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k% <br />,.1 <br />CAMBRIA <br />Quarterly Sampling <br />Groundwater samples were analyzed for total purgeable petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline <br />(TPHg) by EPA Method 8015 (Modified) and benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes <br />(BTEX), and methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) by EPA Method 8020 <br />Field monitoring data and chemical analytical data are presented in a summary table in <br />Blaine's groundwater monitoring report (Appendix A) <br />Conclusions and Recommendations <br />h <br />Groundwater samples collected from the monitoring wells this quarter contained petroleum <br />hydrocarbon concentrations similar to previous quarters' concentrations Groundwater flow <br />direction and gradient was found to be consistent with the previous monitoring event's <br />findings <br />Cambria reviewed the sampling history of well MW -16 and had Blaine examine the well <br />during this sampling event to determine why this well is repeatedly not sampled Field data <br />sheets indicate this well is obstructed with glass and debris at approximately 12 5 feet below <br />grade and this was confirmed by Blaine during this sampling event This appears to be the <br />primary reason the well does not get sampled Inaccessibility is the second reason the well <br />has not been sampled The well is located on the adjacent property, south of the former <br />Texaco site A fence was erected around this property and the samplers were unable to gain <br />access to the site during some of the sampling events <br />Groundwater monitoring and sampling will continue on a quarterly basis for this site <br />Closing <br />Cambria submitted a work plan for further investigation to SJCPHS on August 26, 1999 We <br />are prepared to implement the work plan once we have received written approval from <br />SJCPHS <br />241-1399 2 <br />