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The chemical MtBE was tested for this quarter. The only well in <br /> which it was found was BM-5. Earlier this well was reported with <br />' higher detection levels due to the amount of gasoline in the <br /> water. However, this month we tested for all of the oxygenates <br /> requested by the Regional Water Board and MtBE is one of the <br />' oxygenates. The reason MtBE was found in this well was the <br /> sabotage which occurred in 1993 , when an employee poured fresh <br /> gasoline into this well . <br /> Among the other oxygenates we noted TBA (Tertiary Butyl Alcohol) <br /> in wells MW-6, 7 , 8 , and 9 . The data does not suggest any of <br /> this came from the leak source, since wells BM-4, and 5 are in <br /> the source area. Wells BM 6 and 7 are on the margins of the <br /> source area, BM-8 is downgradient of the source area and BM--9 is <br /> well upgradient on adjacent property. <br />' The oxygen levels were measured using a YSI Model 51B oxygen <br /> level meter. The meter was calibrated the day before performing <br /> the testing. The oxygen level was measured 5 feet below the <br />' surface of the water table. The oxygen levels are about the same <br /> as last quarter due to the oxygen release agent in the water. <br /> During this quarterly event we removed the old spent socks in the <br />' wells and replaced them with fresh socks. The present material <br /> should remain active until April, 1998. <br /> The nitrates were checked this quarter due to testing <br /> irregularities in the past. This quarter nitrates were tested <br /> correctly by method 535 . 3 . The results are shown in Table 3A. <br /> Nitrogen is almost non-existent at this site which indicates that <br />' anaerobic activity is taking place in the source area. <br /> VAPOR EXTRACTION <br />' The Vapor Extraction System started on July 16, 1997 . Weekly <br /> reading are taken of the system. Table 5 lists the Days of <br /> Operation, Vapor Concentration, Vacuum, Flow Rate and the Pounds <br />' of gasoline recovered and the Total Pounds to date. To October <br /> 27, 1997 we have recovered about 18 ,584 pounds. This equates to <br /> about 2323 gallons of gasoline. Figure 5 shows in graphic form <br /> the decline of incoming vapor to the extractor. It started out <br /> in July at about 8000 TPHV (Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon Vapor) <br /> and has worked down to 5000 TPHV. Although the graph appears to <br /> have high and low areas the system has been operating normally <br /> through out this quarter. The irregular amount of vapor <br /> concentration is probably due to subsurface adjusting to the <br /> applied vacuum. Last quarter we stated a radius of influence <br />' for the system. This probably has increased as the soil becomes <br /> dryer due to the extraction system. <br /> CONCLUSIONS <br /> The next quarterly monitoring will take place in January, 1998. <br /> Page 2 <br /> t <br />