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We believe well BM-1 could be used a-s a vapor e_:trartion well. <br />' The; slots are: located in the bottom 20 feet of the well it would <br /> } �11,-,LJ.ve1Y draw vapor. from the area of the r-)lil tinct new <br />' ( clp , I 1iyl-y f,i ingr 11,,t rit i(-T 'h't I , " IYi TIZr F,r =5 lel-li ?-, 1 jr [�gi f -)r,r! <br /> BM- 5 could act as pas,�;ivp injection well; Later one or two <br /> more shallow injection well will be nEQded <br /> The estimated total amount of gasoline in the soSl is about 1780 <br />' gallons The clean up time will be controlled by the ability of <br /> the clay units to give vent their load of fuel T <br /> 1 aft.F <br /> r__ZrS,_4t malat. <br />' As explained earlier the water has moved off site but not very <br /> far and the contaminated :later could be drawn back to the site <br />' The water can be treated with an air stripper and the stripped <br /> fuel can be burned in the thermal oxidizer used to destroy the <br /> soil vapor This process should not begin until the lower <br /> vadose zone has been cleaned <br /> Ipry ] 1 Cu�t%ng <br /> The drill cuttings from Well BM-8 and the upper 30 feet of BM-4 <br /> have tested clean by the analytical labortory We request <br /> permission to dispose of the soil in these barrels as non- <br /> hazardous material <br /> Q <br /> pistribution q,, <br /> � L <br /> Copies of this report should be sent to the San Joaquin Health <br /> Department and the RWQCB Central Valley Region <br /> I <br /> I <br /> 11 <br />