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Site Closure Request <br /> Pombo Property June 14,2005 <br /> NaWl The results of historic soil and groundwater sample analyses are provided in Tables 1 and 2. <br /> 11. Discuss concentration.and mass changes over time, and current concentrations of contaminants <br /> remaining in groundwater at the site. <br /> Active remediation has not been implemented at the site. The off-site groundwater plume has been <br /> delineated,with concentrations ranging from low-to non-detected. Grab groundwater samples taken <br /> from two borings reported no-detectable results for BTEX compounds in one(GMX-6)and low <br /> concentrations in the second(GMX-29: 0.6 µg/L benzene,2.6 pg/L toluene, 1.6µg/L ethylbenzene, and <br /> 4.0 pg/L xylenes),all well below WQO concentrations. TPH compounds were not analyzed for in <br /> GMX-6;concentrations of 140 pg/L TPHg,660µg/L TPHd, and 160 µg/L TPHd(following silica-gel <br /> cleanup)were reported for GMX-29. Low concentrations of two PAHs were detected for both grab <br /> groundwater samples. <br /> 12. Isoconcentration contour maps. <br /> An isoconcentration contour map is provided on Figure 4. <br /> 13. Summary of remedial methods used to clean up the site. <br /> Active remediation has not been implemented at the subject site. Petroleum-impacted soil was excavated <br /> and removed from western portion of the site during site development of a stormwater retention basin in <br /> August 2001. Excavated soil was reused at an adjacent parcel as fill beneath an asphalt paved parking lot. <br /> A summary of excavation activities and Geomatrix's October 8,2001 confirmation sampling is captured <br /> in a letter to the DTSC, "Response to Comments-January 2, 2002 Letter",dated May 9,2002 <br /> (Geomatrix,2002)and included in Appendix C. <br /> 14. Discussion of whether background is unattainable using best available remediation methods. <br /> Active remediation has not been implemented at the site. Though excavation of petroleum-impacted soil <br /> is an effective remediation method,soil and groundwater concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons <br /> exhibited at the site do not appear to be migrating and the presence of petroleum hydrocarbon <br /> concentrations in soil and shallow groundwater at the site should not pose an unacceptable non- <br /> carcinogenic or carcinogenic risk to future on-site residential receptors or unacceptable human health risk <br /> to current or future commercial workers at the site. <br /> 15. Discussion and estimate of contaminant mass remaining in soil and groundwater versus <br /> contaminant mass removed or destroyed by soil excavation or remedial actions. <br /> Remedial action has not been implemented at the site,however petroleum-impacted soil was removed <br /> from the western portion of the property to 15 feet bgs during construction of a 50,000 square foot storm <br /> water retention basin in August 2001. For the petroleum-impacted soil remaining on-site,results of the <br /> updated HHSE(Geomatrix,2001)indicate the presence of petroleum constituents measured in soil and <br /> shallow groundwater at the site should not pose an unacceptable non-carcinogenic or carcinogenic risk to <br /> future on-site residential receptors or unacceptable human health risk to current or future commercial <br /> workers at the site. The Geomatrix report is included as Appendix C. <br /> 16. Assumptions,parameters, calculations,and the model used in any risk assessments. <br /> Assumptions,parameters,calculations,and the model used in the Geomatrix"Results of the Updated <br /> Human Health Screening Risk Evaluation"are provided as Appendix C. <br /> 17. Assumptions,parameters, calculations and the model used in fate and transport modeling. <br /> Fate and transport modeling was not performed. <br /> 18. Rationale why conditions remaining at the site will not adversely impact water quality,human <br /> health and safety. <br /> 6 <br />