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r - t <br /> t <br /> I r <br /> 30 November 2005 , <br /> AGE-NC=Project No 00-0769 <br /> Page 7 of 8 <br /> I r <br /> I <br />' feet in the water table wells to 15 55 feet below MSL in wells 200 feet bsg, representing a <br /> vertical gradient below the site <br /> • The HU-1 potentiometric surface slopes uniformly to the east, ground water is inferred to - <br />' flow along this plane in an easterly direction at a hydraulic gradient between 0 002 ft./ft and <br /> 0 003 ft/ft Ground water in HU-2 generally flows to the west, south, and east, away from a „ <br /> north-south trending ridge in the potentiometric surface Hydraulic gradients in HU-1 range <br /> from 0 002 to 0 003 ft/ft Ground water in HU-3 flows generally towards the southwest and <br /> southeast at a gradient of approximately 0 009 ft/ft Ground water in HU-4 generally flows <br /> to the northwest and northeast, away from a northwest-plunging ridge in the potentiometric <br />' surface, at gradients between 0 008 ft/ft and 0 009 ft/ft <br /> • _ The most highly impacted ground water appears' to be located near the former USTs <br />' Laterally, analytes of concern were,detected at or above laboratory reporting limits in all <br /> wells except multi-level wells MW-8 and MW-9, vertically,hydrocarbon-impacted ground <br /> water was detected in each of the screened intervals of multi-level wells MW-4 through <br />' MW-7 except interval MW-6A (20'-40') <br /> • The lateral and vertical extents of petroleum hydrocarbon-impacted ground water have not <br /> • been defined The vertical extent of the fuel additive 1,2-DCA is not defined, however, the <br /> lateral extent of 1,2-DCA appears to be fairly well-defined except to the southeast <br />' BTEX compounds and 1,2-DCA are present in on-site monitoring wells at concentrations <br /> that exceed the DHS's Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) for these contaminants in <br /> drinking water E <br /> 5.0. RECOMMENDATIONS <br /> Based on this and previous site investigations, AGE recommends <br /> I I <br /> Continued quarterly monitoring of the well network The third quarterly monitoring event <br /> took place on 08 ands09 September 2005 _ <br /> Conduct additional contaminant assessment east of the current monitoring well network, <br /> utilizing grab ground water sampling for accurate placement of future monitoring wells <br /> • In the context of the exceptionally high concentrations of dissolved hydrocarbons with a very y <br /> i stable average concentration,that may represent hydrocarbon concentrations above dissolved <br /> solubility levels for the typical compounds, the secondary source of hydrocarbons (soil and , a <br /> v shallow ground water)should immediately be treated on-site to prevent the continual vertical <br /> and lateral migration of dissolved hydrocarbons off the site towards wells MW-6 and MW-7 <br /> Advanced GeoEnvironmental,Inc <br /> r r I <br /> I <br /> L <br />