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0 <br />Phase II Site Assessment Work Plan <br />CUEVAS PROPERTIES <br />1400-1410 South California Street and 504-518 East Charter Way, Stockton, California <br />At the request of Mayra Cuevas, Advanced GeoEnviron mental, Inc. (AGE) has <br />prepared this Phase 11 Site Assessment Work Plan for the property located at 1400- <br />1410 South California Street and 504-518 East Charter Way, Stockton, California. A <br />map showing the location of the site has been included as Figure 1. A plot plan of the <br />site showing building locations, site features and the proposed boring locations is <br />included as Figure 2. <br />This work plan is prepared as required by the San Joaquin County Environmental <br />Health Department (SJCEHD) for procurement of a Drilling Permit. A Well and Boring <br />Permit Application, Master File Record (MFR) and associated fees are attached. <br />Additional the scope was developed at the request of Mr. John Yokum. Upon SJCEHD <br />approval of the permit package, AGE will schedule field work. AGE will provide SJCEHD <br />with a minimum of 72 -hours prior notice for a grout inspection. <br />INTRODUCTION <br />A Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report (Report) prepared by AGE identified <br />that an unassessed historical gasoline station is located adjacent to the subject <br />property. Due to the close proximity, and up- to equi-gradient position to the property, <br />and the absence of any site assessment data, this site is of potential environmental <br />concern to the subject property. Based upon the findings in the Report and the following <br />conditions, AGE has proposed the following scope of work. <br />SCOPE OF WORK <br />AGE proposes to advance a total of three soil borings at the site. The approximate <br />locations of the borings is illustrated on Figure 2. All borings will be advanced to a <br />minimum depth of 35 feet bsg for collection of soil -vapor and grab groundwater <br />samples. A total of two soil vapor will be collected from each proposed boring at depths <br />of 5 and 10 feet bsg. Thereafter, the borings will be advanced to a minimum total depth <br />of 35 feet bsg for collection of grab groundwater samples. <br />All soil borings will be advanced with a truck mounted direct push drilling rig equipped <br />with 1.25 -inch probe rods. Once the total depth of the borings have been reached and <br />grab groundwater samples have been collected the borings will be backfilled with <br />Portland cement. The cement mixture will not exceed six gallons of water per 94 pound <br />bag of cement. The boreholes will be backfilled using tremie pipe and under the <br />direction of San Joaquin County Environmental Health Department staff. AGE will notify <br />SJCEHD a minimum of 48 -hours prior to performance of field work to arrange the <br />grouting inspection. <br />Advanced GeoEnvironmental, Inc. <br />