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.� San Joaquin County ...� ���® <br /> Environmental Health Department <br /> 1868 East Hazelton Avenue, Stockton, California 95205-6232 M-/� <br /> Telephone: (209)468-3420 Fax:(209)468-3433 <br /> Large Quantit HazardousWWaste�Gen ­i� �rator "S <br /> g y enpecton <br /> Facility Name: Facility Address: Date: <br /> BIG VALLEY FORD <br /> 3282 AUTO CENTER DR STOCKTON July 06 2015 <br /> SUMMARY OF VIOLATIONS <br /> (CLASS I,CLASS Ii,or MINOR-Notice to Comply) <br /> Item# Remarks <br /> 111 CCR 66265.16(d) Failed to maintain complete personnel training records. <br /> Employee training records for the management of hazardous waste were incomplete. The training records did not <br /> include typical duties for every job title listed in relation to hazardous waste. The training records also did not include <br /> the training required for both initial hire and annual refresher of every job title listed . Employee training records shall <br /> include: <br /> 1. the job title for each position at the facility related to hazardous waste management, and the name of each <br /> employee filling each job; <br /> 2. written job description for each position listed above, <br /> 3. written description of the type and amount of both introductory and continuing training that will be given to each <br /> person fling positions listed above; <br /> 4. records that document that the training has been given to and completed by facility personnel. <br /> Training records on current employees shall be kept until closure of the facility. Training records on former employees <br /> shall be kept for at least three years from the date the employee last worked at the facility. Ensure that employee <br /> training is properly documented. <br /> This is a repeat violation, Class IL <br /> 506 CCR 66265.195 Failed to conduct daily inspections of hazardous waste tank system and maintain records onsite. <br /> The Inspection report for the hazardous waste tank system for January 2015 was not found on site. The following <br /> items are required to be inspected at least daily: <br /> 1. overfill/spill control equipment; <br /> 2. aboveground portions of the tank system to detect corrosion or releases of water; <br /> 3. data gathered from monitoring and leak-detection equipment; <br /> 4. outside areas of the tank system including secondary containment to detect erosion or signs of releases of <br /> hazardous waste; <br /> 5. for uncovered tanks, the level of waste in the tank. <br /> Immediately begin retaining all inspection reports of the hazardous waste tank system. Submit a copy of th missing <br /> inspection report to the EHD. <br /> This is a repeat violation, Class II. <br /> Overall Inspection Comments: <br /> This is an Amended report that supersedes all previously issued reports for this inspection. <br /> Complete and submit a copy of the Return to Compliance Certification form to the EHD with a statement <br /> documenting the corrective actions that have been or will be taken for each violation, and any supporting <br /> paperwork, by August 14, 2015 . <br /> Please be aware as of January 1, 2013, all businesses are required to submit all hazardous materials information <br /> online to the California Environmental Reporting System (CERS) at Be sure to include <br /> your hazardous waste activity in the Businesses Activities section in CERS in addition to any other relevant <br /> Received by i Inspector: Phone: Date: <br /> (initial): FATINAH ZAREEF, REHS (209) 953-7311 07/06/2015 <br /> Page 4 of 5 <br />