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URS <br />' September 19, 2003 <br /> Page 2 <br /> I1.2 Previous Investigation and Remedial Action <br /> Environmental work completed at the site to date includes the following <br /> • August—September 1995 EMCON witnessed the installation of six vertical soil borings <br /> (B-1, B-3, B-4, B-5, B-7, and B-8) and two 45° angle borings (B-2 and B-6) Three borings <br /> (B-1, B4, and B-5) were converted to monitoring wells (MW-1 through MW-3, <br /> respectively) Three borings (B-3, B-7, and B-8) were converted to dual completion vapor <br /> extraction wells (VW-1 through VW-3, respectively) (Delta, 2001) <br /> • October 1996 EMCON witnessed the installation of one vertical soil boring (B-9), <br /> subsequently converted to a monitoring well (MW-4) (Delta, 2001) <br /> • June—July 1999 Two 10,000-gallon, and one 8,000-gallon double-walled fiberglass <br /> I gasoline USTs, associated dispensers, and piping were removed In the same UST cavity <br /> two 20,000-gallon USTs, associated dispensers, and piping were installed The excavations <br /> were backfilled with pea gravel Analysis of soil samples taken from the UST replacement <br /> activities indicated total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPHg), benzene, and methyl <br /> tertiary butyl ether(MtBE) contamination in the soil (Pinnacle, 1999) See. lF,vet 4 -6,r soil resvll-s <br /> a.nj 1eeA&Ia <br /> August 1999 The IT Group (IT) conducted a soil and groundwater assessment consisting of <br /> two cone penetration test (CPT) borings (CPT-2 and CPT-3) on the eastern edge of the site <br /> and one CPT north of the site (CPT-1) Benzene and MtBE were detected in groundwater <br /> samples from CPT-2(Delta, 2001) <br />' • September 2000 Delta conducted a soil vapor extraction test at the site Three separate 4- <br /> hour tests were conducted Soil vapors were extracted from well VW-1A, VW-2A, and <br /> VW-3A The tests indicated that extraction of soil vapors from these wells at 9 to 10 cubic <br />' feet per minute (efm), with 50 to 100 inches of water column (" WC), resulted in a radius of <br /> influence between 34 and 45 feet The initial hydrocarbon mass extraction rates were <br /> calculated to be between 1 10 and 3 88 pounds of TPHg per day (Delta, 2000) <br />' 2001 Delta installed three monitoring wells (MW-5, MW-6, and MW-7) MW-5 is east of <br /> the site on American Street MW-6 and MW-7 are in Oak Park, north of the site on the other <br />' side of Alpine Street(Delta, 2001) <br /> 1.3 Regional Geology and Hydrogeology <br />' The site is located in the northern portion of the San Joaquin Valley The San Joaquin Valley is part of <br /> the Great Valley Province, which is a northwest-southeast trending asymmetrical structural trough The <br /> San Joaquin Valley is a mayor California groundwater basin bordered by the Sierra Nevada Mountain <br />' Range to the east, the North Coast Mountain Range to the west, the Tehachapi Mountains to the south, <br /> and the Sacramento Valley to the northwest The elevation of the site is approximately 15 feet above <br /> mean sea level <br /> K 1WprocessV5 BP ARCo1021861CAP Aug03\02186 CAP03 doc <br />