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• <br />15 July 2442 <br />AGE -NC Project No 96-0232 <br />Page 3 of 21 <br />2 2 GROUND WATER PUMP AND TREAT SAMPLING PROCEDURES <br />Samples of ground water pump -and -treat influent and effluent water were collected from valved <br />sampling ports located upstream. (Influent) and downstream (effluent) of the treatment unit In <br />addition, water samples were collected from receiving water sampling stations located in the Coldam <br />ditch approximately 50 feet upstream (R-1) and 80 feet downstream (R-2) of the point of discharge, <br />R-1 and R-2 locations were approved by the RWQCB during a site Inspection on <br />22 November 2000 <br />Grab water samples were collected from Influent, effluent and receiving water locations utilizing <br />1 -liter amber bottles and 1 -gallon plastic jugs without a sample preservative and 40 -mJ EPA - <br />approved VOA vials containing 0 5 ml 18% hydrochloric acid as a sample preservative Care was <br />taken to ensure that visible air bubbles were not present in the vials after filling and capping Ground <br />water sample containers were labeled with a sample designation, date, time, and sampler's initials <br />2 3 LABORATORY ANALYSIS OF GROUND WATER PUMP AND TREAT SAMPLES <br />Monthly influent and effluent grab water samples were logged on a chain -of -custody form, placed <br />in a chilled container and transported to a California Department of Health Services (DHS) -certified <br />laboratory for analysis for <br />• Total petroleum hydrocarbons quantified as gasoline, diesel and motor oil (TPH-g, TPH-d <br />and motor oil, respectively) by EPA Methods 355015030/8015 Modified, <br />• Benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene and xylene (BTEX) with methyl -tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) <br />by EPA Method 8020, <br />• Methanol, ethanol, tertiary butanol (TBA), di -Isopropyl ether (DIPE), ethyl tert butyl ether <br />(ETBE), tert amyl methyl ether (TAME), MTBE, 1,2-dichloroethane (1,2 -DCA) and ethylene <br />dibromide (EDB) by EPA Method 8260 Modified, <br />• Total lead (quarterly sampling frequency) by EPA Method 6010/200 7, <br />• Nitrate as NO3 by EPA Method 353 3 (effluent samples only), and <br />• Aquatic toxicity (Bioassay) by EPA Method EPA 600/4-90/027F (quarterly sampling <br />frequency, effluent samples only) <br />Receiving water samples (Coldam ditch) were logged on a chain of custody form, placed in a chilled <br />container and transported to a DHS -certified laboratory for analysis for <br />Advanced GeoEnwronmental, Inc <br />