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Parsons Engineering Science, Inc <br /> Monitorima Well Installation <br /> Monitoring well MW-4 was installed in boring SB-9 The well was constructed of 2- <br /> inch inside diameter (ID), flush-point Schedule 40 polyvinyl chloride (PVC) well screen and <br /> casing (Photo 2, Appendix B) The bottom of the well was set at 43 5 feet The well was <br /> completed with 20 feet of factory-milled slotted casing (0 020-inch) The well screen was <br /> positioned from 43 5 to 23 5 feet, with 10 feet above and 10 feet below the water table The <br /> assembled well pipe was installed through the augers and 2112 quartzite sand was backfilled <br /> through the annulus between the well pipe and the auger (Photo 3, Appendix B) The sand <br /> pack was extended 2 feet above the top of the well screen Above the sand pack, bentonite <br /> pellets were backfilled to form a three-foot-thick seal (Photo 4, Appendix B) A <br /> cement bentonite grout was backfilled from the top of the bentonite seal to the ground <br /> surface The PVC casing was completed with a vented locking cap and covered by a flush- <br /> mounted steel protective curb box The protective curb box was grouted into place to limit <br /> disturbance to the PVC well pipe (Photo 5, Appendix B) The soil boring log, monitoring <br /> well completion summary and California Department of Water Resources (DWR) well <br /> drillers log are contained in Appendix C <br /> After the new well was installed, a water level reading was measured with a clean <br /> electric contact probe The depth of the water was measured from the top edge of the <br />' permanent PVC well casing The reference point was surveyed and an elevation determined <br /> relative to previously established top of well casing elevations on site These data were <br /> utilized to prepare a groundwater elevation contour map and estimate the horizontal <br /> groundwater flow direction All investigation derived wastes (soil and water) were stored in <br /> labeled Department of Transportation (DOT)-approved 55 gallon 17-H type drums and <br /> securely staged onsite for future disposal by Greyhound <br /> Groundwater Sampling and Analysis <br /> The newly installed monitoring well and previously installed monitoring wells were <br /> sampled during the 1996 third quarter groundwater monitoring event on September 4, 1996 <br /> Each well was purged prior to sampling until three to five well volumes of water had been <br /> removed, and allowed to recover to near static levels before sampling Groundwater <br /> monitoring field notes are provided in Appendix D <br /> Water from each well was collected using a disposable PVC bailer Samples from the <br /> wells were analyzed for TPH-D by modified EPA Method 8015 and for BTEX by EPA <br /> Method 8020A A Chain-of-Custody record accompanied each sample from preparation of <br /> the sample container at the laboratory, to sample collection in the field and back to the <br /> laboratory <br /> PARESSYR01 VOLT R 1wP1727607 80969127607803 ww6 6 <br />