <br /> � G, CONNECTIONS AT VENT RLSERS� Use flex co)nnecl�or and Golv. 90' elbows w,1[h ripple 1. Tank bedding, ballasting and tank hole backfill procedure are described (..)n d a r i"i <br /> � <br /> i i <br /> C. APPROVED 1,ILTER FABRIC MATERIAL: connections (do not use close nipple or street ell) arid enclose in containmenit boot for 1 If tank or exterior coating I s damaged, do not atternipt repo''rs. Owner's Section 13700 Part 1.613� _�", <br /> cathodic protection. representative is to be notified arid will determine tile course of action that will be �If <br /> F �_ <br /> 1. Dupont "Typor" SIDunbound Polypropylene -- Style 34-01 , followed, Contact the tank manufacturer for additional info rrinctio n, 4.02 MATERIALS FUEL 01 <br /> H, SPECIAL FITTINGS: 'Tile shut--off valve ("Shrscr" or "Safety' valve) at tile base of [he �,:, <br /> 13 BEDDING OF' TANKS SPECIFICATIONS "I <br /> pioduc.t pump or dispenser is to be secured in position with a steel stabilizer as F� SETTING: Set tanks on prepared bed with a slope downward toward the fill end of tile A. CONCRETE HOLD--DOWNS: Precast, reinforced concrete "logs", 12"x`12" or '12" X 24" in I,, <br /> 1,01 <br /> A� DEPrH: A 12" ni bed of backfill il 'is to be placed ill the hole, sirnoothed and detailed on the drawings. A stabilizer is to be installed, in addition, when existing tank, A slope of 3" difference between the two extreme openings of the tank is desired, cross--section, with charnfered edges, Length, as shown oil tile drawings, 1/2" cl�arneter g, C"I <br /> (", 7, r SHEET C11 <br /> I . A, li� �,,�,�,',��f� �,,,l �­� r,i n r,�,�.,* I` <br /> , <br /> ort p u The acceptable range of slope is 4" maximurn and 2" min'rill-IM; with the fill end lower than galvanized steel anchor loops are to be cast into "logs" (it locations shown. Precast 10, 'i ,,, ", 4 a ,� �, , ,�� <br /> sloped to allow a tank slope of 1" In 10' downward toward the fill end i to dispensers are replaced, Positlon the valv(e so that the line Lest p I g is 11 , ,,� k rp"' fl, ,,1 ?A,, rl " �v 11 <br /> ., ,�_� , , t,'� <br /> I I I I � , ��,, 4 I r��, '�' ,�, <br /> ,, , ,�, " , <br /> setting the tonk, accessi , ,I I I �'J "�,, ) I 1, ","e"," 0",, " -_,", <br /> I , c I �; � 4 ��,,�, j�',��,' � 't �_ <br /> 1 '65 , El I , � I <br /> I Precast concrete foundolion piles which rneet or exceed NA) o � � ` J I (1, <br /> downward to the remote purrip end (ire improperly set and i be reset. I , "o 'O, ,,,� , , , I I" : q� I <br /> 'ble� I- , =, �,�,, , , � <br /> I <br /> rernote PUrnp end of the tank. -ranks that exceed the acceptable slope or that slope material sholl have achieved 'is ultimate compressive strength of 2500 psi (28 days) I , , ,,, <br /> i I , ��"I <br /> prior to installation. NOTE: ,,,,,, "4,"r, 11�,� ,�.40 t , - <br /> ,, <br /> , E wo t','� '14, �),", "�j, ,h - <br /> B, ­IOLD-DOWN: When specified the hold.. down "logs" shall be installed prior- to 1. PIPE WRAPPING: All underground steel pipe and fittings ,sholl be field pr�nned arid above specifications are acceptable. , L L, tl c ,F� ,��,,��7 - �� ", <br /> the [,)ad material. wrapped, Wrapping rnatericl shall be 35 mill polyethylene tape "Polyken 930" G. INSTALLATION WITH APPROVED MATERIALS: . I - �I)� <br /> B. WIRE ROPE CABLE: Hot---dip galvanized steel wire rope, minimum '1/2" diarneter, breaking I I-- <br /> C, CAUTION -- Do riot place tanks or) concrete slobs, firnbers, bearns, cradles or grout manufactured by the Kendall owner (or ect-jal approved by owner's representative). 1. Place a 12" lift of backfill evenly around the tanks. Push backfill completely strength, 20.4-K. - I C::::== -11�1 <br /> Wrap overlap sholl be one--half 'width of wrapping rilaterial. Wrop 1 1/2" arid 2" fittings -, <br /> ,. <br /> i underneath the tank under the end caps, This is the most irnportant part of the �1 � I", <br /> i � ')(I I �� <br /> � ' ,JUL 1 7 "" <br /> I tile tanks in wet cernent. Tile tank, ,whether tied down or riot, rnust ne,ver be left on with PolykQn 900 (12 halls) with 6C overlap. In difficult areas Polylken 931 can be used backfill process. Procedure can be done frorn bank or adjacent tank -lop, If a C. HARDWARE: Cable clamps, cable guides, guards, etc., fr,anished by the tank ,_ <br /> the bed without 0 pockfill to the top of tile tank if there Is any chance of water, I SHEET IN 10).. ", <br /> ' - <br /> before wrapping with Polyken 900. Primer shall be Polyken 927 (above 40' F�) or mon will be in tile hole to "work" the backfill, hole must be shored or side sloped manufacturer, shall be hot-dip galvanized steel. """7 ,,,�­' <br /> 12" or rnore above the tank bottom, in file hole, (�� <br /> Polyken 919 (above '10' ".), Exceptions: Do not wrap tile union at the renlo[e pump and as prescribed by cun,em. OSHA regulations. 1:1-1 <br /> I', <br /> I <br /> FIRP IDipe/flex connector connections. D. PROTECTIVE COATING: Prior to backfilling toniks, apply a generous quantity of "Aspholt �,�, <br /> , <br /> " , , I <br /> 0 , ,0"/ <br /> - <br /> �` <br /> F(S__ f <br /> ��J <br /> _'O N' <br /> '� <br /> V _ <br /> 7AC-1 L�C K # C 1 084--00 <br /> - <br /> I NR"_ � <br /> �- ' S <br /> r , ,� <br /> - <br /> 'Y 6, ,_001 <br /> , <br /> � <br /> , PF �W Y <br /> _R S <br /> F - , <br /> __ p FL <br /> Ar E� L�TA <br /> _V l�, <br /> __2 R _ D , , AF E A <br /> `n`7� <br /> SUB"'FI At- <br /> _ <br /> ER�.......I?AT F S <br /> __ _____��o _I <br /> ______ _ <br /> . <br /> , � I C <br /> F6-W _ / ; / <br /> I I -4 <br /> 1`4 - <br /> � <br /> b,tl �C 0� <br /> PART 2 - PIPING 2� Place second 12" lift or backfill evenly Ground [Ile tanks. Again, repeat tile -T- �/ // __1-7 Cl <br /> I I ' I- IF 7 <br /> 1� DIRECT CONNECTION: Two (2) [)arid clarilips per fitting Installed with bolts opposed 11 working" of- backfill under tanks and Under tile end caps, Add bockfill evenly Ground Coatirig" by brush to all exposed steel cables, loops arid hardware. " (- fi,� <br /> 2.1 PRODUCT, VENT & VAPOR RECOVERY PIPING _- �­ <br /> I <br /> . , <br /> of I itions. Clnrnips are to be placed no more than 1/4" apart find the :he tanks up to the tops of trie tanks. /\ \1, , --.-.- - ) 1, <br /> _ / ,;-I <br /> 111) Z _ i� <br /> -1 I-) <br /> A. MAIEF�IALS first clarnip Is to be no nlore than 1/4"' from pipe end, nearest to termination fitting, 3. Bcickfilh to subgrade after pilcing and testing is coryiplelted. )_), <br /> , <br /> � <br /> , <br /> 1, All pipes, fitlings, risers, wrapping materials, etc., shall be installed by the 2. LUBRICATE clump bolt (breads arid clarrip tongue with WD40 or light n-lachine oil, Do I l-, <br /> Contractor, riot lubricate inside pipe or outside borlzed sactlon of herr-ninction fittings. <br /> ,ii <br /> _____________--_--__.......________ ___ __...........�..................__.......___,______ ___ -,----------"-----,-",-"-",.,-,.",-".�,.�,.-.�.�......-------____ _______,_____.........________.__,_________-___.............---"------------------.,�--.--,-----�-----------------------�-------�.------�-----------_____,___________....�..._'_.......�-----------------------------------------------------.---,-�-,-"-,--,--�.----��,�.".�".-�,�,�.,.-,--------------�--------------------------------------------------------------------�,.---,---------------------.-----..--.--"--,---..--.-----.�.----",,-------------------.-----�-----,.----------------------�.........-."-�"-�"---,--------.,--..-�---,-"-------------------.----"..-�..........____________,___,__----------___------�-----------------,--"---�,�,�-�----,------.-------------------------------------------------�.------,....�,-,--,--,�..�--�,�",--------,------,.�,----�-----------------------"--,.-,----,�.-..-,.----,,-------,.�,---�-------------------"------ ".6 <br /> BCE JOB # 7996 <br />