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' Dichloroethene in low concentrations BTEX was not found in this new soil bore or water samples <br /> CPT-1&2 were installed 10/21/05 in order to further delineate the 1,2-DCA plume to the North and <br />' to the East <br /> Monitoring well MW#I D was installed to 85' with a 5' screen on 11/29/05 MW#1 S was mstalled <br />' to 55'with a 15' screen and MW#1 was over drilled to 71' and destroyed 11/30/05 MW#6D was <br /> installed to 80' with a 5' screen on 12/l/05 and MW#6S was installed to 50' with a 15' screen on <br /> 1212/05. <br /> The most recent monitoring event is the first quarter of 2006 and was performed 1/5/06 <br />' WATER TABLE ELEVATIONS AND GRADIENT <br /> First water table is currently 42 5' below ground surface (bgs) The water table has been in a <br /> drought condition and has fallen 8 5'smce 1999 The groundwater is characterized by two different <br /> water bearing sand layers The shallow sand layer is at 45' bgs with primary direction of flow <br /> beanng S 76° E. with a gradient of s=0006 The deep sand layer is at 70' bgs with primary <br /> direction of flow bearing N 86' E with a gradient of s=0 004 The groundwater soundings for <br /> shallow and deep wells show that the deep wells hold a static elevation slightly higher than the <br /> shallow wells <br /> SOIL BORING SAMPLE ANALYSIS FINDINGS <br /> The soil samples from the monitoring well borings indicate the contaminated soil is limited to the <br /> . soil under the existing building. The borings under the two tanks 03H-1, and MW-1) show <br /> contamination clinging to the soil particles BH#1 showed TPHg from 1,000 to 6,800ppm the <br /> whole length,75'at 50°from horizontal (57 45'vertical) BTEX compounds were spotty for BH#1 <br /> Benzene,and Toluene are limited to the sand Iense at the 35'vertical depth with concentrations of <br /> 0 351 and 177ppm, respectively Ethyl Benzene appears at the top and at the bottom with <br /> concentrations ranging from ND to 32.5ppm Total Xylene was present the length of the bore with <br /> concentrations ranging from 10 to 572ppm The bore for MW-1 shows TPHg and BTEX only in <br /> the top 30' Benzene at 1 8ppm, Toluene at 261ppm, Ethyl Benzene at 22 8ppm, Total Xylene at <br /> 1,540ppm, and TPHg at 12,300ppm <br /> The soil samples from MW-2, MW-3, MW-4, and MW-5 came back clean <br />' The soil samples from CPT#1 and CPT#2 came back clean <br /> MW-1 (depth 70') was replaced with MW-1S (depth 55') and MW-1D (depth 85'), all in separate <br /> boreholes MW-11) was simply a well replacement and soil samples were not taken every 5' <br /> because there was not an apparent need to replicate data Therefore soil samples were only taken <br /> at 20',45', 70',75',80',and 85' The 20'soil sample at MW-11)shows much less TPHg than the 20' <br /> sample from the original MW-1 boring, 2ppm versus 6,930ppm <br /> The soil samples from MW-6D came back clean A summary of results for soil samples is attached, <br /> . Exhibit D <br /> 2 <br />