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norweco 0 <br />SINGULRIR' BIO -KINETIC' <br />WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM <br />MODEL TNT <br />GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS <br />The contractor shall furnish and install one complete Singulair Bio -Kinetic Model TNT system for <br />Total Nitrogen Treatment with all necessary parts and equipment as described in the following <br />specifications. Treatment of the domestic wastewater shall be accomplished by the extended • <br />aeration process with non-mechanical flow equalization, pretreatment of the influent and filtration <br />of the final effluent. In addition to primary, secondary and tertiary treatment of the wastewater <br />flow, the treatment system shall provide nitrification, denitrification, and if required, chlorination <br />and dechlorination of the effluent prior to discharge. All treatment processes shall be contained <br />within reinforced precast concrete tankage meeting the requirements of ACI Standard 318. The <br />wastewater treatment system shall be a Singulair Model TNT as manufactured by Norweco, <br />Inc., Norwalk, Ohio, USA. Systems utilizing fiberglass, steel, or plastic tankage are subject to <br />flotation when dewatered and shall not be considered for this application. <br />The wastewater treatment system shall be capable of reducing Total Nitrogen without the addition <br />of chemicals, specialized add-on processes or additional components. Nitrification and <br />denitrification shall be accomplished within the chambers of the treatment system prior to effluent <br />disposal. Biological reduction of nitrogen shall occur naturally by autotrophic bacteria, capable <br />of converting ammonium nitrogen to nitrate and heterotrophic bacteria, capable of transforming <br />nitrate to harmless gas. The treatment system shall include precast concrete tankage providing <br />separate pretreatment, aeration and clarification chambers. Principal items of electro -mechanical <br />equipment shall be a 1725 RPM mechanical aerator, UL listed Service Pro control center with <br />MCD technology, Bio -Static sludge return and Bio -Kinetic tertiary treatment device for flow <br />equalization and final filtration of system effluent. <br />db <br />