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Additional Groundwater and Agriculture Drain Monitoring Work Plan <br /> Residential Neighborhood G <br /> April 18,2005 <br /> Page 3 <br /> flood plains in San Joaquin County and are routinely approved by the SJCPHS/EHD, according <br /> to Mr. Huggins of SJCPHS/EHD. <br /> The exemptions described above are incorporated into the monitor well designs proposed in this work <br /> plan and typical well construction diagrams are included as Figures 5 and 6: <br /> 4.0 ADDITIONAL MONITOR WELL INSTALLATIONS <br /> 4.1 SITE PREPARATION <br /> The wells will be permitted through the SJCPHS/EHD. A monitor well construction permit will be <br /> completed and submitted for each parcel with a proposed monitor well. Underground Service Alert will <br /> be notified at least 72 hours in advance of the fieldwork to locate and identify underground utilities in the <br /> vicinity of the work area. <br /> 4.2 ADDITIONAL MONITOR WELLS LOCATION IDENTIFICATION <br /> The locations of the monitor wells for this additional reclamation area were chosen by a method to be <br /> consistent with previously-approved work plans and will augment the existing well locations. One up- <br /> gradient monitor well pair and two down-gradient monitor well pairs will be utilized to monitor the <br /> wastewater applied to the irrigation fields. Monitor well pairs will consist of one monitor well designed to <br /> monitor the groundwater, screened from 15 to 25 feet, and one monitor well screened from 7 to 12 feet <br /> designed to monitor applied irrigation water. <br /> Due to potential development constraints, the up-gradient wells will be placed within the reclamation area <br /> boundary. However, as noted in Figures 5 and 6, the wells are protected by a concrete pad and bollards. <br /> The placement of the pad and bollards, and the physical limitations of the equipment used to furrow the <br /> fields for irrigation, will preclude any irrigation water form being applied within approximately 10 feet of <br /> the wells. Furthermore, as the wells will be placed along the up-gradient boundary, there will be no <br /> reclamation water applied up gradient of the wells. <br /> The intent of the most down-gradient monitoring wells is to evaluate agricultural drainage and <br /> groundwater at the northern end of the northern irrigation fields. There is a concern that wells placed too <br /> closely to Old River would be influenced by Old River. We reviewed the groundwater gradients for the <br /> existing monitoring wells and determined that the gradient more than a thousand feet from Old River is <br /> on the order of 0.006 to 0.0065 feet per feet, while the gradient within a thousand feet of Old River is on <br /> the order of 0.0025 to 0.0050. The shallower gradient closer to Old River may well reflect impacts from <br /> Old River. However, Department of Water Resources data identifies the stage of Old River as between <br /> elevation 8.3 and 14.3 during the period September 1999 to July 2001, while the closest monitoring wells <br /> have had an elevation of approximately sea level. These wells are located within 10 feet of the northern <br /> perimeter irrigation drainage ditch, on the south side of the ditch. Consequently, although there may be <br /> some influence on the groundwater at these locations due to Old River, it appears to be limited. In an <br /> effort to balance the intent of monitoring the groundwater at the greatest downgradient location, while <br /> limiting the effects of Old River, we are proposing these wells be placed between 20 and 30 feet south of <br /> the Old River Levee(there is no drainage ditch along the levee in this area). <br /> 4.3 MONITOR WELL INSTALLATIONS <br /> All wells will be installed by a California Licensed C-57 contractor using the hollow stem auger drilling <br /> method, and will be supervised by a Condor geologist. A sample geologic log is provided as Figure 4. <br /> Prior to conducting drilling activities, an on-site tailgate safety meeting will be held. A site-specific health <br /> and safety plan will be discussed and presented to all personnel for their signatures. <br /> �� CONDOR <br />