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i <br /> The well will be developed by bailing at least 48 hours after the well seal is placed. The bailing <br /> will remove most of the sediment within the casing and remove bridging fines within the slots and <br /> sand pack. This will be done by surging using the well water if possible, if not then only potable <br /> water may be used . A log of the amount of introduced water will be kept and its use will be kept to <br /> a minimum . Bailing and surging will continue until the water does not contain any silt or clay. The <br /> amount of water added to the well to develop it must be removed from the well during <br /> development. All purged water will be stored in drums, the drums will be sealed and left on site <br /> until the condition of the water is assessed . <br /> Sampling Protocol : <br /> Soil samples will be obtained from the core samples taken every 5 feet during drilling. A split <br /> spoon sampler with brass sleeves will be used . The samples will remain within the brass sleeve <br /> covered with aluminum foil , and capped with the plastic caps which are supplied with the sleeves . <br /> The plastic cap will be taped to the brass sleeve using duct tape so that an air tight seal is <br /> obtained . Samples will be marked and placed in a cooler of ice until they are turned over to the <br /> laboratory, which should be within 48 hours of the drilling. A Chain of Custody will be filled out by <br /> the sampler and signed by the laboratory . <br /> I <br /> The split spoon sampler and the brass sleeves will be decontaminated before each sampling <br /> event. They will be washed with Tri-sodium phosphate detergent and water and rinsed thoroughly <br /> with clean water. <br /> Core samples can be measured with a OVA meter and the readings will be recorded on the drill <br /> log . These readings will be used to help select the cores to be sent for laboratory analyses. <br /> A minimum of one core samples will be sent for analysis . One of these samples will be from the <br /> capillary fringe. If possible, one sample will be sent which is thought to be free of contaminant and <br /> one that is thought to be contaminated . One sample will be sent for at least every 15 feet of drilled <br /> hole above the water table. If the water table is at 10 feet or less then only 2 samples will be taken <br /> and analyzed. <br /> GROUNDWATER SAMPLING <br /> The equipment used to withdraw water from the well will be a PVC bailers . At the samplers option, <br /> he may purge the well with an electric pump. All equipment including the bailers, bailing cord, <br /> water depth measuring devise and the pump and electric lines and hose must be decontaminated <br /> prior to entering any well . They will be decontaminated by washing with Tri-sodium phosphate <br /> detergent and water and thoroughly rinsing them with clean water. <br /> The well will be purged and a water sample will be taken immediately after purging . The depth to <br /> groundwater will be measured from the highest point on the top of the casing to the surface of the <br /> water table. The devise used will be an electric conductivity devise which trips a red light and a <br /> buzzer when the probe touches water. A minimum of three measurements will be made at each <br /> well , the final reading will be noted after 2 or more readings do not vary by more than 0. 01 feet. <br /> The total depth of the well will also be measured . This information along with water parameters <br /> mentioned later will be entered onto the sampling sheet. The well volume will be calculated <br /> according to the formula supplied . <br />