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Site Closure Request <br /> Pombo Property June 14,2005 <br /> �.� portions of the property has been delineated, but recommended further investigation of the affected soils <br /> and groundwater north of GMX-32;the revised health risk assessment was approved by the DTSC in July <br /> 2002. The updated risk assessment and a January 2,2002 Geomatrix response to regulatory comments <br /> are included as Appendix C. <br /> August 2001. Petroleum-impacted soil was removed from the western portion of the property to 15 feet <br /> during construction of a 50,000 square foot storm water retention basin. The material was reused on the <br /> adjacent parcel as fill material beneath an asphalt parking lot. <br /> January 2005. SAIC conducted soil and groundwater investigations November 5,2003 and February 25, <br /> 2004 to further assess off-site soil and groundwater impacts along the WSID easement and to delineate <br /> the extent of petroleum-affected soil and groundwater in the residential housing development north(down <br /> gradient)of the Pombo Property. Eleven soil borings were advanced to depths ranging from 12 to 16 feet. <br /> TPHc was only detected in one soil sample located on the WSID easement(5.6 mg/kg, SB-4 at 5 feet <br /> bgs). Toluene and total xylenes were reported as trace concentrations in one sample located in the WSID <br /> easement(SB-3 at 8 feet bgs). Grab groundwater samples were collected from all 11 borings;dissolved <br /> TPHd was detected in all samples except SB-4 and SB-9,in concentrations ranging from 88 to 370 pg/L <br /> (SB-1). Grab groundwater samples re-analyzed for TPHd following silica-gel cleanup reported <br /> concentrations in SB-1 through SB-3, SB-5,and SB-6 at concentrations ranging from 140 to 210µg/L <br /> (SB-6). BTEX compounds and PAHs were non-detected in all groundwater samples with the exception <br /> of a single phenanthrene concentration of 0.4 µg/l,(SB-1). The SAIC investigation concluded that <br /> petroleum-affected groundwater north(down gradient)of the Pombo Property has been delineated by <br /> borings SB-8 and SB-9,completing the analytical data set for the Pombo Property. The January 2005 <br /> report is included in Appendix D. <br /> January 2005. In April 2004 SAIC conducted a 2,000 foot-radius well survey of Department of Water <br /> Resources(DWR)files,which was included in the 2005 Soil and Groundwater Investigation Report. The <br /> `.. well survey identified nine water supply wells within the search area. The single well located down <br /> gradient of the site was identified as an industrial supply well in the vicinity of boring SB-9, <br /> approximately 1,000 feet northeast of the site. No specific location or well construction information was <br /> available;boring SB-9 reported no detectable concentrations for all constituents, including TPHd. All <br /> other identified wells were located cross gradient or up gradient to the Pombo Property. Results of the <br /> well survey are included in the report presented as Appendix D. <br /> March 2005. In a March 8,2005 letter(Appendix A)reviewing the 2005 SAIC investigation report,the <br /> RWQCB concurred that lateral and vertical extent of soil impacted by petroleum hydrocarbons has been <br /> adequately characterized and that the groundwater plume has been adequately delineated off site. The <br /> RWQCB concluded that the plume appears to be limited in extent,stable,and meets the criteria for <br /> closure in accordance with the draft RWQCB"Low Risk Criteria,"Appendix B-No Further Action <br /> Requests(1996,updated September 2001). <br /> 3. HUMAN HEALTH AND ECOLOGICAL RISK SCREENING EVALUATION <br /> Geomatrix performed a revised human health screening risk evaluation(HHSE)for the Pombo Property <br /> based on the supplemental analytical data generated by the Geomatrix investigations conducted in <br /> January and December 2000. The HHSE assessed the potential exposure to residual petroleum <br /> constituents on the Pombo Property. The Geomatrix evaluation was based on the methodology presented <br /> in the HHSE section of the Preliminary Endangerment Assessment Guidance Manual (PEA; Cal-EPA, <br /> 1994). The PEA evaluation consists of a compilation of methods,models, and assumptions commonly <br /> used by California and United States Environmental Protection Agencies(Cal-EPA and US EPA)to 9 <br /> quantify human health risks and hazards at a site. The PEA evaluation is intended to provide conservative ! <br /> estimates of the theoretical lifetime excess cancer risk and non-cancer hazard index based on reasonable <br /> maximum exposure in a residential setting,even when the present land use is commercial. <br /> 3 e <br />