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z ' <br /> i <br /> • personnel and subcontractors performing work on-site. A copy of the SHSP will be present <br /> on-site at all tames and kept in an easily accessed location <br /> 3.2 Soil Vapor Extraction and Emission Control System Design <br /> Soil vapor extraction system design parameters are based on data obtained during a VET <br /> performed by GTI (GTI, 1992) The pilot test was conducted to evaluate the radius of <br /> influence wells and the concentration of hydrocarbons in the soil vapor extracted from the <br /> wells. The VET showed that a radius of influence of approximately 25 feet at a flow rate <br /> of approximately 20 cfm could be expected from vapor extraction wells at the site In <br /> addition, the pilot study indicated that the average initial hydrocarbon concentration <br /> expected from the vapor extraction wells would be approximately 12,000 mg/m3. <br /> 3.2.1 Soil Vapor Extraction System Desi <br /> Soil vapor will be extracted from two zones at the site. The first zone comprises <br /> unsaturated soil extending from approximately 15 to 25 feet bsg; vapor extraction wells <br /> VEW-1A and VEW-2A are screened through this interval. The second zone also comprises <br /> unsaturated soil extending from approximately 25 to 40 feet bsg; vapor extraction wells <br />. VEW-1B and VEW-213 are screened from 30 to 40 feet bsg (GTI, 1992). The radius of <br /> influence of vapor wells VEW-1A through VEW-4B encompasses the majority of this zone <br /> as presently defined (see Figure 4). The proposed soil vapor extraction system will utilize <br /> I a thermal oxidizer (thermox) manufacturing by AKI Systems, Inc. in Tomball, Texas with V-11, <br /> *� a blower to extract and abate hydrocarbon-bearing vapor from the vapor extraction wells <br /> 3 2.2 Emission Control System <br /> Based on the analytical results from the VET, a thermox is an appropriate abatement unit. <br /> The rated destruction efficiency for the thermox is 98% at higher concentrations and 92% <br /> at lower concentrations. The overall average destruction efficiency is expected to be <br /> approximately 95% <br /> The thermox is capable of effectively treating up to 600 cfm of soil vapor from the <br /> extraction wells. The thermox is equipped with an additional 200 cfm blower which is used <br /> for suppling oxygen for proper combustion. The total capacity of the thermox is 800 cfm. <br /> The supplemental fuel needed for the combustion process is natural gas The thermox is <br /> capable of automatically controlling the quantity of supplemental fuel (natural gas) supplied <br /> to the combustion chamber. The natural gas will be piped from the nearest main directly <br /> to the thermox. The thermox operates at a temperature of approximately 1400 degrees <br /> Fahrenheit. Automatic controls will shut the unit down should these operating parameters <br /> not be met. Influent and effluent hydrocarbon vapor samples, process temperature, and <br /> effluent temperature will all be measured as required for permit compliance and to ensure <br /> reliable operation of the system. <br /> Operation of the extraction system will further decrease emissions from the site over time <br /> As the hydrocarbon concentration of the process stream decreases over time, alternative <br /> TEXSTOCK SRW SEACOR <br /> N0001-006-01 4 <br />