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f <br /> aZ `1 <br /> CAMBRIA <br /> August 28, 1995 The system was shut down on March 9, 1998 due to low hydrocarbon <br /> removal rates <br /> SYSTEM DESIGN <br /> Vapor Extraction Wells As previously discussed, GTI supervised the drilling of four 12-inch <br /> diameter soil borings to a depth of forty feet Two vapor extraction wells were nested in <br /> each boring The screened intervals were positioned at approximate depths of 15 to 25 feet <br /> below ground surface (bgs) for wells VEW-IA, VEW-2A, VEW-3A, and VEW-4A, and 30 to <br /> 40 feet bgs for wells VEW-113, VEW-213, VEW-313, and VEW-413 GTI used this well design <br /> AFAIhm <br /> based on site stratigraphy and to provide vapor extraction from these specific depths GTI <br /> selected boring locations in the northeastern part of the site based on the defined area of <br /> petroleum hydrocarbon impact and an assumed minimum 20-foot radius of vacuum influence <br /> Boring logs are provided in Appendix A <br /> SVE Equipment SEACOR specified equipment based on GTIs Soil Vapor Extraction Pilot <br /> Test The pilot test was conducted to determine the radius of influence from the vapor <br /> extraction wells, and the concentration of hydrocarbons in the extracted soil vapor GTI <br /> reported an average radius of influence of approximately 40 feet, and concluded that a 20 <br /> cubic feet per minute (cfm) flow rate will produce approximately a 25-foot radius of <br /> influence The average concentrations of vapors extracted from all the wells was <br /> approximately 11,500 micrograms per liter (gg/L) TPHg and 200 gg/L benzene <br /> Using the pilot test results as design parameters, SEACOR specified an AKI Systems Inc <br /> thermal oxidizer (thermox) with a 600 cfm Lampken extraction blower Additionally, the <br /> thermox was equipped with a 200 cfm blower to supplement oxygen for proper combustion <br /> The total capacity of the system was 800 cfm The thermox was specified to operate at a <br /> temperature of approximately 1,400 degrees Fahrenheit, and was equipped with automatic <br /> controls to insure operation within the permitted parameters <br /> The extracted soil vapor was conveyed underground through two-inch diameter Schedule 40 <br /> polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe The individual extraction lines were manifolded in the <br /> treatment compound Prior to the manifold, gate valves and sample ports allow independent <br /> regulation of the air flow and independent sampling of the vapor streams from each well <br /> Access holes with threaded plugs on each soil vapor line provide locations for independent <br /> measurement of flow rate with appropriate instrumentation The SVE system design <br /> drawings are provided in Appendix B <br /> 2 <br />