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I GEOMATRIX <br /> the City of Tracy (either building or public works departments) and the PHS EHD when <br /> approving permits or excavations. <br /> BACKGROUND <br /> 1. The area of the Nicholaw ropertYaddressed by this plan the"project area") is located.adjacent <br /> to West Byron Road. Pipelines, operated by CPL and other oil companies from approximately <br /> the early 1900s to the late 1956s, ran parallel to the northern edge of the Nicholaw property along <br /> West:Byron.Road (Figure 2). These pipelines carried crude oil:and Bunker Coil and were buried <br /> at a depth of approximately.3 feet below ground surface (bgs). <br /> Since 1990, soil and.groundwater investigations have been conducted at the Nicholaw property on <br /> behalf of CPL. The investigations have been reviewed by the PHS-EHD. The results of these <br /> 1 <br /> ' investigations indicate that limited amounts of petroleum hydrocarbons are subsurface <br /> soil along the northern edge of the Nicholaw property that fronts West Byron Road, apparently the <br /> petroleum is likely de aded crude oil or Bunker C. <br /> result of releases from the pipelines. The petro y gr <br /> Total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) have been reported to be present in soil in I of 16 soil <br /> samples collected in 1994, at a concentration of 2700 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg). Xylenes <br /> Lhave been detected at concentrations up to 0.23 mg/kg in 8 of 16 soil samples collected in 1994. <br /> E The affected soil occurs between the depths of approximately 1 to 5.5 feet bgs. The lateral <br /> Edistribution of petroleum hydrocarbons in soil is limited and does not appear to extend more than <br /> 50 feet southeast of the property boundary. The sample location where TPH-affected soil on the <br /> Nicholaw property was encountered is shown on Figure 2. <br /> The subsurface soil at the project area is predominantly silt and clay, with isolated sandy lenses, <br /> to a depth of at least 20 feet. The water approximately 7 to 9 feet bgs. Based on the <br /> groundwater investigations performed to-date, shallow groundwater beneath the site has not been <br /> affected by the degraded crude oil. It has been determined by the PHS-EHD that the degraded. <br /> �4 crude oil is not a threat to groundwater quality. It should be noted that shallow groundwater <br /> ]:1WPD0CSIC3499WCH0SMP.DOC 2 <br />