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CAMBRIA <br /> FIRST QUARTER 2004 ACTIVITIES <br /> Cambria received the January 7, 2004 letter from the San Joaquin County Environmental Health <br /> Department (SJCEHD) responding to our proposed changes to the sampling program The <br /> SJCEHD approved discontinuing analyses for di isopropyl ether(DIPE), ethyl tertiary butyl ether <br /> (ETBE), and ternary amyl methyl ether (TAME) Cambria will continue to analyze for lead <br /> scavengers dichloroethane (1,2-DCA) and ethylene dibronude (EDB) until a historical trend of <br /> non-detects can be established for these constituents <br /> Blaine will gauge and sample the site wells per the modified sampling schedule and tabulate the <br /> data Cambria will prepare a groundwater monitoring report <br /> CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS <br /> The analytical results of groundwater samples collected this quarter were generally within the <br /> historical norm for this site The groundwater flow direction in the shallow zone is generally to <br /> the east at a gradient of 0 005 <br /> Groundwater flow direction in the deeper zones during the fourth quarter 2003 was to the <br /> southeast at a gradient of 0 006 Based on four quarters worth of groundwater monitoring data, it <br /> appears that the groundwater flow direction in the 80 and 120 foot zones flows primarily to the <br /> south or southeast The vertical gradient was downward this quarter, between the three <br /> monitored water-bearing zones <br /> 1399 2 <br />