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Project No S8100-06-11A <br /> June 29, 1995 <br /> INVESTIGATIVE SUMMARY <br /> The Caltrans District 10 Stockton Yard facility located at 1604 South B Street in Stockton, California <br /> formerly contained one 5,000-gallon diesel underground storage tank (UST), and one 10,000-gallon <br />' unleaded gasoline UST The USTs, two pump islands, and the associated piping were removed from the <br /> site by Placer Tractor in December 1989 Soil samples collected from the UST excavation contained total <br /> petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPHg) and diesel (TPHd) indicating that releases of fuel <br />' hydrocarbons into the surrounding vadose zone soils had occurred The highest TPHg concentration was <br /> detected beneath the west end of the unleaded fuel UST at a concentration of 2,000 milligrams per <br /> kilogram (mg/kg) The project site encompasses the area surrounding the former refueling facilities and <br /> the associated USTs <br /> tIn March 1992, Alton Geosciences advanced two soil borings (SB-1 and SB-2) and constructed three <br /> monitoring wells (MW-1 through MW-3) to assess the extent of impacts to soil and groundwater in the <br /> vicinity of the former fuel USTs and the associated pump islands TPHg and TPHd were detected in <br /> vadose zone soil at a depth of 14 0 meters (46 feet) below ground surface (bgs) in SB-1 and MW-3 The <br /> maximum concentrations were 120 mg/kg for TPHg (SB-1) and 31 mg/kg for TPHd (MW-3) <br /> Site investigation work performed by Geocon Environmental Consultants was designed to provide <br /> additional information regarding the vertical and lateral extent of petroleum hydrocarbon impacts to soil <br /> and groundwater The subsurface investigation included the excavation and sampling of soil borings, the <br /> construction of five groundwater monitoring wells(MW-4 through MW-8), the construction of one vapor <br /> extraction well (VW-1), the chemical analysis of soil and groundwater samples, and the determination of <br />' groundwater elevations beneath the site <br /> A summary of the results of the site investigation work performed by Geocon are as follows <br />' • The UST excavation samples indicated that releases of fuel hydrocarbons into the vadose zone <br /> soils had occurred Excavation sample UST-1 collected from the west end of the unleaded fuel <br /> 1 UST excavation contained TPHg at a concentration of 2,000 mg/kg and excavation sample UST <br /> 2-1 collected from the east end of the diesel fuel UST contained TPHd at a concentration of 58 <br /> mg/kg <br /> • TPHg and TPHd were detected in vadose zone soil in SB-I and MW-3 at a depth of 14 0 meters <br /> (46 feet) bgs at concentrations up to 120 mg/kg TPHg in SB-1 and 31 mg/kg TPHd in MW-3 <br /> TPHg and TPHd were not detected in SB-2, MW-1 and MW-2 with the exception of 1 0 mg/kg <br />' TPHg reported at 14 0 meters (46 feet) bgs in MW-2 <br /> • TPHg and TPHd were detected in vadose zone soil at a depth of 13 7 meters (45 feet) in MW-5 <br /> at concentrations of 17 mg/kg and 12 mg/kg, respectively TPHg was detected in the capillary <br /> fringe in VW1-12 at a depth of 19 8 meters (65 feet) at a concentration of 1 3 mg/kg <br /> i <br />