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WRIT i E tL MONI'T'ORING PROCEDURES <br /> UNDERGROUTIND STORAGE TANK MONITORING PROGRAM <br /> This monitoring program ms be lac at the UST Iantion at as times. 'The information oa this monimzima, <br /> program are conditions of-.!c ape ung permit. 'The permit holder must notify San Joaqmn Comity <br /> Savirottmeuml Health Dir d=wane (209) 468-3420 within 30 days of any Ganges m the manitoimg <br /> pmcedma,mf=zc mhed to obtain approval before malting the change. <br /> -R--7=d by Sections 2632(d) and 2641(h) CCR <br /> Facility Name ,c. 1, -- i-P/�-/S <br /> Fuility Address 7 SS a c S eta <br /> A Describe t4c free =of performing the monitoring: <br /> Tank \ E-i0- It /4 A <br /> 'T�S <br /> Piping 4 4 4u u� L S-,— <br /> B. What methods -?i#meni, identified by name and mode:, will be used --r <br /> performing the sntine <br /> Tank <br /> Piping Lr,-a.4 7-,4, c s_. <br /> C. Describe the lc=-; s) where the monitoring will be performed (facility plot pie= <br /> should be attached'- <br /> D. <br /> ttachedD. List the name(s) z�tie(s) of the people responsible for peiorming the monitc <br /> and/or mammy, ' zgnipment <br /> E. Reporting fopmar " monitoring <br /> Tank /(4 TA-� -, a RS 1-. 4 A-,u,L)v�+ % r <br /> Piping u w-L -�-' <br /> F. Describe the pre-�e mainten=ce schedule for the monitoring equipment Note <br /> N"intenance muszin accordance with the mnnufactnrere maintenanceschedule <br /> butuotlessthan ev---'.months: N A1-G iL <br /> G- Dest'.ibe the tial__ec=arf for :he operation of UST system, including pipiz;T <br /> and the monitor_�pmeut _ I / . <br /> Ov iE.� <br />