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Inspection Report <br /> Date: Friday, August 27, 1992 <br /> Place: 8000 Waverly Road <br /> Name: EI Rancho <br /> People present at the site: <br /> Mark Rishwain, attorney for Terra, EI Rancho <br /> Daniel Rumsey, Assistant General Counsel for Terra International, Inc. <br /> Sheila Lang, Manager, Regulatory Affairs <br /> M.L. (Bud) Busch, Vice President and General Manager for Concrete Inc. <br /> Greg Martz, Foreman for EI Rancho Rock and Sand <br /> Bud Busch stated that two environmental audits were done at this location, one in <br /> February and he was unsure when the other (the one by the buyer) was done. A later <br /> conversation with Shiela Lang indicated that both environmental audits were done by the <br /> buyer. <br /> Bud Busch stated that according to Dave Barney (Supervisor or Operations Manager at <br /> Concrete Inc.), the oil spill on the ground near the "scraper" (owned by Larry Aksland) <br /> was caused on Friday, August 20, 1993 when a mechanic of Larry Aksland was draining <br /> the oil from the scraper into a 55 gallon drum that had been cut in half and 3-5 gallons <br /> of oil were in this drum when a truck owned by RG trucking and driven by Brian ran over <br /> the drum and spilled it, the truck ran into a pile of rock and stopped. According to Greg <br /> Martz, no one was injured however the Aksland mechanic was splashed with oil, in fact <br /> "...he was drenched, sopping wet with oil". Greg Martz also stated that the 1/2 drum that <br /> previously held the oil was taken away by the employee covered in oil. Greg Martz said <br /> that the Aksland employees often take their used oil to Larry Aksland's home where Larry <br /> Aksland keeps a 5000 gallon aboveground tank for waste oil collection. The hoses that <br /> drained the oil continued to drip oil for 4-5 days where it pooled on the ground. On <br /> August 25, 1993, Greg Martz called Dave Barney to ask him what to do about the pooled <br /> oil on the ground (after Eric Trevena, Michael Kith and David Irey inspected the site) and <br /> Dave Barney told him to throw sand on the area then dig up the soaked sand and place <br /> it on Visqueen. Greg Martz said he dug up what he could but the ground was too hard <br /> so he called Dave Barney again who said he had just been told to not do anything with <br /> the contaminated area until the DA's office told him he could. As we were leaving the <br /> area, Ray Gonzalez of R&G Trucking came over and David Irey asked him if he had an <br /> employee named Brian who reported an accident at this site. Ray Gonzalez said he did <br /> have an employee named Brian but he did not report an accident of any kind for that <br /> particular day at this site. Ray Gonzalez stated that we could speak with Brian by calling <br /> Carmen (Ray's wife) at 823-1010 to get Brian's full name and phone number. <br /> We then went to the diesel tank area where a concrete berm surrounds an aboveground <br />