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Cumulative Table of Well Dula and Analytical Results <br /> Yt = <br /> Vertical Measurements are In feel Analytical results are in parts per blilion b <br /> Weil Ground Depth Total <br /> DATE Head Water To Notes TPH- Benzene Toluene Ethyl- Xylene TPH- MTBE EPA 1,2-DCA Phenol Oil& Cr Pb N( Zn <br /> Eiev Elev Water Gasoline Benzene Diesel 8270 Grease <br /> MW-3 <br /> 03/23/95 948 -2376 3324 -- <br /> 05/26/95 948 -2103 3051 -- -- -- -- -- -- _ -- <br /> 44,000 2900 4600 fifi0 5100 17 <br /> 08/15/95 948 -21 13 3061 -- 31,000 2400 2900 700 3600 -- -- -- <25 -- -- -- -- -- -- <br /> 11/16/95 948 -2134 30 82 -- 28,000 1200 2700 750 3700 <br /> 02/27/96 948 -1854 2802 -- 9100 850 480 2400 570 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- <br /> 05/15/96 9 48 -1719 2667 -- 8500 990 430 190 390 -- <250 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- <br /> 08/22/96 948 -1755 2703 -- 10,000 1300 770 310 690 -- <125 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- <br /> 11/25/96 948 -1761 2709 -- 7600 670 150 160 200 -- <50 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- <br /> 05/19/97 948 -1367 2315 -- 9000 1100 320 250 450 -- <50 -- -- •- -- -- -- .. __ <br /> 08/21/97 948 -1432 2380 -- 7100 800 180 150 250 -- 180 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- <br /> 11/17/97 948 -1565 2513 -- 15,000 1400 670 370 1100 -- 140 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- <br /> 11/17/97 948 -1565 2513 EPA 8260++ -- -- -- -- -- -- <33 -- -- -- -- -- -- _. __ <br /> 02/09/98 948 -1308 2256 820 50 18 14 11 -- 26 -- -- -- -- -- --05/21/98 907 -9 63 1870 1100 33 <5 0 <5 0 19 -- <25 -• -- -- -- -- -- -- -- <br /> 05/21/98 907 -9 63 1870 EPA 8260++ -- -- -- -- -- -- <10 <br /> ++Ethanol,t-Butanol, DIPiE,TAME and ETBE by EPA 8260 were not detected,see lab report for detection limas <br /> Top of casing elevation altered due to wellhead maintenance on May 21, 1998 <br /> Blaine Tech Services,Inc 990521-L-1 2nd-0 1998 Wnitonng at Chevron 9-2033 508 W Charter Way,Stockton,CA 3 <br />