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i <br /> C A M B R I A <br /> ANALYTICAL RESULTS <br /> Tank excavation, dispenser island, product piping, and vent line soil sample analytical results <br /> are summarized in Table 1 and presented on Figure 2. The certified analytical reports are <br /> presented in Appendix A. A summary of these data is presented below. <br /> UST Area: Initially, nine samples were collected at depths ranging from 14 to 17 fbg in the <br /> tank excavation. Four of these samples (T6-N-14', T6-S-17', T7-N-17', and T7-S-17') <br /> contained elevated petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations. These areas were over-excavated <br /> ® and resampled at 19 to 25 fbg. No TPHd, benzene, o MTBE were detected in any of these <br /> .5ppm <br /> .Discolored <br /> TPHg was only detected in sample T7-N-24 ' at a concentration of 15.4 pp . <br /> Discolored soil was observed at the bottom of the southeastern portion of the tank <br /> excavation near tank sample T6-S. This area was over-excavated to an approximate depth <br /> of 25 fbg and one soil sample (T6/7-S-20') was collected from the edge of the over- <br /> excavation between the diesel UST and the easternmost gasoline UST. This sample <br /> contained 4.92 ppm TPHg and 52.9 ppm TPHd. Ben' ene and MTBE were not detected. <br /> Former Dispenser Area: Initially, four samples wericollected at depths ranging from 3 to <br /> 4 fbg beneath the former dispensers. These samples (DNE-3.5', DSE-4', DNW-3', and <br /> DSW-3') contained TPHg concentrations ranging from <1.00 to 35.7 ppm, TPHd <br /> concentrations ranging from 8.65 to 3,850 ppm, and MTBE concentrations ranging from <br /> <0.100 to 1.26 ppm. Benzene was not detected in any of the samples. Areas beneath three <br /> of the dispensers were over-excavated to approximate depths ranging from 7 to 8.5 fbg. <br /> These deeper samples did not contain detectable concentrations of TPHg, TPHd, or benzene. <br /> MTBE was only detected in sample DNW-8.5' at a concentration of 0.0158 ppm. <br /> Lateral over-excavation was performed near the southwestern dispenser island. One soil <br /> sample (DSW 1-3') was collected at the edge of thefiver-excavation. It contained 23.7 ppm <br /> TPHd. TPHg, benzene, and MTBE were not detectelld. <br /> Product Piping: Initially, three samples (PLE1-5', PLE2-4', and PLWI-3.5') were collected <br /> below the former product piping alignment. These samples contained TPHd at <br /> concentrations ranging from <1.00 to 23.3 ppm and benzene concentrations ranging from <br /> <0.00500 to 0.0164 ppm. TPHg and MTBE were not detected in the samples. One of these <br /> areas was over-excavated (PLE2-8.5') and no TPHg, TPHd, benzene, or MTBE were <br /> detected at that depth. <br /> 241-1399 5 <br />