M M = M M @0 4r M
<br /> able 1
<br /> Groundwater Monitoring Data
<br /> The Transmission Shop
<br /> 515 West Charter Way, Stockton, California
<br /> Top of
<br /> Well ID Date (feet MSL) (feet bloc) (feet) (feet MSL) (feet btoc) (pg1L) (NglL) (pg1L) (pgIL) (pg1L) (pglL) (NglL) (ptg1L) (pg1L) (Ng1L)
<br /> VW-2 05117101 ---- 1951 0 ---- 1050 38,600 3,230 <100 950 4,510 <500l--- ---- ---- ----
<br /> 09117/01 ---- 2147 0 ---- 41,000 5,600 3,000 1,400 7,600 2801---- --- - ---- ----
<br /> 11115101 ---- 2107 0 ---- 42,000 3,800 2,600 1,600 7,500 <5001---- ---- ---- ---- ----
<br /> 2122/02141 875 2022 0 1147 29,000 2,800 1,400 340 5,000 <501---- ---- ---- ----
<br /> 05131/02 875 2035 0 -1160 41,000 5,300 3,100 1,200 8,600 <251---- ---- ---- ---- ----
<br /> 08l23102 875 2151 0 -1276 92,000 5,900 3,300 2,100 12,000 <251---- ---- ---- ----
<br /> 11113/02 875 2257 0 -1382 120,000 6,700 3,400 2,800 14,000 <251---- --- ---- ---- - -
<br /> VW-3 05117101 ---- 1944 0 ---- 1200 9,930 1,570 140 400 441 <2501---- ---- ---- ---- ----
<br /> 09/17/01 ---- 2143 0 - 14,000 3,400 400 640 850 <2501---- ---- ---- ---- ----
<br /> 11115101 ---- 2183 0 -- 9,600 1,200 160 360 380 1001---- --- ---- -- -
<br /> 21221021"1 864 2015 0 -1151 7,600 750 120 180 220 <2 51--- ---- ---- - ---
<br /> 05131102 864 2030 0 -1166 11,000 1,900 170 450 420 <101---- ----
<br /> 08123102 864 2178 0 -1314 9,800 1,500 110 320 230 <101---- ---- ---- ---- ----
<br /> 11113102 864 2243 0 -1379 7,800 1,400 210 310 520 <5 01---- --- ---- ---- ----
<br /> VW-4 02122102 ---- 1982 0 ---- 2000 <50 <0 5 <0 5 <0 5 <0 5 <0 5l--- ---- ---- ---- --
<br /> 05131102 --- 1991 0 <50 <0 5 <0 5 <0 5 <0 5 <0 51---- ---- ---- ---- ----
<br /> 8123102151 ---- ---- --- ----
<br /> -
<br /> --- - ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
<br /> 11113102 ---- 2214 0 ---- 75 29 23 13 67 20/---- ---- ---- ---- ----
<br /> Note
<br /> TOC=Top of casing TPHG=Total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline TPHg and BTEX analyses by EPA Method 8015M18020
<br /> DTW=Depth to water BTEX=Benzene toluene,ethylbenzene,xylenes Oxygenate analyses by EPA Method 8260
<br /> FP=Free product thickness MTBE butyl tert Methyl= I ether 1'1=MtBE by EPA Method 80201MtBE by EPA Method 8260
<br /> Y tY
<br /> GWE=Groundwater elevation DIPE=Di-isopropyl ether 121=Non typical gas pattern was present
<br /> MSL Mean sea level ETRE Ethyl tert-butyl ether
<br /> 131=Sample collected on 2125100 Depth to water measured 2122100
<br /> = =
<br /> 1¢1=Wells on site resurveyed on 315102
<br /> bloc-below top of casing TBA=Tert-butyl alcohol 151
<br /> TAME=Tert-am I methyl ether -Inaccesible,station closed/gate locked
<br /> laglL=Micrograms per liter Y
<br /> N Ilrancfpllprolectslprolectsl880103MIAlQuarterlysl4g02ltable4g02
<br /> Page 2 of 2
<br /> 1127/2003
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