ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVING 7. As a minimum, a 12 inch of backfill material shall be b. Galvanized for gasoline or Black Iron for diesel,Schedule TESTING
<br /> ! 9 18. If contamination is discovered, Contractor shall notify Pacific parallel to or at right angles to the structural members,
<br /> placed in the excavation, leveled and smoothed. 40 (ASTM A-120) Steel Pipe with 300 pound Malleable Bell Engineer immediate) Contaminated soil Is to be Exposed conduit stubbing up through the floor into the
<br /> � 1. Unless otherwise noted, streets, paths or other paved I. Test ,y1; Primary suction and return pipes shall be tested 9 y p
<br /> Iron Fittings. Do not use standard couplings normally stacked separately on vis
<br /> areas in which the surface is removed, broken, or 8, Tanks within 12 feet of buildingfoundations or where soil furnished with the e without
<br /> 26 inches of vacuum fora half-hour minimum duration P Y queen and covered with bottom of exposed_ panels, cabinets e equipment shall be
<br /> damaged, or in which the ground hos caved in or settled p p without prepping and in the presence of Pacific Bell visqueen. Disposal ac contaminated soil will be by line dips properly spaced and ;hall be straight end limb,
<br /> P
<br /> conditions are unstable, contact Pacific Bell to determine company representative. Environmental Contractor Contractor shall load contaminated Conduits shall be installed f sufficient depth below the
<br /> due to the installation of the improvements shall be if shoringor alternate excavation methods should be used C. Pipe wrapping: Underground steel portions of pipe and P Y P
<br /> resurfaced and brought to the original rade Pavement risers shall be wry soil on truck provided by Environmental Contractor, floor to eliminate indite any part of the bend above. Maintain 12
<br /> 9 g g wrapped with two layers of Calpico, Suggested procedure:
<br /> replacement shall be in kind subject to the following 9_ Approved backfill materials: Polyken 940, Scotchwrap 50 (10 chit. tape) or � inches separation between power and intercommunication
<br /> PP approved equal, 2 inches wide with 1/2 inch spiral lap. o, Tank shall be vented to atmosphere at all times. 19. If hole is left open overnight, Contractor to completely fence cables. Conduit shall be kept at least 6 inches from the
<br /> minimum pavement sections: off the tank hole with six (6) foot high temporary chain coveringan hot water
<br /> a. Pea gravel: A clean, naturally rounded aggregate with b. Remove foot valve and cap suction line at bottom of link fencing, no exceptions. A lockable ate shall be pipes and 18 Inches from the
<br /> C. Streets and Other Areas Subject to Vehicular Troffic: d. Cut steel e with a hand or ower or suction stub. 9. P
<br /> 1 pipe p power 9 covering on flues and breaching,
<br /> n let inch minimum and o 3/8 maximum provided on all excavations left open more than 2 days
<br /> 3 inch asphalt concrete over 12 inch aggregate base diameter. Up to 3% of the particles rnoy pass operated pipe cutter, as in normal fitting practice. c Apply 26 inches of vacuum to suction line at point of See pions for location. '
<br /> 14. Conduit Support: Conduit shall be supported at inter-
<br /> rnateriol. Steel pipe ends shall be roomed, connection to equipment. pp
<br /> through o /j8 sieve. 20. Upon approval of Pacific Bell Facility Engineer, Contractor vols not exceeding 10 feet with a support d. Do not apply vacuum to tank or generator engine. P VP Y 9 not more
<br /> b. Asphalt Paths and 'Walks: 1 1/2 inch asphaltb. Approved materials shall be dry and comply with e. Threaded joints shell be reamed and have clean cut, shall install new tank, than 3 feet from the outlet and at any point where
<br /> 2. Test 2: Primary e shall be air pressure tested at 75 it changes in direction. Conduit placed against
<br /> concrete over 4 inch aggregate base material. ASTM C33, Porti- 9.1 for quality and soundness intact threads, mode up with non-hardening joint i f Y P P P 21. Replace or restore any existing site condition damaged or
<br /> compound insoluble in petroleum products. Psg Or one hour, Joints shall be seeped with j/7006 9 concrete or masonry above ground shall he fastened
<br /> 2. Before resurfacing material is laced, averment edges Southbend Leak Detector, Amway LOCHigh soap or equal altered during the tank removal and installation, remove to the concrete with pipe straps or one-stew conduit
<br /> 3 P P g'- 10. In wet hole installations, pump hole continuously and using a garden type hand sheet piling.
<br /> shall be trirnmed bock for enough to provide clean, solid provide geotextiles filter fabric lining at bottom and sides f Joint compounds strait be Gilborco Rectorseal, 9 9 yP pump sprayer. Isolate pipes clamps attached to the concrete by means of
<br /> faces and shall be free of any loose moterial. Trenches Permatex 57 or equal, non-hardening, fuel resistant. from tank. Remove extractable elements and insert Emco expansion anchors and screws. Expanders and shields
<br /> shall be Sawcut 6 inches back from side of trench of excavation, Mirc i 140N or approved equal. J Wheaton #491723 test plugs, ELECTRICAL and bolts shall be such that the roof test load will
<br /> 3. Enviroflex Piping System P
<br /> 3 Test #3. Secondary piping shall be air pressure tested at 1. Work shall conform to the following codes: not be less than four times the actual working load.
<br /> 11. During installation maintain factory applied pressure 'or o. Shall consist of flexible inner primary pipe contained '
<br /> 3 Subgrade: The top 6 inches of subgrted under areas to be vacuum test on the tank annular space. Prior to covering within o flexible outer containment pipe. 5 psiu for one hour and soaped as Hated k Test y2. Air 15. Conduit bends, other than factory ells, shall hove
<br /> paved =_boll be scarified and compacted to 95% of the tanks pressure shall be maintained until after bar'afillin
<br /> 9 d. NEPA 70 - National Electrical Code a radius of not less than ten times the
<br /> maximum density determined in accordance with ASTM perform tests as required. C. Shall be continuous, whereby there shall be no fittings or P P b. Uniform Building Code, latest edition internal diameter of the conduit.
<br /> operations are completed.
<br /> p1557 SUMPSconnections, for either the primaryor secondary4, Test 4: When required by local code, a. Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA)
<br /> r piping containment pipe which are not visible or accessible from test on the system Ca primary R return or Psl Standards
<br /> PRE-CAST CONCRETE 7. For tank fill His secure sum riser m containment collar Y p P Y d. Uniform Fire code 16. Conduit Protection: Cop Conduit during construction
<br /> P• P the aboveground surface. vapor and vent lines. Pressure system for one half by means of manufactured seals. Swab out
<br /> (which is furnished with Conk) as recommended by sump hour minimum at 5 psi, soy e, CCR Title 23
<br /> 1. Precast concrete deodmen shall be formed to size as noted manufacturer. � p pall joints. conduit before putting in wire.
<br /> Shall provide watertight containment of the tanks piping f. City or County Codes as applicable
<br /> on Drawings. Provide lifting lugs of minimum j�6 rebor at and Its associated fittings, and the shear valve assembly 5. Test $5. Water lest some for four hours after-penetrations - 17, Pullin No oil, grease or similar substances shall be
<br /> 4 feet On center, rm�nimum of 2 lugs. 2. Penetrations to tank fill sum shall be sealed using method 9�
<br /> P 9 located below each ground fuel dispenser unit. hove been sealed to verify water tightness. Check for 2. Electrical materials used on this protect shall ba new and used to farlltgte the pulling in of conductors.
<br /> r recommended by sump manufacturer. seepage, If none, remove water using a hand um free from defects and shall conform where a
<br /> 2. Concrete sh ail be reinforced,to minults 4conc psi. wale g pump and pplicable, to Use a UL approved wire pulling compound. No
<br /> d. Shall be mode of non-corrosive materials, or If metallic, install leak detector and our ea Duel backfilling the fallowing standards, unless otherwise Hated. wire or cable shah be
<br /> Pacific Bell with factory test results Of concrete strength 3. Water test sum for tour hours after penetrations have P P 9 9 pulled n until construction
<br /> P P such as the fittings and couplings, isolated from materials around sump, which might
<br /> prior to installgtion. Cracking or chipping of concrete shall beep sealed to verifyvoter tightness Check for seepage; g t damage insulation or fill conduit with
<br /> be rounds for re-ection. 9corrosion causing elements a. NEMA - National Electrical Manufacturers Association. foreign materials is completed. Wire shall
<br /> 9 1 if none, remove water using a hand pump and in Stoll sump 6. fest {j5; Perform aline block and drop test as follows: b. ANSI - American National Standards Institute. be pulled into conduits with care to prevent
<br /> monitoring probe. e. Outer secondary containment system shall be of such a a. A liquid blockage test of all vapor in from each C. UL - Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. durnage to insulation. Use basket Pulling grips
<br /> CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE q 9 P piping 9
<br /> design and made of materials to have sufficient strength dispenser to its underground tank to insure adequate to avoid slipping of insulation on conductors.
<br /> 1. Comply with requirements of ACI for cost-in-place 4. For 3,000 gallon tanks which are 64 inches in diameter, to withstand the rnoximum underground burial foods and line slope and liquid drainage. 3. The extent of the electrical work includes but is not limited Nylon rope or other "sof{' surface Coble must
<br /> change 42 inch diameter reducer sump to 38 inch tested in accordance with AASHTO M294. to the following items: be used for
<br /> concrete. pulling in conduits other than steel.
<br /> diameter bottom by 33 inch diameter top tapered b. A pressure drip versus flaw rate test from each nozzle
<br /> containment sump and ring. f Flexible inner primary piping systern shall be capable of to its associated underground tank. o Provide receptacle outlets, pull boxes, switches, wire, 18. Connections: Stranded conductors No. 8 and smaller
<br /> 2. Forms shall , new Douglas
<br /> Fats ly Douglas Fir, Construction withstanding liquid pressure five times greater than the C. A pressure deco leak test of each circuits, relays, conduits with supports, anchors and shall be terminated with terrnlnols of appropriate
<br /> Grade, SIS2E, or Dauylas fir Plywood, five-ply, 5/8 Inch, RISERS AND ASSOCIATED PIPING P Y/ product's vapor
<br /> B-B Plyform, Class i Exterior Type with mill-oiling treatment designed operating pressures. control system including nozzles and underground sleeves, additional materials and accessories as size where connected to screw type lugs Joints,
<br /> tanks, where required by local authorities. required for a complete functioning installation, Alarm splices and taps in dry locations for conductors No.
<br /> omitted. 1. Underground steel portions of pipe and nisers including g. Outer secondary containment system shall undergo an air unit and bell. 8 and smaller shall be made with twist on connectors
<br /> one located in sumps, shall be wrapped with two layers of pressure hold test (3 to 5 psi) after Installation and 7. Test #7; After placing finish yard materials, conduct o suitable sized for the number and gage of the
<br /> 3. Reinforcement, ASTM A615, Grade 40 for bars No. 4 and Calpico, Polyken 940, Scotchwrap 50 (10 rill. tape) or before the final backfill state certified precision leak test (Horner E-Z Check or b, install owner furnished TLS-350 panel sensors and probe conductors Furnish and install proper lugs in panel
<br /> smaller. approved equal, 2 inches wide with 1/2 inch spiral lop. approved equal) of the entire system. Test shall be boards, switchboards and gutters as required to
<br /> n, Flexible inner primarypiping system shall be subject to conducted using fuel. No stdkin robin or boring 4 Breakers Voltage as required. Manufacturer shall be the properly terminate every cable. Where paralleled
<br /> p P d Y 1 9 P 9 9 same as the panel board or switchboard in which they are conductors or conductors of large sizes are to
<br /> 4. Concrete: Readyrnixed, ASTMC94, or jab mixed. Cement 2, Connections to tank users shall flexible connectors. 60 psi air pressure hold lest prior allowed after test,
<br /> ASTM 0150, Type II. Aggregate: ASTM C33, clean and No direct connections allowed. P P p or to final backfill. UNDERGROUND TANK REMOVAL PROCEDURE
<br /> Co mounted. If two or three pole breakers occur In the terminate on a breaker, a short length of Copper
<br /> CryWater Potable, Glen, from domestic source. Curley i. Design of secondary containment system shall permit any panels, they shall be common trip units. Single pole cable (of capacity of the breaker) shall be
<br /> Compound: Liquid membrane, ASTM C309, Type 1. FUEL PIPING leak in the primary piping system to flow from its source 1. Contractor shall call U.S.A, and have utilities field marked breakers with tie-bar between handles will not be connected to the breaker, and the proper
<br /> Curing Sheet Material: ASPM C171, to a surface access containment chamber which can be ,error to any excavation. In addition, Contractor shall make accepted. Breakers shall have toggle, quick-make and compression type lug installed to connect this
<br /> Comply with the following requirements, fitted with on electronic leak detection system, visual and rho nete inspection of work area for n quick-break operating mechanisms with trip-free feature to ,-able to the feeder cobra The rutting of cable _
<br /> 5. Batch and mix concrete In accordance with ASTM C94 at 9 P Y prevent contacts being held closed against over current strands to fit the breaker will not be permitted.
<br /> an established plant, or job-mix. Mix concrete in quantity possible underground utilities and conduits. Contractor is conditions in the circuit. Tri
<br /> P 1 q Y o. CCR Title 19. State Fire Marshal. p Position of the breakers shall Copper to aluminum connections of bus bars
<br /> j. Secondary containment ant pipe shall be sized to allow responsible for restoring any underground utilities be nearly ter o sit by movement of the operating handles and lugs shall be mode using belleville washers
<br /> far immediate use. Do not re-temper or use set concrete, b. CCR Title 8, Industrial Safety Orders. removal of primary pipe without need for excavation, damaged during construction. to the center position.
<br /> C, American Petroleum institute API Standards for
<br /> 6. Concrete shall be regular weight. 145 fc. Minimum 28-da (API)
<br /> and flat washers io compensate crier for differing rotes
<br /> 9 d P Y double wall tank installations. 4. Interior surface of pipes and fitting shall 'tie free from dirt, 2. Notify Pacific Bell Facilities Engineer, Site contact, and U.S.A., of thermal expansion, Only crimping tools approved
<br /> Compressive strength for slab an grade shall be for r minimum d. Materials, fabrication NEMPn and testing shall conform to 5. Rigid Steel Conduit Comply to Underwriter's b the manufacturer of the terminals or lugs shall
<br /> psi. Maximum aggregate size shall be 3 8 inch for regular- scale, metol, fiberglass particles, etc. before Connecting. (800) 642-2444, forty-eight (48) hours prior to start of y y 9
<br /> P / 9 standards of NEMP, IEEE, NEPA, UL and USAIA. tank removal or an excavation. Laboratories UL-6 specification, Al and Federal be used Non-insulated lugs end wire ends shall
<br /> weight concrete. Maximum slump shall be 4 inches. e. National Electrical Code, NFPA 70. y specification WW-C-581 or latest revisions. Hot di be Insulated with layers of plastic tape equal to
<br /> 5. Fuel piping shall be pitched upward continuously from � P Y' P P 7
<br /> 7. Design and construct formwork. Forms shall be f. CCR Title 24, Part 3, State Electricgal Code. P / p /4 inch 3. Fuel in existing underground tank sholl be removed galvanized on ..the exterior. Zinc or enamel on the interior. insulation of wire, with irregular surfaces properly
<br /> � - 9 g. CCR Title 24, Part 5, State Plumbing Code, annular space end a minimum et 1 8 inch per foot; 1 Couplings. lockouts, and other fittings shall be
<br /> substantially built and of sufficient strength and rigidity to h. NFPA 30 and 31, per foot for suction vent and return piping. Traps or sags and disposed by Pacific QeIL P 9s' 9 galvanized podded with insulation putty prior to application
<br /> produce finished concrete of the precise size, shape and i. Required tank labeling, UL 58. will not be permitted. Group piping and locate as shown or sheardized, waterproof and threaded type only, of tape. Splices in underground pull boxes or in
<br /> on the plains, Lines are to be laid straight, using fittings 4. Engineer will apply for and pay for tank removal permits. other areas subject to moisture shall be
<br /> location indir_ated. j. CCR Title 23, •Water Resources Control Board, p 9 9Contactor is responsible for arranging ins G. Outlet Boxes: Galvanized steel, boxes installed in an provided with cost resin kits. Prepare splices as
<br /> for directional and elevation changes. P g g Contractor
<br /> all tank Y li P
<br /> k. Requirements of local authorities. and piping removal is by Contractor. Contractor shall exterior location, where exposed to rain or where exposed specified before resin kits are applied.
<br /> 8. Finish shall be medium broom, Keep surfaces I, Local fire and health departments. to moisture laden atmosphere shall be cast screw hub type
<br /> continuously dump for twenty-four hours. Curing is 6. Do not support piping with foreign objects, such as scraps cooperate with "Environmental Contactor" for soil/voter P19. Systems shall test free from short circuits and
<br /> intended to maintain water for proper hydration and to of wood, pipe, etc. Where piping posses through existing sampling and disposal of tank. with gasketed weatherproof covers. Boxes for vapor
<br /> P P Y I. Fiberglass Piping 9 9 roof or explosion grounds and be free from mechanical and electrical
<br /> - p p proof applications shall be designed defects. Circuits shall be tested for the proper
<br /> minimize temperature angers. Procedures shall be materials gasket with resilient materials. Where block iron
<br /> 5. Provide fire extinguishers of size and ratio specified b specifically for such use.
<br /> Consistent therewith as for as practical and within scope a. Protect fiberglasspipend fittings against abrasion pipe is primary, support primary piping inside of secondary 9 9 P y neutral connection and rotation of motors. Where
<br /> of work specified, 9 9 9 containment in with blocks of neoprene at a minimum local fire departments
<br /> piping 9 P tests indicate foully installation or refer defects,
<br /> P from sharp or hard objects; Impact damage fore of 5 feet on center 7. Where applicable, pull boxes and cabinets shall be Ore-improper story e, transport. laying or backflllin fabricated concrete t e: Christ Concrete Products, they shall be located, repaired and retested
<br /> 9. Defective concrete shall be repaired or replaced as directed 9 P Y 9 9 6. There shall it no welding or other sources of ignition in YP Y
<br /> 0Inspect pipe for damage prior to using in the piping the area while the removal operations are in r at the Contractors expense,
<br /> at no additional expense to Pacific Bell. /, For bedding of piping runs and backfill of pipe trenches, P- progress Breaks or equal, Boxes shall have standard brass hold-
<br /> P system. Protect piping from prolonged exposure to refer to other portions of these specifications. There shall be no smoking on the job site. ' NO down bolts and hardware. Boxes located in paved areas 20. Electrical contractor shall refer to latest issue of
<br /> ultraviolet light. SMOKING" signs shall be orated. Or the areas over which vehicles normally may travel shall Vesder-Root installation Instruction prior to
<br /> b. Primary and secondary e and fittings shall be UL 8. Fiberglass to steel e connections. Fiberglass threaded- have traffic savers. Storting work.
<br /> v Y Y P�P y 9 pipe g 9
<br /> E 1. Comply with the following requirements: approved, non-metallic, 100X alcohol and methanol end adapters are to be threaded into the steel pipe or 7. Provide barricades with flashing yellow lights and warning
<br /> u compatible, for underground piping of petroleum fittingbefore bonding onto the fiberglass e. signs to protect pedestrians and/or motor vehicles from 8. Relays for pumps and generator shall be heavy duty typo_
<br /> P 9 PP 9 9 9 PP work area and tank hole. safety switches as manufactured by G.E.. Westinghouse,
<br /> N a. CAC Title 19, Slate' Fire Marshall. products. The primary pipe shall have hell and 9
<br /> or threaded And banded omits. Secondary 9. Flexible connectors. Flexible connectors for connection of Cutler-Hammer, Gould p Square D. Furnish with
<br /> C. CAC Title 8, Industrial Safety Orders. spigotY c enclosure suitable for application. Provide fused type
<br /> C. American Petroleum Institute (API) Standards for piping shall have flanged and bolted joints. Ciba- fuel return and vent piping of tanks rnoy be used in lieu of 8. Drain, and when appropriate, flush product in the piping PP YP
<br /> Gell Dooley 3,000 Pipe System, Smith, Red Thread swing joints if approved by local jurisdiction. into the tank. where indicated or required by code, Motor starters shall
<br /> double wall tank installations, 9X Y P Y
<br /> m be disconnect switch type complete with three overload
<br /> e
<br /> d. Materials, fabrication and testing fto tl Pipe System, or approved equal.
<br /> esg sconform P3. The Rinse Contractor shall remove all pumped
<br /> out, flammable relays and enclosure suitable for Gould
<br /> notion, G.E.,
<br /> r
<br /> standards of NEfd P, IEEE, Ni UL and USAIA. c. Cut fiberglass pipe with a fine-toothed hacksaw blade 10, All lines shall be located as shown on the building liquid from the tank which can be pumped out. It may be Westinghouse, Culler-Hammer, Gould or Square D.
<br /> e. Notionl Electrical Code, NFPA 70, or an abrasive wheel on a circular power saw. Use a dowing and shall grade down to tank, Identify lines necessary to use a hand pump to remove the bottom few
<br /> ,Q f. CAC Title 24, Part 3, State Electrical Codesaw guide or "Wrap Around' to ensure a square cut with brass engraved togs at both ends. inches of product and rinsate. All residual liquid or sludge, 9. Conductors: Unless specifically noted otherwise herein,
<br /> g. CAC Title 24, Part 5. State Plumbing Code. end. Cut pipe end roust be within 1/8 inch of square, including rin^,tate will be disposed by Environmental Contractor conductors for general wiring shall be a minimum of 98% SEAr Or uCAt. ENcNCcR
<br /> In, NFPA 30 and 31. 11. The foot valve shall be removed from the tank with the full conductivity, stonded, soft drawn copper, No. 10 and - - -
<br /> 'o
<br /> I. Required tank labeling, UL 58. of Fopering and reaming Cul fiberglass pipe ends shall 10. Sawcut and remove concrete or A.C. cover for access to smaller shall be 600 volt, Type THWN. 11157E ORT 6i. LOG A AE38CJCIA41i8 INC.
<br /> CAC Title 23, Water Resources Control Board. length y extractor pipe in place ran presence of telephone Q
<br /> b be tapered using standard tapering tools available company representatives. tank, dispose of concrete and A.C. debris. 'van^-"'E`=nu^` �Ix+9'+a erecnNffcwd
<br /> k. Requirements of local authorities. from the e manufacturer. Protect e during 10. Connections 8 and smaller; I'll")..�„ar .A.
<br /> f I. Local fire and health departments, PP pP 9 rY pre-Insulated spring type
<br /> P tapering to prevent damage to Alpe. the finish taper 12 If Pacific Bell Engineer has required total containment 11. Shore the edge of the tank hale, if required All shanny Is connectors. Threaded or crimp types will not be accepted .nn ._nrKYx.cin.*ecr �;,��- erreFn
<br /> c) shall be smooth, clean and free from surface defects, "Enviroflex" product piping to be installed, see sheet P--3.E to be in place before excavating tank. Use Skotchlock, Hydent, T&B or equal. Terminals for
<br /> 2. When lifting or moving tanks, always use adequate sized The length of toper for 2 inch diameter Is 1 5/8 inches for oddrinapiping s stranded conductors No. 8 and smaller shall be a pre-
<br /> C4
<br /> equipment and lift by lifting lugs and use a spreader bar to and for inch diameter pipe is 1 3/4 Inches, For other P ecifications. 12. Dig down to the top of the tank, insulated crimp type Lugs and connectors for conductors -
<br /> z ensure a lift ongle of at least 45' at each lifting lug Each size pipe, consult pipe manufacturer's instructions, BEDDING AND BACKFILL No. 6 and larger shall be compression types of one piece
<br /> tank shall have a rmn;murn of two lifting lugs. Do riot set 13. Remove the fill (drop) tube and TLS probe. Disconnect the tubular construction with flat ectongular tongues Two ----
<br /> tanks with less than two lifting lugs e, Fiberglass pipe surfaces to be bonded shell be cleaned i. A 4 inch minimum bed of backfill material is to be placed fill, gauge, and product and vent lines. Cop or plug open hole lugs shall be used for sizes 4/0 and forger. Fittings
<br /> with solvent as supplied b o manufacturer If in in trenches, Smooth, compact and slope bedding ends of the lines which are not to be used further. for copper conductors shall be tin- luted copper. Cost ��-
<br /> 3. Protect tanks against ebosion from sharp gr bar i PP Y pipe piping p o p� g pp p pp-
<br /> d objects; tapered section is wet or moist, dry with propane moterial to allow a slope of 1/4 inch per foot toward the Remeve any remaining liquid from the delivery line using resin kits shalt be Skotchlock sealing packs for wire size to ---------- __._--.. _
<br /> irnpoct damage from improper stooge, transport, laying or torch, - do not overheat or burn the pipe. If tanks. In extreme conditions, may per foot 1/8 inch P Y tie splices as
<br /> 9 P using care to avoid spillage. 10 and Skotchlock kits for longer < _
<br /> backfilling. Protect steel pipe and fitth�ys against damage temperature is below 60' F, warm tapered surfaces used if approved by Pacific Bell. 14. Plug all tank openings with one plug to have 1/8 inch vent recommended by 3M Company. NO. REw51cN5 / Au nioR1lAnoNS on1E BY
<br /> to the protective tooting or wrapping. Protect tanks from with propane torch, - do not overheat or burn the pipe hold for temperature expansion.
<br /> prolonged exposure to ultra violet light. or fitting. Bell and spigot joints shall be made up with 2. Piping shall be pieced on prepared bed in such a manner as 17. Grounding and bonding, The entire electricol system shall
<br /> epoxy adhesive as recommended by the pipe to minimize points at which one pipe may cross over 15. The tank shall be made inert by using thirty pounds of dry form a continuous metallic electrical conductor from �ry ("� /''+ c
<br /> 4. Underground fuel tanks shall be o steel primary tank manufacturer, Adhesive shall be mixed thoroughly in another pipe, At points where piping must cross over, a ice per thousand gallons of tank capacity or as required service point to every outlet and shall be grounded by SPECIFICATIONS
<br /> meeting UL58 with secondary containment provided by a rccordonce with manufacturer's instructions and sholl minimum of 1 1/2 pipe diameter shall separate the pipes. by local authorities. connection to the main service ground. Electrical systems,
<br /> steel/fiberglass reinforced plastic composite secondary be applied to both surfaces. Insert the spigot end into supports, cabinets, control equipment, motor fromes and
<br /> tank. The tanks sholl carr UL label approval for 16. After tank hos been inspected by local health and fire FRAMNGS PREPARE[) FOR
<br /> Y PP the bell using g slight turning motion (one-half turn l0 3. Approved backfill materials: utilization apparatus shall be permanently and effectively
<br /> � underground motor fuel storage. Tanks shall comply with a full turn is necessary) and push. Apply Inspectors, excavate and remove tank and piping, �y f
<br /> pp y pressure grounded. PACIFIC BALL
<br /> a ANSI 8137.1 and NFPA Standards 30 & 31, Annular Contractor to load tank and piping on transport provided
<br /> •�
<br /> ro until mechanical lock Is achieved. Back axial pressure o. Pero gravel: A clean, naturally rounded aggregate with
<br /> N cavities shall be monitored with electronic monitoring should be maintained on previously assembled joints on 1/8 inch minimum and a 3/8 inch maximum by others. Disposal of tank and piping by Enviro. Contractor. 12, Conduit Application: Minimum size of conduit shall be 1/2 SACRAMENTO, C�IIFFORNIA
<br /> equipment. Working capacities, openings and to reduce the chance of separation. diameter. U to 3% of the Contractor to remove and dispose of existing concrete
<br /> appurtenances shall be as Shawn on Drawings, Unused P P particles may pass through tie-down slab beneath tank if specified in Scope of Work inch. In no case shall the conduit size be smaller than that FAGIu7Y ADDRESS
<br /> 9 a y8 sieve. on sheet P-1. shown on the drawings Boxes installed indoors or f�' 1'`�
<br /> v tank openings shall be tightly sealed with plugs and caps I. Fiberglass pipe adhesive shall be as recommended by imbedded in concrete shell be galvanized steel type. �O� LINCOLN ROAM
<br /> installed in accordance with manufacturer's pipe manufacturer b. Approved materials shall be dry and comply with 17. After the existing tank is removed, soil and/or water samples Boxes installed exposed or outdoors shall be galvanized /'�
<br /> recommendations. cast steel with thread 'nubs. Branch circuit conduits under �TOCKTON, CALIFORNIA
<br /> i ASTM C33, Para. 91 for quality and soundness, will be taken from the tank hole by the Environmental
<br /> Alternate: Steel primary tank as specified above with a g. Install fiberglass piping in accordance with Contractor. If the sell/water samples are clean, then soil slab shall be separated by at least one inch. In cases
<br /> U.L. listed secondary containment and corrosion protection manufacturer's requirements; do not intermix PIPING TERMINATION SUMP shall be disposed by Contractor. If contamination is where two or more conduits are installed in a common
<br /> jacket of high density polyel fiberglass piping systems. discovered, Contractor to notify Pacific Bell Project Manager concrete encasement, they shall be separat d by at least -'-
<br /> 1. Piping shall terminate in 200 mil_ thick t - DATE: 1/22/97 DRAWN B'n KGM
<br /> 5. Tanks shall be installed in compliance with manufacturer's P 9 polyethylene sumps. immediately. Contaminated soil is to be stacked separately three inches. Conduit shall be securely fastened in place
<br /> a printed requirements. 2. Steel Piping on visqueen firmly to prevent it from being blown off, so that absolutely no shifting will occur during placing of PROJECT ENGINEER CHECKED BY: J. M,,GRATN
<br /> z 2. Seal penetrations in sumps with bulkheads per sump Provide an asphalt, concrete or sandbag berm around all concrete encasement. Joints in conduit installed in EST/RO NO. SHEET 6 OF 7 SHEETS
<br /> a- Protect steel pipe and fittings against damage to the manufacturers recommendations. dirt stack piles to prevent runoff. Disposal of contaminated concrete or exposed to weather, shall be liquid and gas APPROVED ORAwwG No.
<br /> z 6. As a minimum, excavation shall have 12 inches clear at protective coating/wroppiny, soil will be under separate contracttight
<br /> .
<br /> a - sides and bottom and d minimum burial covet of 3 feet 3. See Test //5 for sump test. 13. Conduit location: Exposed conduit shall be neatly installed UE 446-0001 _ P-6
<br /> and a maximum of 5 feet. v
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