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Water Sampling Protocols <br /> The equipment used to withdraw water from the well will be 2 PVC <br /> bailers One bailer will be used to purge the well and the <br /> other will be used to withdraw the sample All equipment <br /> including the bailers, and bailing cord, and the water depth <br /> measuring devise must be decontaminated prior to entering any <br /> well They will be decontaminated by washing with Tri-sodium <br /> Phosphate detergent and water and thoroughly rinsing them with <br /> clean water <br /> The depth to groundwater will be measured from the highest point <br /> on the top of the casing to the surface of the water table The <br /> devise used will be an electric conductivity devise which trips <br /> a red light and a buzzer when the probe touches water A <br /> minimum of three measurements will be made at each well, the <br /> final reading will be noted after 2 or more readings do not vary <br /> by more than 0 03 feet <br /> Once the depth to water is known the tape and probe will be <br /> withdrawn from the well and thoroughly dried A small amount of <br /> water paste will be placed on the axis of the probe and the <br /> t probe will be lowered to the water table Care will be taken to <br /> not allow the probe to descend into the water below the contact <br /> point Then the probe will be withdrawn rapidly and inspected <br /> for signs of fluid above the contact point If fluid is noted <br /> the is will be smelled to verify it is fuel, then the thickness <br /> of the fuel will be noted on the measuring log <br /> Water samples will be obtained as follows - <br /> A) First one full well volume of water will be withdrawn from <br /> the well, <br /> B) The parameters of Ph, Conductivity, and Temperature will be <br /> measured; <br /> C) A 2nd and 3rd well volume of water will be withdrawn and the <br /> parameters remeasured, if the results vary by more than 10% then <br /> step C as repeated, <br /> D) The well is allowed to recover to 80% of its original volume <br /> or 2 hours have passed then a sample will be withdrawn and <br /> placed in its appropriate container <br /> Purged water will be placed in a drum sealed and left at the <br /> site until its hazardous condition is assessed <br /> Water samples will be taken from the water at or near the <br /> surface of the water table, unless otherwise indicated Water <br /> will be placed within the prescribed container for the tests <br /> required. The containers will be filled so that zero headspace <br /> is present in the sealed vial one drop of concentrated HCL will <br /> be added, then they will be placed in a cooler containing ice <br /> until delivered to the lab Samples must be analyzed within 14 <br /> days of sampling. Trip blanks will accompany all sample <br /> containers. A Chain of Custody will be filled out by the <br /> sampler, detection limits must be supplied by the laboratory. <br />