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Site Background Information <br /> FERNANDWS PLACE <br /> 1201 South Center Street, Stockton, California <br /> INTRODUCTION <br /> The site is located at the intersection of Jackson Street, French Camp Road, and South Center Street <br /> in Stockton, California (Figure 2), and is the location of a former gasoline service station. The site <br /> is currently occupied by several buildings, including a small-engine repair facility and a single-story, <br /> multi-family residence. <br /> GROUND WATER DEPTH AND GRADIENT <br /> Based on quarterly ground water monitoring events conducted by AGE, depth to ground water at the <br /> property is approximately 20 feet to 30 feet below surface grade (bsg). The prevailing ground water <br /> flow direction is generally northeast, although flow directions may vary locally and seasonally. Depth <br /> to first encountered ground water at the property during the last quarter was measured to be <br /> approximately 27 feet bsg. <br /> PREVIOUS SITE ASSESSMENT <br /> According to reported documents two 500 gallon and one 8,500 gallon gasoline underground storage <br /> tanks (UST 1 , UST 2, and UST 3 , respectively) were removed from the site on 26 October 1994. Ten <br /> soil samples were analyzed from the excavation soil stockpile, the UST excavations, and the product <br /> piping; each sample contained detectable concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbon contamination. <br /> The highest concentrations were located near the west end of UST 3 (Figure 2). <br /> On 28 April 1998, soil boring PBI (or BP) was advanced near UST 1 and UST 2 to a depth of 30 <br /> feet below surface grade (bsg) for the collection of soil samples. Analyzed samples contained <br /> concentrations of total petroleum quantified as gasoline (TPH-g) as high as 14, 100 milligrams per <br /> kilogram (mg/kg). Additionally, samples were collected from the soil boring for ground water <br /> monitoring well MW- 1, installed on 28 April 1998 . Analyzed samples from MW-1 contained high <br /> concentrations of TPH-g and benzene, toluene, ethylbeneze, and total xylenes (BTEX) to a depth of <br /> approximately 50 feet bsg. <br /> Four additional ground water monitoring wells were installed between 08 and 12 March 1999. <br /> Analyzed soil samples collected from monitoring well soil borings contained detectable <br /> concentrations of TPH-g to depths as great as 105 feet bsg, and BTEX compounds to depths as great <br /> as 120 feet bsg. <br /> Between 14 and 21 August 2001 , the site assessment scope advanced six Cone Penetrometer Testing <br /> (CPT) borings on- and off-site to depths between 122 and 175 feet bsg. Based on data collected from <br /> Advanced GeoEnvironmental, Inc. <br />