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0 0 <br />E.F. KLUDT & SONS, INC. MONITORING PROCEDURE <br />AND RESPONSE FOR KEROSENE AND RACE FUEL <br />MAY 1, 1999 <br />E.F. Kludt & Sons, Inc. routinely monitors the kerosene and race fuel <br />double wall underground storage tanks, located at 1126 E. Pine Street, with <br />the Ronan Model X76S liquid level sensor. <br />The Model X76S Leak Detector System continuously monitors underground <br />storage tank installations for leakage of kerosene and race fuel.. The liquid <br />level sensors are vertically positioned in the normally dry annular space of <br />the double walled tanks. Upon accumulation of product due to a leak, the <br />sensor will provide an audible and visual alarm. The sensor's outputs are <br />continuously supervised by individual alarm modules via FM approved <br />intrinsically safe barriers. <br />Intial training on the Ronan was performed by Elite IV Contractors Inc. <br />personal. The maintenance schedule is in accordance with the <br />manufacturer's instructions. Yearly, authorized personal will test all sensors <br />to confirm they are operating properly. <br />Response Plan <br />Authorization for work to be performed as a result of an unauthorized <br />release in the secondary containment will the responsibility of Steve Kludt. <br />In the event of removing or pumping of the unauthorized release of materials <br />from the secondary containment, E.F. Kludt & Sons, will be able to contact <br />Rich -Mart Construction, (209)368-6175, within 24 hours to have the work <br />performed. <br />In the event of an unauthorized release of materials into the environment, the <br />SJCHD will be notified within 24 hours. In addition a record of the amount <br />and type of materials removed from the secondary containment will be <br />recorded as to where the materials were taken (location) or put into the <br />original primary container of the same type material <br />