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SEX <br /> Z�c <br /> COFFROTH <br /> In <br /> action System-- IOpen check Volvo, Dull popppet and drain product frnk. ALTERNATIVE BACKFILL MATERIALS; Deflned o+ any material not mauling above requirement SPECUL FITIINGS: The shut-off valve rSheol or 'Safety* whre) at the Dose of IM product pump <br /> 01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Do not replace poppet Reinsloll cover on volv+. (or approved Motorfola. r or disparate is secured In position to the stabilizer bar of me dlapeneer Containment box a, detailed <br /> Press a System- 'Break! pip* Ot union at remote pump. Broin produApproval of Company Represantalive b required prior to me of such material. in certain on the drawings, <br /> toe arose container. - inlancts, het approval of (he lank manufacturer may be required W preserve the took rorronly. Po,itlon the Volo* fo that Iha Iina tall port plug If o<etssible. /tO a <br /> These Canarol Reganmanb apply to all settlor of the fp*ci/kgllonf os if slated separately In wah P Company shall oblotn each he tovol. /(,__\`Avoid a ilii. Oo nal atmw product to drain Into toll. Contractor may be hl PIPE WRAPPINQ: All underground steel pipe Ond fillings shall be field primed end wrapped.section. ppP RPR SENTATIVE:A 'a TTI N1 <Eff5:fN;1�v8.dftapraenlotiveoulhorlted by him, centernfnation can durfnq Sank and Ilne removal. Alternashoftjls side slo i( toad, mull M dfo and hap of Ica and snow. The tank hole skits must ba WraCopan ( ot alo shall be Sb mil p fay Ropre tape pal Man Over p shelfdured a Iha KendallCOM ANY E f k shared or alae dbpad to permit entry for campadion and loslinq, yhpeinaltef roferred ler In Lhasa spacilkations a7 Cwnppny Representgliva. Cowpony far metol approved by Compony Reeling% with Wrap 900 (J shall be one-hoe width <br /> al rcp. In malarial. Wrap 1-en 1 Y fillings wrthore wrart ing (th mdf)) wilhO 60X <br /> f(mh all DraduN, and and va or return I pr Dagk In lank of aeporob coushing avenger. In ddlipult anal Poyken 931 cqn ba'ufad before wrapping with Polyktn 9W. Pdmarm separate contains can De Bumped into product look+ for aloraga.) FTith a D Y ( ) y ( ): ARCHITECTS <br /> IJC. <br /> Ih( (1.I:Cr r.yEG�r (rL;j=:'�y1,F� I't� �C:f?1';lSA1I/ 1Pll,. mintmum of 10 gallon of water, DEDOINO Of TANKS; A 1T minimum bed of back(ll. material I+ to be laud In the hole, obeli be Pol knn 927 above IV f or Pa ken 910 above 1tl i <br /> smoothed unci ,loped to allow o funk stop, of 1' In 10' do.nword toward the IN end prlor to <br /> 0pan ail openings and If Inelde of each lank with a minimum 200 aliens at water using setting the lank. Exception: Go not wrap the union ql the ramo,te pump qnd/or FRP pipe/flex connector PLANNERS <br /> � I A h I� E [� C <br /> 99 wnnsctlon@. (— (_ I V I �} R S <br /> h(qh pressure spray equJpme with wand to wash down" 1h* old and bottom of the tank. When specified, the hold or ll+-down 'togs ,hail Di Installed prior ler be bid maler(gl. <br /> WORK INCLUDED;: AU lobar malafiflo utilitiessqnd n accompanying <br /> required for lull pu ing pies and Company Ra reeentalivs will art a for a vacuum truck to (tot all reto'vered product (liquid SETTING k BEDDING PIPE: A minimum bed of backfhi malariol, equal to 2 1/2 limas the pipe dLamat <br /> of Ind pa of work Well epecihry a shown on Occoft, nles dryerveli including pthe Plano P. Y p E <br /> 'h ' c. ales, otherwise noted on the Plano or and sludge). <br /> re Vacuum le? with <br /> b to um 'radar se rgto i slop" of Company facility or cement. <br /> - he not place lank, on concrete dabs. timbers,mayor <br /> booms, cradles a grout the tanks in wet b to be placed In all plpjnq r toot t. Smooth, compact and elope braiding material <br /> of and payment for oil nocas�ary permits, Utilities. el u approved treating Iacllity! wllh approve all/voter seporato ryslem. cement• Ths lank, whether tied down or not, mail never be tell an the bad stank a backfill to al�aw o ,lops of 1/1 per tool toward the tanks. <br /> apaciftcotlonf or specified by Company Rapresentotiva. to the top of the tank If there I+ any chance of water, fY or more above the tank bottom, In the 1/8 par loot mpy ♦ ufpd If app{oved In wr(Ung Com-pony R)RrasMlativa. 21 15 J STREET, SUITE 213 <br /> The lank must be (roe from flommobla v are prior removal, On method Is to remove a1 hole. — ---- <br /> DOCUMENTS: Orowlnq, and apodRcallom gra coopparolivo. Execute work Indicated In one of It lank fixtures, except for the tank vent on ace d carbon dioxide (dry-la*) In the tank. A SEE SECTION 07 FOR BACKRLL MATERIALS. SACRAMENTO, CA 95816 <br /> ~- <br /> indicated In bath. Work not detailed of ipaC;fi,d'must be fame quality ane type at work detailed mintmum of 1.5 lbs pec 100 gollona of tank Ity, must be added. ug all lank openings Piping shall be ploctd so- prepared bad In such o manner as to minimise patois of which one pipe <br /> Or specified. Contractor shop verify oil dimensions and conditions on the site. Report at onto except the vent rine allow the tank to vent. D3 PRODUCT, VENT VAPOR RECOVERY PIPING m cross over another I e. Al <br /> any dlscreppancien found bolween drawings, speciicallons and site Conditions for adjUe mend by % D D paint whore piping must croaa over, e. mmlmum of 2 I/Y mart <br /> any d;3y Re0reaenlpllys btfpre ,forting work In question. Under n drcum,lnnces should rock Alter tank venting, the vapor space oholl tells IOCing the combustible goo Indicotor probe ,+parole the pleas. 916.443.2560 <br /> In a;lion be started it a dficrepnn% b dhgoverad oftr sward of Contract. semi$ of contract into the fill opening with the drop lube emgvad. R Ings should Ds 1011" of the bol'am, When in Is laced on the bad, proceed to 'First Test' (hero-) FAX 91 6.448.65583 <br /> aaN n act r to kat s complete eel of drawings and apedficotlano and an middle and up or portlanf of IM1e tan - The tank otmo efa re . bs 2OX of la sf of (hf tower piping 9 P ( ) briar to bocktlllinq trenches. <br /> cool to this work. Co h e D P. Middle an Ilmll dor to ramf the <br /> er to the probe ma gdureh Tn,Wdidne for testing In MATERIALS: NI pipe , Illtln s, ellen, fro Dan maleriab, ate., #hull be furnished and Installed <br /> yy y Pp q D 9 CLEWING SOLVENTS Remove any accumulation or accidental spin of ptp4 cleanlny solvents on _ <br /> porlfnnt appAm+rel I documents on lM job at all timet. When !h4 word PROVIDE Is Us+d on by the Contractor. Specific molercNi noted in this +pacification and/or on pion@ will be the tank Immediately with a clean cloth, Alla( the piping If completa0. fns tel Iha containment <br /> GG low oxygen cord Mona. furnlehed by Company, sump orad other collection points far piping cleaning solvents. Conlroctor will De respom DN for O 1995 LEX COFFROTH & ASSOCIATES <br /> drowinga of m 1Dedrl<gt(Ons, it Shall be token to mean furnlah and Install, y9 P <br /> Prior to removal, all lmnk o nyyt should be ptu ad, Ore I should have o 1 8' vent hole r <br /> Laws Codas Ordinenua and R+ u1011on to prevent exu,fHa plroaSu bUlldUp. This vent hole must foes u aid at all times. All pipe nuns ore to be of 'liberglmi pipe and sired In accordance with plana. any dawego to took resulting from an accumulation at pips daaning solvent. PIANS MAY NOT (dE REVISED COPIED, OR <br /> REUSED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITiEAN PERMISSION <br /> LAWS, CODES, ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS: g REPAIR OF PIPING: Replace any donna ed piping Immediately. Repair of piping using field cut OF LEX COFFROTH, ARCHITECT. <br /> which Opp%l. to this work must De rigidly followed. Determine handltnq of any vorigtlon+ (u an corrosion cot hole* gfln screwoQ Ooilq Diugs• Company preeanlglM will Ineprot Mx conn*<lon tor+ to be teed al Iha vans riser bole and rile sneer bate 1 in connections. <br /> palween plan or spealficalion and governing o[dlnan<rs, etc., with Company ftepree*nlollw Plug Y q D pp 9 half section of pipe Is not occopla to. If approved by Company.Rspres4ntolNt, fspolr using <br /> before starting work. <br /> the removed tanks, 1- false,, ills tank/ for shlpment. Above ground reel riser la to b+ galvanized steal Alpe. manufacllurer supplied pipe fittings and procedures is acceptable. Repalrad pipe r4g4lras <br /> completes la,tlmg or retort acing procedures below. <br /> All V.L. Lobel* 11 the removed and glean to the Company Representative. Block Iron i and/or fittings shall e used with dle,al (tet. Do not uta olvanlzad o or fittings D / 9 p q PD 9 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT fIi11NG5: Two plan lillinga regain more odhaf W+ lhvn normal <br /> PRECAUTIONS: Protect Odjoining prop4ytY, 4oAhwork, tree*, etc., from damage and give proper {{»» <br /> r work to adjoining property awnan. Repoli, city damns to ad)olnlnq All tanks be progla 14641ed pries to transportation from the cit. Tron4p. and disposal whh dlesal IVaI. belt and cert of lointe, two a ad ' veenChts or a variable etw m pip (ends wrench g r*4ulrid to <br /> written notice of proposed } 9 D D Y q rty q <br /> ropertlel caused by this Operators to satisfaction of Company Representative. Protect completed of the tan and produml (InH'mVat b+ dome to o<cordarlu with all hale and too ragulallnn. I, FI8IiRGLASS PIPE; Pipe and (filings to be UL approved for petroleum and alcohol (vols, non- lighten the (I Lingo, Make wee adhesive fills all goof baMetn plpa ends and fitting sockets. <br /> .ark from damage UAW accepted by Compony Representative. <br /> Follow y slob or facial regulations regardlnq loll sdmpbo or Inspeelian of conA hal+ red/or Ali poi for urt44rgroll piping of petroleum product@. NI , nape `will have ball and ono Joints. <br /> requir ILEX CONNECTOR a Iso! Enwts all Ilex ca anc last when In cant pa with roti In an Notation <br /> tan All product Olpl,tiq will have secondary oontolnment. Wal and vapor recovery piping do not require boot. Move the Isolation Daol to Inspect and Ise! all primary piping and flax connector. <br /> MATERUU To be now. Puecho Nd locapy R possible, and of brand herein apeclli4d. Brands and oaeandary <ontalnmanl unless sp*dM4 dtswh*re. <br /> rodeo ,peoified a,* approved end Included to establish I po pod quality requ(remanl$. If on free product Is found during any photo of',the time of Underground lank(+) or piper Approyed flba( late Plot: TESTING OF PIPING: Notify the Com any Refoc(or to C rho MUST oing with <br /> ail hat, at least <br /> godtractor would prefer to subsh uta bron4s and rods WIT tor+ $qua[ to lhasl sP+Cl/1+d, _system(t).,..bDIn4Al.4{Sly<.G&li(x ll,�i,,.,E,q,[gpa, "X,._012!Ianlalivs, 9 P 24 hours in advance of any te+P@. Conlraclor to Coordinate tetUnq wIU tocol IMDeclorr area <br /> C 4 9 ` - <br /> information On pro os*d wbatilulono mutt be submitted to Company Repftsenlgtive prior to Compony Reprtsenlvllve. <br /> procurtmanl to difem lAo dtcsptoblily to Company. EXCAVATIONS: Excavate only to the depths required by the plans, or as Instructed by Company Aretron <br /> Representative. Ouofoy - 3000/1, Pip, System The Contractor( Is responsible for oil labor, material, and equipment to Conduct prostate toots (Ole <br /> or hydrostatic) of all product, vent and vapor recovery ptping. <br /> SUPERNSIQN AND COORDINATION: Cenaral Contractor to responsible for progress, exoduUon If unexpected avatar co�alion a rock b encountered, ImmWlabryry canted the Company Smith ead11qla si, Inc. <br /> and quality of SubconlfoCces work and Is to Coordinate and exptdlts Procurement 0( in IedaI Rapresentetive for Instructions before prooeading with the excavation. Red Thread II Pips System TESTING tasting pro ONS: Dr not Baby l Irom ,g folfowlnt testing protellsr. Perform alternate <br /> and performance of work of re,peclive trade, and Subcontractors, Control Contractor to have I STABLE SOIU $Ito e,covuljon perimeter to allow 2C minimum between Adhealvts for Primo Product PI In Adhesives ,far Vent, Va or, and Secondo Containment Pi In cum documented, urea required by heal Inap*clove alter Chevron lean ora completed and <br /> the some qualified neponslble npresanlallve who undbnfonds and spanks English llue,,4 on the TANK HOLE $ ZE UJ Primary Piping p Secondary Piping documented. <br /> jb6 al pts limas, Including Ume' of I in petition, General Conlroclar Is rtsponsible for lank! and 24' minimufm between tank delta and and cops and the wall of the lank hale. DS-80t4 (Must be t/cul Pocked) 0$-7069 <br /> je tobliahinqq and maintaining all final. levet! and grodo$ shown on plans or othervi required. D8-8069 1. FIRST s or (`Prior to Back not o Trenches): (h rat connect ntnt to lank,, remote <br /> General Conlroctor to maintain sits In etc* safe condition for other trade, and contractor. pumps or Cispe niers. Do not Taal or Install secondary conlalnsnant Rttings unlN primary plpirp <br /> TANK HOLE SIZE IN UNSfAfiLE SOIL: Unstable soil Is defin*d as haring Ass than 75,0 i�s./fq, Non-metallic filttngs ore to be chafe manufactured by the wDplier of the pipe beery uaad. If tested. <br /> H. Cohesion. as calculated from an uncannnad compceas(on foal, or rods with an ullmote beefing <br /> Th Contractor accepts full responsibility for proper handling and Installation Capacity of lets than 3,500 Ibs./sq.ft, Loose sand, muck, bogs peal, swamp or londlill where rod Install primary and secondary pipe and Fillings In accordance with the monufacWteis Instrucflons. Teat ho entire piping system, Lt.. product, vent secondary containment and vapor recovery <br /> RESPONSIBIUlY: e C p D Y <br /> of the fibargtasf relnfprce4 qlosllc (FRP) or composite underground tank, and FRA piping, and is loft are generally conldared unstable soils. 2, STEEL PIPE: (COlvanized or Stock Iron) (where applicable), In accordance with the fallowing procedure. <br /> ,hall ensue* that good workmanship, practical and conftruc fon procedure! ore followed during <br /> the handling and Installation of the tanks and piping. Sits excavation perimeter to allow 24' minimum between tanks and o minimum of holt the lank <br /> d(amHer Dalween lne bank sides/and caps and lN* wou of the tank hole, Schedule 40 (,'," A-12O) Slee[ Pip* Step Onet Install <br /> 300 RgilrwO Unions p(tsfure fo Ole <br /> sT,teminto that IP;A9 sa two pressure gouges (IS <br /> The Contractor Is rtsponib4 for Inspection of the lank, for damage upon receipt at the job sib. 150 Malleable Iron Fittings pts mall On, Apply prtsaure air 10 psi into Ila ptp;nq system. <br /> Nota any vlelbis damage on the delivery receipt. filler fabric will be uaad to line lank hole for IRP tanks In unstable soil. 9 Stop all lotnta usm9 oDprvved soap solution. <br /> The presence le the Company Radetsery roc posits dot not nti+vo the Contractor of lht permanent shoring may be used to stokilizo Iha. walls of the tank hole, at the discretion of the 00 not we standgrd couplings typically fuml,hed with the pipe. Carefully observe each joint lot evidence of Looks, <br /> P. Contractor and or Com gn Ra'(esenlothe. K pe aunt shoring Is used, follow 'Stobie SoiF <br /> responsibility for proper lank handling, insellollon, and safety measures. // R Y fr') HANDLING OF PIPE FITTINGS: All tin Installations shall conform to pia manufacturer'$ Step Two: Prolod area around pipingq syalems to prevent workmen, passer-0y, 411-1 <br /> ,fit crileda. kOff to Ate, a Backfill Moleribta, below. of PP 9 P from entry. Inatoll pressure oppboallon $ystfm that includes Ewa p7tswM gouges (150 <br /> pacification, and inslotlatlon quldeina. Pal maximum) Apply 100 psi Praswre to each ptpinq ryslem, hold for one minute, <br /> TESTING AND INSPECTION: The nature and typo of lest, and or Inspections to be Conducted In PTH OF K HOLE: Contractor (* res oneibN for eetobll7hfnq- Iha tank holo depth, confidarinq 1, f18ERCLAS$,PIPE: Core(ut handling of piping Is critical. Protect piping against obroslon felaase prtssure. Repeat for Ivo cycles, <br /> addition to (hate specifically called for on the Plans or Tn the specrtloations, will be listed by DE AN P <br /> Company Representative under Stops of Work. The cost of such testa will be paid by the the length of pipping runs, to the pump blocks and vent riser,. PIP* bwfal depth, yard ,lope and from Tharp orf hard object; Impact damage from Improper storage, transpiring, toying or Step there; Nepwl Step One. <br /> Compo^Y• the following cnleda: (Measure at the Remote Pump opening). backfilling. Inlpad oil pipe for damage prior to installollan In a piping system. <br /> ' ( 1. A minimum of 1?• ,01 backfill metrial la required under the tanks. 2. STEEL PIPE �).NO FITTINGS: Protect against damp • to rolatUve cootin wra In Record coil .lest results on the Compiny-suDpliad forms. Company Represenlolive's approval of <br /> If the Company Represantalive drlominee. during the couple of Construction, that additional 9 9 D 9/ DD 9 last if required. After obtaining sucil approval, the Contractor ,hall backfill tranches to <br /> Inspections or testing, whether DY Comginy Repreaantotiw or Cr Losing agency, are necessary. INSTALLATION REQWREMENTS: Interior surface of all g sabgrader, following the requirement of Section 02 and materials in Section 07. <br /> the Contractor shot cooptrole m making ortongements for ouch tests. If work In question hos 2. FRP: The minimum depth of cover b 3'-V and the maximum I) 7'-0'. Dips and GIl(n o must be tree from dirt, <br /> not el bap" isolated and quealianad malarial n adis(gclary, payment for the teal +hoe D, made Composita: The minimum depth of cover is V-C and the me.fmum is 5' D. seals, melq/. fibergia,a partlelts, etc. Dalore connecting, 2. SECOND TEST (After feelingseconds piping); 10 <br /> y in ,, y): 0py Dd la U+o secondary, containment SITE IMPROVEMENT$ AND 5 18 by Company, It the realeriat Is unoalfsfoctory, it shall be replaced at no additional cost to Product piping must be ached upward y / P ryslem. Stop all }oinb tong apprcwd +aCD so tacos. 1 BUILDING SHELL $UBMItrr& <br /> Company, and the cosi of Iha lest ohall be Paid by Contractor, 3. Pitch the product lines 1/4' fool Irom the pumpblocks toward the tanks, pD q n p sed con roup of from tanks to to Of s minimum of 1 4' per <br /> foal. Traps of says will not be Parrnilled, Group all Ptpinq and Iq<ote of shown on the Diane. 3. 71fIH0 TEST (Aller connecting ptpinq to looks but prior to Oackfllirrq): Appy 45 pal pressure ob [� <br /> For work already ;notepad which must be un<ov*red In order to be lasted), R It Is defective, the 4. Pitch the vent and vapor return [In., 1/4' Dar toot toward the tanks. Lina, are to be laid ehplghl. ui ng fillings for direct anal and aleratian changes. Oo not exceed 50 psi) to test ay+tem. Keep prusufa on air ifla, until owing If completed. I \ EV I S I O N S <br /> Conlroctor f1o11 bear the axpantss of such uncovering, testing, Gspsolion and replacement of era should be no pressure loan during Ue remainder of the <un rini¢Ilon. <br /> detective molariol be COnalructlan. N the work I, not found defective. Contractor will be allowed 5. Minimum of 2 1/2 Inch separation between <lam,hell Filings k pipe sou exterior for all <br /> an Increase In the contract price or on *xtnslon of the contract lime, o1 both, directly llbortiall piping at Cross-overs, Minimum 6 1/2 Inch se orallpn 01 not wppofttea piping with (only" objects, such as scraps o/ wood, pipe, that may dumpy+ /, FOURTH TEST (After Bac k(i(Iing and Patch POvinq): Agpllef to product Iina* after bac kRil <br /> attributable to such uncovering, feeling, els, between fiberglass piping In the trench, old the walls of the IHnch.. ptpinq, Ain foam wPPorlf. and patching of concrete ]stands, slob!, and yard pcv,ng is completed. Y/ <br /> For bedding of ptpinq runs and backfill of pipe trenches, rater to Section 01 and la subsequent Toil linoe wing Petro Tito Hydrostatic Una Tasting 6juiomenl or approved equal. Company DEVELOPED I� I <br /> SAFETY: Contractor ,boil ot0gren the work In accordance with safe proclloes, laking all ti000nab4 WEtY REQUIREMENT: No potion shall enter a took hole a.cavollon halo. the 5 It, deep level portions of Ihla sect on, Rep,eaontotive to castInote left fluid. fest fluid ,hal be as3ignod Product. dla+el fuel, or -at". <br /> "hear, <br /> to roteck the facility and adjacent fociltal, workman and the public and providing. Unlace the w0113 are shared' or the 21443 doped as owibod by currant OSHA regulations such as Contractor to comply fuily with the Procedure Manual for lh+ Oparallon of Una faster. <br /> when reoaonabPy ncessary, hinl4n, audrds, l4mporary bridges, light, and watchmen. While on 51 CCR 45894 and 29 CFR 1926.850, 651. Old 652. No oxupllon. Stole or loco) requirements CUTTING OF PIPE: ^ /� F-� ' I� <br /> r alllll tea as of Cam an '@ eoNl ru4@' (hall ba pIHClty obfaryed: !Nal on more roelddiw lhgn ComRony spectrfcallon are to Ds adhered to Os though spe<IRed In int pressure aholl be SO pit (maxJ 11.5 pmts operating pntswo (150%)l for o remota Dump P L, K f--1 I I\I Inc .. <br /> Ina promisee of Company o is c D Y y I A. FIOERCLASS PIPE: Cut with a Rn*-toothed hacksaw baada or on abrasive wheal on a I , \ ' 1 v I <br /> In ppmlicular, smoking shall be limited to such locations and odtasloma os are specilkalb <br /> Company spectlIcolions. The Contractor 13 responsible for any design, materials, equipment. permit, ryslem ,with an oilowable tolerance of 0.010 gol/hr, <br /> In partri0 r. smoking <br /> ing by all be yli ted to suc shall loc nos and <br /> or permit any act on I6ha etc., for shoring or ride sloping o hale. cafcvlor power sow. Use a saw quad* or 'Wrap Around To ensure a square cul and. Cut pipe <br /> premises of Company ac It offilobaw which Innivef a fife or explosion hotord, Including and muss be wllhin 1/8" of square. Veal Ilno$ (no phase It vapor recovery): '790(� LUCERNE <br /> I p Der <br /> welding, torch culling and disposal of debris by burning, without prior written consent of FILL AND BACKFILL: All (111 mot4dol shall be of a granular nature, Ire* born vegalallon and / 9 ll L`� E I \ N E U I\ . <br /> Company. extronaous material. Componyy Re re3enlative shall Ins eel and approve the material before It 2. STEEL PIPE: Cul with a hand or power or power-operolad Pipe Cutler, m In normui filling Untese required by local agency, no second teal required. <br /> Is spread. Spread material In line not to oxcead 12 Pathos and tamp IhoraughlIyy. When required practice. SUITE 3 3 <br /> The contrvalor to rospenublo (or certifying that employees and evbagnlroclon an trolled and by local code, Central Contractor shall provide a compacUon tall sof Certffiaollon of fill. Vent lines and vapor recovery piping (with phase IT vapor recovery): <br /> certified In Holordau$ Walla OperoOani and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) In accordance TAPERING cit REAMING: Toper all col Rba mann pia rods Protect pip d wring using ane of lhs <br /> with 29 CFR 1910.120. lomQge loop o. The from Iha pipe ll be imoot. clean pipe a train <br /> tapering to sects. t IrApa calor 13 responsible for vent and roper recov+ry piping oystam+ pooling any ip<aIy A <br /> BALLAST: Use voter of DmllOfl under all conditions where bailO sl Is required. length to papa, The finish taper shall be smooth, dean and hoe horn S 1-3 defects. The Impoaad test rcqu$ra menta. SUNNYVALE ,f <br /> WARNINOI Tools Indicate that pCrolongqed or expected tx overt to petroleum substances In liquid <br /> length of toper for Y diameter pip* 4 1-5/g' and for Y diameter pipe is 1-3/4 , for other airs Q <br /> or vapor form, may be harmful. Rate to Valadol Solely Data Sheat for specific Information Pipe, coMuR Ptpe monulaclurar't In,lrvtltgn,. 940CJ6 <br /> on vpr;ou# petroleum products, DRY HOLE CONDITION:s10N: Tanks, sur backfill to lop of laths, must to to <br /> de h there t any <br /> - chant that surface err subsurface water will solar the lank hole to a depth of 23r of greater Stool pipe coda ore to be reamed. <br /> above the bottom of the tanks. BONDING k ADHESIVE SYSTEMS (Fberglast Pipe): All libergloss pipe surfaces to be handed _.I CHEVRON <br /> amu \/(� \I <br /> follow man0ceturen pr*caullano for Obarg$ns piping. resins, or solvents used In assembling the shall be atoned with solvent supplied by pipe monufocluier. U to Bred section Is wet or moist, LATHROP V f E `/ i \O i V <br /> Piping system. Caution - Do not balm it tanks unlit boculli Is to top of tank,. P <br /> dry wllh pfoppnr forth - do not overheat or bum IM pipe, If temperature is below 7U F (21' C), <br /> warm oil lop*tad surfaus poor to dpply(ny rtstn of use epoxy adhesive as recommended by the <br /> WET HOLE CONDITION: Allnmpt to pump water from the lank hole la maintain a 'Ory Hot* manufaclune'pn all bili and opt at jColo. Mix Cohesive thoroughly In accurdgnco with SERVICE <br /> / r- 1� j� \ <br /> 02 EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL Condition.' It UAW# Ito obtain a 'Ory Hof* Condition,' notify Company Reprosentalive who ill manufacturer's instructions and appy Ia both suriocee. Inters the iplgol and Into the ban using SERV I C 1- S I T I O I V <br /> determine the Course (of action. Install filter fabric, lir-down 'logs' and bedding as spe<IIIe4 a slight turning motion (one-half turn to a full turn Is necessary) and push. i- <br /> (Supplement to Construction Spe<lfkolions) eiss.hore. Set tank fro hole, pgrtiallyy fill with water until It links firmly on the bad. Use onry rrll �I <br /> tea. •..,. -..... .......- .�...«....,- ...-,.- .,._.- ,....-,- .�..,_,_,.__.._ _ enough water to Widest lank until backfill to to tap of tank. Altai bocklllf to lop of lank, fill Apply prsesu($ until m4Chonkal lock Ir OChiaved. Maintain Dock axial prea+ure on all previously FOOD MALT and Q�R <br /> tank with water until' Comp1411on of Installation. csiU(ad joints to reduce the chance of separation. <br /> R OF EXISTING TANKS AND PIPING SYSTEMS: Contractor will furnish permits. I <br /> an or equlpmenl. except as noted, to remove existing tanks and lanes per following Caution - Ballast levoll must mayor exceed water or Oack811 level In the hob during IndouallOn, Inspect all filing, for proper alignment and possible 'book-out` al the Joints. <br /> procadu Do not remove ballast Until tgnk stab has bean Poured. Do not set remote Pump motor until Follow pip* manufacturer's recommendollons on cure time before disturbing joint or telling, <br /> ballast rater how beam forma ad from lank. If it Is antidpofod that the lemparoWre will drop below TV F (21' C) at any time during the CORNER OF <br /> LATHROP <br /> Conlraclor, as or lh* contract, whl 4x*eut and comply wllh ompany'* 'Addendum curing process, apply heal to the joints. Only. chemical or electrical devices recommended by <br /> Tank Ot,Posit Cern Ion Agreement.' 1 <br /> TANK HOLD-DOWNS (TI+-Blown): Install hold-down 'loge at all lotallone with known water DIPS manufacWnr ore acceptable Or this purpose. 00 not use open llama or ,parking devkts, ROAD & HARLANROAD <br /> NI lank, and pIpIng shelf alloyed and disposed a accordance will the Addendum T nk conditions and at those locations where water is found during lank inelalloCon. Ret( to 'Tank such a, PropOne to(that. to cure (sell. <br /> ol,posaf Certification Agraaman appfoible *Tat Iota regulollona. Hold-Down drawing for design, fabrleallIon and Installation requirements, and to section 05 of LATHROP CALIFORNIA <br /> those sp*cIttationr amid drawing (-10 (N-PET-FIO-6.DWG) IHRWED JOINTS: Threaded steel pip* Joints mull be reamed and have clean cut, perfect <br /> Removal of tanks and )[net shall Com I Recommended Practice 1604, Removal no thread, onel be made up with non-hardening joint compound Ineolublo In petroleum products <br /> Disposal of Used Underground Slowge *comber 1987 and March 1989 supplement approved by Company RapeaemlalNo. jOD1(Qi I15E,1DDbFS[YL_f913,.,Il18EtDERC➢fi11EGLDtl$. - <br /> REMOTE TURBINE: Contractor to verify turbin head will be 4-6' above lank. bottom. Do not <br /> Contractor ahgll also compy wits rrant NFPA and regulations. Install turbine If turbine shaft length exceeds lank dlomebr Plot burial depth$ Typical joint compound: <br /> Company Represantalive Is pcnsible for removal of all to a product from the lank,. Notify, Comany Rsp(sisent9flv4• rho will determine the course of action, If atell exceed. lank HI-PRO THREAD SCALWT: REFER TO A 0. SMITH BULLETIN No. 04510. TANK & LINE DETAILS <br /> Prod,ek will be return o terminal o, other company facility, diameter pPu* burfol depth. Raclorr*al <br /> Pumowx 51-0 <br /> Excavate to lh of each tank. Can must be token to prevent break fay Tiging and or opprovod equal <br /> "I"'Inq pr in the environment. Prior to darting excavotlan, the contra hall ensu <br /> p + fIBCRCIASS 10 STEEL PIPE OR FLEXIBLE CONNECTORS: ihnad fiber9Ian (hnndad-and —' <br /> ower I toll to any circuit. whose conduit may trots the excavation. <br /> cdopbfrs Into the steel pipe or Oiling bdora bonding onto the tibtrgloss pipe. Use male end <br /> rihle glo,s fitting when connecting to flarconnector,. All Ile.lble connectors are mole-ewlvel by <br /> tAL1_ TANK AND LINE INSTALLATIONS SHALL BE <br /> nol*. The le,nao and connect to the Ilb.f9esa plping. PERFORMED BY A LICENSED C61 —D40 CONTRACTOR. <br /> cQ HOT USE 9)JEua�DR._tzRErDED�nnNEciDts THESE PLANS ARE DIAGRAMATIC IN NATURE AND <br /> ARE NOT INTENDED TO BE AN EXACT REPRESENTATION SCALE : NONE <br /> _ ----- OF THE FINAL PRODUCT. THESE PLANS SHALL BE -- DRAWING # <br /> USED BY THE CONTRACTOR AS AN AID ONLY. 94- 1003 <br /> CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THF. <br /> COMPLETE INSTALLATION OF TANKS, PIPES, AND PROJ. # <br /> ALL EQUIPMENT ASSOCIATED WITH SCOPE OF WORK. _ IUJf` <br /> 5/18/95 <br /> OF <br />