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2905 W Benjamin Holt Drive, Stockton, California August 12, 1994 <br /> Chevron USA Products Company Page 6 <br /> 4 0 RESULTS OF ADDITIONAL ASSESSMENT <br /> 41 Hydrogeology <br /> The site is located In the northern part of the San Joaquin Valley, California The valley fill consists of <br /> late Mesozoic through Eocene dominantly marine deposits overlain by late Tertiary and Quaternary <br /> non-marine deposits In the Stockton area, the late Cenozoic deposits are approximately 3,000 feet thick <br /> and generally consist of alluvial gravel, sand, silt, and clay The non-marine sedimentary units are <br /> generally fresh-water-bearing In the area of the valley east and southeast of Stockton, but brackish or <br /> saline water occurs in these sediments in the delta area west of Stockton The saline-water/fresh-water <br /> boundary within these sedimentary units trends north to south across the western portion of Stockton <br /> The saline groundwater west of this boundary is usually overlain by a layer of fresh groundwater to a <br /> depth of approximately 50 feet BGS, therefore, shallow monitoring wells usually encounter fresh <br /> groundwater on both sides of the boundary <br /> The site is underlain by interbedded clays, silts, and silty fine sands from the surface to 6 feet BGS, and <br /> fine to coarse sand from 6 to 30 feet BGS During drilling, groundwater was encountered at 17-18 feet <br /> BGS During quarterly monitoring (June 27, 1994), depth to water was at approximately 16 to 17 5 feet <br /> BGS Groundwater flow, as mapped from data collected on June 27, 1994, is to the east at a hydraulic <br /> gradient of 0 008 (Figure 3) <br /> 42 Results of Soil Sample Analyses <br /> Results of the soil sample analyses are summarized in Table 1 Samples submitted for analysis include <br /> the 10, 15 and 20 feet BGS samples from SBs-1 and 2 and MW-9, and the 10, 15, and 17 feet BGS <br /> samples from SBs-3 and 4 BTEX and TPH-G were detected in at least one of the samples from each <br /> borehole The highest concentrations reported were 11 parts per million (ppm) benzene and 2,600 ppm <br /> TPH-G measured in the 15 feet BGS sample from SB-2 The highest concentration of BTEX and TPH-G <br /> in each borehole were detected in samples collected between 15 and 20 feet BGS in the zone of <br /> seasonal water-table fluctuation All samples collected at 10 feet BGS were below laboratory detection <br /> limits for BTEX and TPH-G, except the 10 feet BGS sample from SB-2 Copies of laboratory results and <br /> chain-of-custody manifests are included in Appendix E <br /> GROUNDWATER <br /> 0017aear rpt TECHNOLOGY <br />