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1 � <br /> , 110 2nd Avenue 9W,#D7,Pacheco,CA 94553-5560 <br /> McCampbell Analytical 1&, Telephone:925-798-1620 Fax:925-798-1622 <br /> I bitp:// E-mail:mainrlmccamphe'Lcom <br /> QC SUMMARY REPORT FOR SW8266B <br /> Matrix: S WorkOrder: 0208017 <br /> EPA Method: SW8260B Extraction: .SW5030B BatchlD:3247 Spiked Sample ID: N/A <br /> Sample Spiked MS* MSD* MS MSD LCS LCSD LCS-LCSD Acceptance Criteria(%) <br /> Compound <br /> pg/Kg pg/Kg %Rec. %Rec. % RPD %Rec. %Rec. % RPD Low High <br /> tert-Amyl methyl ether(TAME) N/A .50 N/A N/A NIA 108 102 5,42 70 130 <br /> Methyl-t-butyl ether(MTBE) N/A 50 N/A N/A N/A 105 103 1,57 70 130 <br /> Diisopropyl ether(DIPS) N/A 50 N/A NIA N/A 109 104 4.68 70 T 130 <br /> Ethyl tert-butyl ether(ETBE) N/A :50 N/A NIA N/A 113 109 3.39 0 130 <br /> %SS1: NIA 9 100 N/A N/A N/A 102 101 1.23 70 130 <br /> All target compounds in the Method Blank of this extraction batch were ND less than the method RL with the following exceptions: <br /> NONE <br /> 1 <br /> MS=Matrix Spike;MSD=Matrix Spike Duplicate;LCS=Laboratory Control Sample;LCSD=Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate:RPD=Relative Percent <br /> Deviation. <br /> N/A=not enough sample to perform matrix spike and matrix spike duplicate. <br /> NR=analyte concentration in sample exceeds spike amount for soil matrix or exceeds 2x spike amount for water matrix or sample diluted due to high matrix or <br /> analyte content. <br /> Recovery=100.(MS-Sample)/(Amount Spiked);RPD=100*(MS—MSD)I(MS+MSD)*2. <br /> MS and 1 or MSD spike recoveries may not be near-100%or the RPDs near D%if:a)the sample is inhomogenous AND contains significant concentrations of <br /> analyte relative to the amount spiked,or b)if that specific sample matrix interferes with spike recovery. <br /> Laboratory extraction solvents such as methylene chloride and acetone may occasionally appear in the method blahk at low levels. <br />