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LPhase 11 Environmental Site Assessment Report-Executive Summary <br /> 1025 East Main Street,Stockton,San Joaquin County,California <br /> Page ii <br /> Lportion of the Site) in subsurface soil. TPH-G was not detected at or above the laboratory reporting limit <br /> in any of the remaining I1 soil samples. Diesel (TPH-D) and motor oil (TPH-MO) were detected at <br /> L relatively low concentrations in the 12 soil samples analyzed for these constituents, with concentrations <br /> ranging from <1.0 to 150 mg/kg TPH-D (36 mg/kg average), and <5.0 to 470 mg/kg TPH-MO (180 <br /> mg/kg average). The areas of the Site used for rail purposes appear to contain low concentrations of <br /> Lheavier petroleum hydrocarbons in surface soil (upper two to three feet). <br /> Of the groundwater samples collected, only TPH-D and TPH-MO were detected at elevated <br /> concentrations, particularly beneath the southern portion of the Site (Borings 2 and 4). TPH-D and TPH- <br /> ` MO were detected at 420 µg/L and 2,100 µg/L in Boring 132; and at 1,400 µg/L and 1,500 µg/L in Boring <br /> B4,respectively. <br /> ` Condor concludes the following regarding the RECs identified in the Phase I ESA: <br /> 1. The historic rail use of the Site-Analysis of soil samples collected from the immediate area of the <br /> former rail spurs and former Western Pacific Railroad tracks indicate that the surface soil in these <br /> areas contains relatively low concentrations of heavier petroleum hydrocarbons in the diesel and <br /> motor oil range and low to moderate concentrations of lead. Lead concentrations are below the PRG <br /> ^� of 800 mg/kg for commercial land use types. Arsenic concentrations are within background <br /> concentrations or are within acceptable limits of background concentrations. <br /> L 2. The construction of the train depot structure prior to the 1970s - The elevated lead concentrations <br /> in soil around the depot's building perimeter are attributable to lead based paint. Only one sample <br /> exceeded the PRG for commercial land use types of 800 mg/kg lead. In addition, chlordane (used for <br /> L termite control) is less than the CHHSL of 1.7 mg/kg for commercial land use types. Condor <br /> recommends that a building materials survey be conducted by a California certified inspector. <br /> Additionally, some of the soil adjacent to the depot appears to have been removed and replaced with <br /> sandy soil. If the removed soil is currently being stored on Site (soil piles west of the depot), Condor <br /> L recommends sampling of this soil for lead and chlordane. <br /> 3. Multiple off-site properties with identified or suspected groundwater contamination - All of the <br /> 60 groundwater samples had small detectable quantities of chloroform, but were well below the <br /> California MCL of 80 µg/L. Analysis of the groundwater samples indicate that TPH-D and TPH-MO <br /> are present in elevated concentrations from Borings 2 and 4. These results suggest a petroleum <br /> `, hydrocarbon plume in groundwater beneath the southern most portion of the Site, likely from an off- <br /> site location. The potential plume source may be from one or more unidentified leaking under-ground <br /> storage tanks (USTs), possibly from the southern adjoining property. There has been no evidence of <br /> L USTs on the Site. <br /> LIMITATIONS TO EXECUTIVE SUMMARY <br /> LThis executive summary should only be read as a brief summary, and not as a complete discussion of the <br /> full report text. The scope of work and limitations should be understood prior to reading the Site-specific <br /> information,results, and discussion. <br /> L <br /> L <br /> L <br /> Li.1 CONDOR <br />