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plume appears to be centered at well BM-3 as it has been in the past, since July 1998 <br />' We have had the tanks and piping of the tanks checked and there were no leaks found <br /> The fact that in well MW-3 minor amounts of TPH or BTEX chemicals were found in the <br /> water and MtBE being found in this well creates a problem The mole concentration of <br />' Benzene (I%), Toluene (111%), Ethyl benzene (2%) and mixed xylenes (11%) and MtBE <br /> (11%) in the average gasoline mixture has been calculated The solubility of Benzene (18 <br /> mg/L), Toluene (59 mg/L) Ethyl benzene (3 mg/L) Xylenes (19 mg/L) and MtBE (5200 <br />' mg/L) is known Because MtBE is very soluble and the BTEX chemicals are less soluble, <br /> we would expect the BTEX chemicals to be less concentrated than MtBE, however, they <br /> should also be present if the gasoline entered the water nearby The fact that none of the <br /> BTEX and TPH chemicals are present at levels as mentioned above indicates that the <br /> source of the MtBE is not entering the water near well BM-3, although Mr Nuel <br />' Henderson the Geologist for San Joaquin believes that MtBE can appear without <br /> gasoline, we do not believe this is true If the gasoline is captured by the vapor system <br /> the MtBE will also be captured We will be checking the tanks since there is no vapor <br />' extractor well near them <br /> The vapor extractor system is working and one of the extractor wells is located in the <br /> center of the pump islands The extractor system extracts vapor from about 40 feet in <br /> rdiameter around the well and this is in the area where the pumps are located <br /> Dissolved oxygen levels were recorded this quarter at this site The levels were <br /> measured with a calibrated YSI model 51 B meter by placing the sensor 5 feet below the <br /> surface of the water table after the bailing of the wells The measured levels are shown <br /> on Table 3A and showed in Figure 5 <br />' VAPOR EXTRACTION SYSTEM <br /> The system has been repaired and has been operating since .lune 21, 2002 A total of <br /> 44,442 59 pounds of gasoline has been removed since the beginning of this project <br /> See Table 5 <br /> Conclusions <br /> We will continue to monitor this site The next monitoring event will take place in October <br /> 2002 <br /> We will present a work plan to soil sparge around the tank area this quarter <br /> Attached is a Hazardous Waste Manifest showing the purged water has been properly <br /> disposed of <br /> • <br /> 2 <br />